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Aug. 26, 2020

580. Make it hard for them to say NO

Today we're back in Fredrik Eklund's book "The Sell." Being he's the most successful real estate broker in the USA, who better to listen to? But even Eklund's deals go South. When a customer has ghosted him, Eklund hunts hi…
Aug. 24, 2020

579. Accept. Agree. Admit. Deliver

Gina Trimarco is an Improv Specialist. One of the key fundamentals to Improv is accepting what the other person says-even if you don't agree. How many friendships have been lost or blocked due to one person posting something…
Aug. 17, 2020

578. "The Honey-Badger of Sales" Mike Weinberg takes over TSL.

This is an "All-Week Weinberg" edition of TSL featuring Top Sales Influencer Mike Weinberg. Even if you are not in the sales profession, you can apply his wisdom and insight into your SalesLife. Mike is a consultant, sales c…
Aug. 14, 2020

577. The under & extra to your ORDINARY

A friend of mine called me excitedly to tell me he was about to open his first business. Coming from a broken home, small town & so broke, he had to scrape quarters to buy gas, he never thought he‘d be where he was today. Th…
Aug. 13, 2020

576. You’re losing anyway, so why not 🤷‍♂️

“Omg when I get out of this slump?” says everyone. In those pressure-packed moments all you can think about is what went wrong & when will it ever be right again...right? Hall of Fame Major League Baseball player Cal Ripken,…
Aug. 12, 2020

575. Screw the certainty, take the chance.

Lately I've been on a role with Million Dollar Listing celebrity brokers so why not keep the streak going? Fredrik Eklund is the #1 real estate broker in the nation....and the star of (you guessed it) Million Dollar Listing …
Aug. 11, 2020

574. Pocket the cause. Keep the effect. | Use being pissed off to your advantage

When Tracy Tutor, author of " Fear Is Just a Four Letter Word" and Million Dollar Listing celebrity broker was going through a divorce she learned the art of compartmentalizing. Her days were spent wrestling with unreasonabl…
Aug. 10, 2020

573. Do you fear the result or the preparation?

The iron man of MLB Cal Ripken Jr. was asked recently how he dealt with fear. He said that he didn't fear the result-he didn't wish the ball wasn't hit to him or that the outcome of a game was left to his bat, he feared that…
Aug. 7, 2020

572. How to leverage a hostile situation or closed-off customer

It's human nature to want to mirror & meet your hostile situation or closed off customer with the same body language and vibes they're slapping you with, but former sports agent Molly Fletcher in her book, "A Winner's Guide …
Aug. 6, 2020

571. Get to your point. | Persevering when it seems impossible.

I'm reading Robert O'Neill's book "The Operator. Firing The Shots That Killed Osama Bin Laden." While training to become a Navy Seal, one of his instructors told O'Neill's class, "I'm never gonna ask that you do anything imp…
Aug. 5, 2020

570. No, you're not an ASKHOLE

The NUMBER 1 killer in sales is the Big Ask. You pull back because you don't want to seem pushy. You think that you're being an ASKHOLE, but it's your obligation to ask and your customer's opportunity to say YES or NO. What …
Aug. 4, 2020

569. Chip out of a divot | Purposefully put yourself in difficult situations.

When it was all on the line, people would watch in amazement when PGA legend Jack Nicklaus would hit unbelievable shots to win it all. When asked, Nicklaus said, "People don't realize the hundreds of hours I practice chippin…
Aug. 3, 2020

568.Never give your bat away. | Never let an opportunity go to waste.

11X Golden Glove Winner Keith Hernandez was taking batting practice early in his career & to his amazement, the legendary Pete Rose yelled out to Hernandez that he could be a .300 hitter. "Baseball is every day for 6 months.…
July 31, 2020

567. To script or not to script?

Many sales gurus are divided on whether a salesperson should use a script or not. One argument is, YES, salespeople should use a script to ensure that the right message is being conveyed. Others say, NO, using a script will …
July 30, 2020

566. Are you & your buyer on the same stage? 🥶 | Ryan Serhant's 7 stages of selling

In his book, "Sell It Like Serhant," celebrity Real Estate Agent Ryan Serhant walks salespeople through his 7 stages of selling. Much like the stages of grief, there too are stages of selling which includes, Frustration, Fea…
July 29, 2020

565.A Roller with No Coaster

On his podcast Selling from the Heart, Larry Levine made an off-handed comment, "As a kid I loved to ride the roller coaster, but as I got older, I stopped riding them because I didn't like the way they made me feel." You us…
July 28, 2020

564. 4 Benefits when dealing with REJECTION

"Rejection Proof. How I Beat Fear & Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection" by Jia Jiang is a book that comes off of my shelf a couple of times a year. Jia is not a salesperson, just an immigrant who came to the US …
July 27, 2020

563. Reasons why salespeople fail at business development.

Most books you have to read 3/4 of the way through before finally getting to the main point of the book, but not Mike Weinberg, he let's you have it by Chapter 2, " The not so 'sweet 16' reasons salespeople fail at business …
July 24, 2020

562. Past, Present, & Neutral

"I have a book recommendation for you," said my buddy Rich. "It Takes What It Takes. How to think neutrally & gain control of your life. " by Trevor Moawad. "Trust me, you'll love it," he promised. That I did... The book is …
July 23, 2020

561. Wide open for NO

There are 2 things in your Sales Life you may not like. To Read and to feel Rejection. Well, I have you covered on both today. "Go For NO. Yes is the destination. No is how you get there," by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz …
July 22, 2020

560. "Be creative when weak"

Today we're jumping into Chapter 38 of my friend Patrick Tinney's book, "Unlocking YES. Sales Negotiation and Strategy." When you find yourself in weak moments, whether you're running out of month, options, or just getting r…
July 21, 2020

559. Chop wood, carry water. | How to get yourself out of a slump.

Today we're riffing out of the book, " Stillness is the Key," by Ryan Holiday. In 2002, right after Shawn Green signed a $14 million Major League Baseball contract (keep in mind this was 2002), he found himself in the worst …
July 20, 2020

558. There needs to be more than one story.

Recently I was a guest on Chandler Barron's podcast Sales Paradise and before we started the interview, Barron was telling me about his experiences of buying a vehicle. Out of 100 dealerships that he's shopped with, only 2 w…
July 17, 2020

557. Think possible. Work probable.

You got your real estate license, got into sales, took the lead for management, started your blog, podcast, or your owned business because you believed in your possibilities to make more money, have freedom, or bask in the n…