Creating lasting change is winning one moment at a time. Why make a decision that puts you in the losers bracket immediately afterward. Win this one decision. After that, win the next one. See how many wins you can stack together today. Take this episode on the go by subscribing…
Two kinds of people are watching you #saleslife #podcast #consistency
Customers object for one of three reasons: 1. Never had it. The past is the only thing guaranteed. Salespeople must be good storytellers showing them how your product or service ensures certainty for an uncertain future. 2. Had it but never needed it. Nobody needs life, health, or auto insurance…
Your effort is not in vain, nor will your negligence be ignored.
Keep going #saleslife #podcast #faith #works
The days are long, but the years are short. Starting change seems eternal but in hindsight you’ll realize that in only 90 days you erased decades worth of poor choices. Don’t look at “all” just look at “next.” Lay the brick 🧱 today & tomorrow lay the next one. I’m…
Setbacks are Life’s favors in the making. #saleslife #setbacks #failure
Write it now. See it later. I can’t begin to express to you the benefits of writing. If you make this a daily habit and let your thoughts free flow on a page every day, you will begin to see “coincidences” arise throughout your day. You will discover that The…
Having 3 types of people in your life will keep you from stalemating. Those you look up to: Someone to aspire to. Those who are equal to you: They’re about where you are & you push one another. Those who are behind you: (They look up to you) pay it…
Rich people get wealthy because they work in OPPOSITES & you should too. Don’t work in the same direction as your results. If it’s bad, INCREASE your reps. Increase your intensity. Capitalize! Where everyone else is falling back, this is where opportunities are the cheapest to obtain. #saleslife #podcast #opportunity
Walk back 10 years from where you are right now. Are you mentally, physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally better than you were a decade ago? Check in and assess where you are now and heading and make the adjustments. Thank you for watching. Listen to The Sales Life on…
When it comes to momentum, it’s easier to keep it going than get it going. Consequences or benefits, EVERYTHING counts. Subscribe to The Sales Life Podcast!
No one is going to teach you how to be a manager, so you'll have to take the initiative and figure it out along the way. There are 3 things to keep in mind as you do: 1. Don't wait to be told. 2. Ask questions. 3. Don't think you…
Actions over excuses. One way to maintain your confidence is, ATF: Act. Think. FEEL. In that order. #saleslife #podcast #confidence
It doesn’t get any easier; you just get better. If you’re facing hard times, good, make it worth it. #saleslife #hardtimes #adversity
Curiosity is to be lived. Get moving & let curiosity be your guide. Life will supply whatever you need at the exact moment when you need it.
Success is heavy. Achieving success is one thing. Sustaining success is something different. Can you handle the weight and responsibility if you achieve everything you want? ____________ Connect with me daily on Instagram @marshbuice ____________ Check out the podcast of The Sales Life too! ____________ Sales is a profession.…
This is a conversation I wish someone would've had with me 23 years ago before I got into management. If you're thinking about promoting someone into management or if you're wanting to move into management, you may want to think again. __________ Connect with me daily on Instagram @marshbuice _________…
"When are things going to change for me," says everyone. The short answer is immediately. Don't be deceived by what you do or don't see. There's more going on than you realize. ___________ Connect with me on Instagram @marshbuice ___________ Sales is a profession. Selling is a life skill &…