“The Edge is the place where the hair on the back of your head stands up...when you’ve achieved a level of clarity unlike any other...when you know exactly what you must do..” but often don’t.⭐️What’s Your Edge? You have an …
Today's episode is deeply personal for me & was a revelation after I read an interview between Howard Stern and Hip Hop's first Billionaire Jay Z, retold in his self titled book, "Howard Stern Comes Again." Jay told Stern o…
When David Epstein worked for Sports Illustrated, students would often write him & ask him for advice if they should major in journalism or writing?...Epstein couldn’t answer that question because he majored in Geology & Ast…
When I was reading Tommy Baker's book, "The Leap of Your Life" he mentioned a book that peaked my curiosity titled, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway," by Susan Jeffers, so I started reading that one too :) In it, Jeffers writ…
I was listening to an author on a podcast the other day & he said, "No single day is heroic, the secret is showing up..." Initially I was like "YES!" I running with that thought, but the more I got to thinking, it didn't see…
In Episodes #203 & #348 we talked about the need for stress in your Life...but what about pressure? Often we think of pressure as being the same as stress-not quite, but pressure too has its benefits...if applied right. You …
During an interview, Sam Jones complemented actor Jeff Daniel's pragmatism and professionalism. Daniels said his approach came from some wise advice he received many years ago, "The Limo you're sitting in today is rented and…
In 1955 Robert Stine wanted to photograph the non-Hollywood version of Marilyn Monroe so they tamed Norma Jean's curls, put on an overcoat and no one seemed to notice as she road the NY City subway. When they returned to the…
When Joe Rogan was asked how he dealt with the shadows that still linger in his life, Rogan answered that he creates his struggle through rigorous workouts, MMA training, performing in comedy clubs, running multiple business…
There's a Latin proverb that says, "If the winds will not serve you, grab the oars." How many times has lIfe's winds blown you in a direction you don't want to go, yet you just sit there and feel helpless? Today's KITA (Kick…
Charlie Munger wrote, “The man who can play all instruments can write his own symphony, but the man who can play one instrument is limited to just playing his part.” Munger’s symphony is “investing” & his instruments are the…
It’s been 3 pecan seasons since we’ve done a Sales Lab so let’s rock one out today! REMEMBER these tips aren’t just for those in the profession...they’re for those building skills in Life. ~~Keep in mind you’re walking w 2 d…
As you’re walking into the convenience store, a guy on the outside corner of the building starts easing his way toward you and calls out, “Excuse me, but do you have any change on you?” He’s asking you because you don’t look…
When you come across a chapter titled, "Adversity," you know I'm in! When it comes from the pen of John Maxwell, I'm definitely in! The story, told in Maxwell's book, "Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn," is of a young w…
I’m reading “The Change Agent” by Damon West. It’s a true story of redemption going from QB to a drug addict, sentenced to life in prison who is a free man today. While serving a life sentence, Damon West made the decision t…
Tommy Baker gave a speech titled, “The Journey Is The Win,” in which he said that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty you’re going to one day look back on those days as hellish as they may be, you’ll miss them. You ma…
With nearly 400 episodes in the can, it’s easy to forget something that we talked about 300 episodes ago. This episode was Episode #112 & I think it’s worth replaying bc when we miss...when we fail, fall, or miss out, we nor…
In the book, “The 1% Rule” Tommy Baker writes that you should not be fooled when you see someone who is labeled as an “overnight” success bc what you don’t see are all of the rejections, disses, boos, arguments, & desperate …
Today's episode is inspired by a chapter in comedian Chris Gethard's b ook (not sure if that's a stage name or not :), "Lose Well." He writes, "When we decide we want to shift the standard of our life to include something ne…
So we know the definition of faith is “the substance of things hoped for & the evidence of things not yet seen.” In Sales..& in Life we must have faith, but sometimes when adversity leans in too much, we lose our faith & end…
On the same day the world’s financial system literally caved in, Ryan Serhant began his real estate career...great timing, huh? Ryan’s life was already on the skids, so he decided to try his hand in sales. At the end of his …
Teddy Roosevelt is one of my favorite presidents bc not only was he an underdog, but a badass overall. (He once got shot on the way to give a speech & he damn sure didn’t miss giving it!) Roosevelt grew up frail & suffered f…
“You don’t understand what I’m going through-no one does!”...I bet you’ve said that a few times in your life. You feel like you’re “the only” one to go through what you’ve gone through...& you know what? You’re right...you a…