Just because you can cook, doesn't make you a world class chef and just because their business card reads, "Sales Consultant" doesn't mean they are world class either. If you want to be world-class on the blacktop, think like a chef.
The 2 things we look at in sales are Ups & Deliveries, but 1 sneaky undercurrent that may be pulling your sales success down is your Write-ups to Sales percentages. Don't be selective, write all of your customers up.
Sowing and reaping is a principle we all live by. The real question is what are you sowing? Sow only what you wish to reap.
If you want to dominate in your sales career, diversify your investment. It's been advised to never put all of your eggs in one basket, spread out the risk to minimize your loss. Diversify your customers and maximize your month.
So you jumped out with ferocity, but now your month is looking bleak, now what? Figure out how much, how many, and how to master the rest of your month.
Relationships matter-whether you are a spouse, parent, or sales consultant, you must focus on what you are giving and less of what you are getting.
Speed is everything to your sales career. Think like a sprinter and pace yourself as if you were running a marathon.
Surviving is getting from Point A to Point B. Growth is beyond the two points and into Point C. If you want to grow, you've got to be willing to stretch from your natural limitations in order to achieve unnatural outcomes. Make every day life- altering.
Your body language speaks louder than words. Use your hands during your product presentation.