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July 16, 2020

Don't take NO for a NO

Think about how powerful the word NO is in your life? How can such a simple word wreak so much havoc in your life? What other one syllable word can define your self-esteem and the level of your success? Rounding out the book…
July 15, 2020

555."Be the VoiceOver actor in your own life."

❤️ today's episode! Emmy Award winning voice over artist Tasia Valenza was recently on Jordan Paris' Podcast where she dropped a bomb 💣on me, "Be the voice over actor in your own life so you can play your personal and profes…
July 14, 2020

554. “Don’t hit the reset button.”

Today is an amazing episode from an amazeballs book, "A Mind for Sales," by Mark Hunter. Hunter puts a heavy emphasis on Mondays. Instead of using Monday as the day to set up your week, use Mondays instead to push forward." …
July 13, 2020

553. I'll guarantee you a WIN

Want a guaranteed WIN? It's impossible to be undefeated in life, but you can't be defeated when it comes to your fitness. No matter what is going on or wrong in your life, showing up to bust a sweat is a guaranteed win for y…
July 10, 2020

552. How I consume so much content for FREE pt2

In yesterday’s episode I talked about downloading the Kindle, Hoopla, OverDrive, and Libby app to get your digital best sellers. Today I’ll finish off the list with how I leverage the use of Podcasts, RBdigital, and even con…
July 9, 2020

551. 5 ways that I learn for FREE 🦸‍♂️ pt1

I can read books for free that aren’t Shakespeare & Charles Dickens? YES! Bestsellers are literally at your fingertips and if you don’t like it- no charge! 🔥I’m often asked how do I come up with new content every day. I cons…
July 8, 2020

550. Don’t be a crack hand. | You had a winning hand & got cracked.

You were supposed to land that account. The customer was supposed to buy from you. You guys were supposed to be together forever. You were supposed to get the promotion. YOU HAD THE WINNING HAND...& got cracked. In poker ter…
July 7, 2020

549. Your success is based on fiction not facts.

Is the story you’re telling yourself based on fate or destiny? Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/marshbuice/message
July 6, 2020

548. Writing, Speaking, & Selling is authentically delivered outside of your comfort zone. 💯

You say you want to keep it 💯 with others, but really you keep it 65. We both tell each other what we want to hear, but not what we need to hear. Your writing, teaching, personal convos- even the way that you sell must be de…
July 3, 2020

547. Focus more on the opportunities you took not the ones that you missed.

Think of ask if the opportunities you missed out on. The customer, account, person, or startup that, if you had to do it over again, you’d jump all over it. Missed opportunities are frozen capital. Today we’re focusing on th…
July 2, 2020

546. “Where’s my loyalty?”

Where’s your loyalty? Is it to the thing that pissed you off or the ones trying to pull you down? Or are you loyal to yourself? Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/marshbuice/message
July 1, 2020

545. Do more than what you’re paid for.

That’s the #1 piece of advice the boss gave you. But I’m not talking about the boss...I’m talking to the boss. You as it relates to your Life. Life is paying you in results and outcomes that may not be bearing much fruit, bu…
June 30, 2020

544. Produce before you consume

Social Media is good at showing you of what they are and you’re not. The blue water vacations, family get togethers (& yours is busted up), nice cars, watches, bags, & bodies. It can feel like it’s too late for you. NOT! I w…
June 29, 2020

543. You first. Commissions start with commissioning.

You want your work to be commissioned, but how can we commission you if you don’t first commission yourself through a body of work? “🔥 Those commissioning you must know they’re getting more than they paid for, not less than …
June 26, 2020

542. It’s business as “usually.”

When it comes to emotions, “Usually” is your default setting. ie “When this happens, I usually (react) & do this.” “You are where you are be of “usually.” If you want to change your results, then change how you look and hand…
June 25, 2020

541. Don’t let your "done's" be greater than your "do's"

Don’t let what you’ve done be greater than your do. Is what you’ve done all there is to do? Ring to ruin there’s always next. Text me or leave me a voice mail w/ your thoughts & questions! 337-565-0906 Put your thumbs to wor…
June 24, 2020

540. No wagon, no band.

“People can’t jump on your bandwagon if it’s parked in the garage.” Sam Horn There are so many things you want to do: mentor, help kids, raise awareness, support the elderly, teach literacy, start a cooking show, write a boo…
June 23, 2020

539. Get off your points & find your ranges.

Every day you work to get to points which is understandable because your points provide certainty, comfort, and convenience. You’ve shortened your success because you’re working in points and cease living in ranges. 💥You lea…
June 22, 2020

538. Work like a MVP, don’t act like an MVP

Author of Lost and Founder, Ram Fishkin writes about a MVP: Minimum Viable Product. Meaning an MVP for a behemoth like Nike is different than a startup like Johnny’s Hoodies. Before Nike can launch, they have to consider how…
June 21, 2020

537. 6 episodes in one! | Recapping this week’s episodes.

If you missed a few episodes of TSL this week or just want a quick refresher I got you. Today’s episode is a sampler from this past week’s topics, that way you can pick and choose which ones to go back and hit. 🛑YOU power th…
June 20, 2020

536. Get an A+ out of your F’s | Discovering the advantages when you fail.

Failing 9th grade ain’t good. Failing where you are right is great, because fail-ing is a process whereas failure is a label. & if it’s a label then everything you do supports that labor. I want you to start seeing the faili…
June 19, 2020

535. It’s not the wrong decision, it was the wrong outcome.

When it comes to “decisions, Kevin Systrom, co-founder of Instagram, doesn’t feel that they lead to “consequences” but more-so “outcomes.” I never liked the only word “consequences” as it relates to making a decision because…
June 18, 2020

534. “How fast can you come back?”

This week has been an absolute train wreck for accomplishment. My week’s wins have been fractional in comparison to my mission...but “how fast can I come back?” If you feel overwhelmed because things aren’t coming together f…
June 17, 2020

533. Price & Cost ain’t the same

Price & Cost seem synonymous but they are not the same. Price is the decision, but the costs are what fuels (or stalls) the decision. Your TSL Post Note: When the price is pretty, the costs are ugly. When you price is ugly, …