This month on Auto Dealer Live, I'm talking about an outstanding book that I read recently called "Rejection Proof (How I beat fear and became invincible through 100 days of rejection.)" written by Jia Jiang. Although there are tons of nuggets throughout the book, I specifically want to talk about…
In sales, we've always been taught to "mirror" our customers, but what do you do when your customer is rude?
Getting into my truck this weekend, my daughter reminded me that I had not taken the picture that she drew for me to work. "I want you to take this picture to work," she said, "that way, when you look at it, you'll think of me." This got me to…
Well it's over! If you had a good month, you're probably in a little bit of a funk today because you're sitting at "0," but if you had a bad month, you probably feel fresh because you get a new start. On the first day of the month, we all…
As a salesperson, when you slip into a victim mindset, your month, year, and career are doomed. Marsh Buice returns to talk about an upcoming editorial titled, "10 reasons why you're a victim in the car business."
Getting a customer to get out and drive your vehicle in bad weather can be very challenging. While most salespeople are inside reading the newspaper, here's how you can be outside using poor weather to your advantage.
It was a German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche who said, "Many are stubborn in the pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in the pursuit of a goal." The reason why you on accomplishing your goals is because you're in flexible in your path, yet flexible when your goals. If…
I just finished a book written by the President of both Pixar and Disney Animation, Ed Catmull called Creativity, Inc. At the end of the book, Catmull talks about his relationship and conversations he had with Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs. In those conversations Jobs often said, "As brilliant as Apple's…
After going to my daughter's 1rst grade Christmas play, I realized that like my daughter, your salespeople are looking for a familiar face. Here's what I mean...
How you start each day determines how you will finish each month. Develop a 'Fast First' mindset.
When it comes to a Demo, Write-up, or asking for the sale, most salespeople take the path of least resistance by asking one time for a demo, to come inside, or for the business. When a customer tells you NO, take the path of most resistance by taking a "Just…
Nobody books a room at a "base" resort. Who enjoys fine dining while feasting on basic, bland foods? The answer: No one! Buying a vehicle is the 2nd largest decision your customer will make; as a sales professional you've got to be careful not to bruise your customer's ego by…
If you're a sales manager, don't ask; if you're a sales person, don't tell. The only thing worse than a sales manager asking this question is the salesperson answering it. Here's why...
In sales, you'll get asked a question that you don't know the answer to. Not knowing the answer to a customer's question is ok. What's not ok is...
If you want to gain a competitive advantage on the blacktop, keep walking. When you can't make a sale, keep walking with your customers-your opportunity may be just one step away.
Although it's been over 2 decades since I played my last down of high school football and to this day, I still know my fight song. Our fight song was what we stood for, fought for- why we played every Friday night. Now a little older, do you have a…
Grab the wheel of your career as you would the wheel of your vehicle.
Hearing the words, "That guy's been here before," can crush the spirit of a sales consultant..or can it? Be wary of another sales consultant giving you "advise."
You can say the message, yet convey the wrong meaning using poor body language. Actions speak louder than words- bring your words to life by body-building your way to a sale. Here's how..
You wouldn't turn your children over to just anybody, would you? If you wouldn't do it to your children, don't to it to your customers. If you have to turn your customers over, make sure that other salesperson is like you. Why?...
The dealership may be closed, but your day is not quite over. If you desire to be the best in the sales profession, turn off the radio and review your day. Just like athletes seek to improve their skills by reviewing game film, your film study is mentally reviewed on…
As we approach an up, we've all had a customer tell us they were a year out from buying. Instead of addressing their objection, agree with it! As a salesperson you've got to first establish yourself-your like ability and your credibility. Try this when hit with the "Year out objection."
Every dealership has a salesperson known as the "Locate King." Regardless of a mega million dollar inventory to choose from, he always has to locate the one that's not in stock. Before you locate, wait! After addressing your customer's needs, put them on the closest match and work your magic.…
Fortunately salespeople work in an industry where they don't have to worry about performance reviews or brown nosing the boss in order to get a raise. Are you ready for a pay raise? Up yours! The #1 reason most salespeople don't perform to their ability is because they are not…