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May 3, 2018

#179 Back in the Sales Lab

Today we’re working on our “Tries” try more, differently, & openly- hell if it doesn’t work the first 10x - tweak & try again. Today’s episode are two fundamentals “Think tight, but play loose” & “Actions speak louder than w…
May 2, 2018

#178 Never forget you’re the CEO

CEO, CFO, COO, CAO or whatever you wanna put between the C & the O ...name it, tag it, label it what you want but know this...you are the Chief of “Brand You” and you better watch your “shareholders” & put them in check. 👉👉T…
May 1, 2018

#177 “How in the hell?!”

Ever see or know of somebody who “used to be?”...in other words they used to be a manager or district manager...or used to own _____...you hear they “used to be (this)” and you just don’t see it so you turn and ask someone “…
April 30, 2018

#176 “Are you having a good day today?"

It was a long, tiresome day...on my home I had to make a quick stop to the grocery store. It was close to closing so I hurriedly paced the aisles and when it was my turn to check out the teenager snapped my mindset with just…
April 27, 2018

#175 You want fries 🍟 w those sales nuggets

Let’s get back in the mental gym w a couple of sales nuggets. The two we’ll cover this episode are 1) Taking ownership by eliminating the weak phrase “My manager says...” & why it’s death to your negotiations...& 2) Having a…
April 26, 2018

#174 The Heavy Box 📦 Mentality

Marcus Luttrell- the guy who wrote the book that went on to become a movie (has a great podcast Team Never Quit) ...he has a Heavy Box Mentality...he had to have it as a Navy SEAL & he had to have it recovering from his inju…
April 25, 2018

#173 They owe you nothing

The sacrifices you made...you worked two jobs- made a way out of no way...you scraped and scrapped to make it happen...you gave him a chance...you saw in him what he didn’t even see in himself..you taught him everything you …
April 24, 2018

#172 Why don’t you just quit!

Today’s podcast addresses a place we’ve all found ourselves in..The Dip...if you’re not already in one best believe there’s a Dip coming and regardless where you are you need to decide to stick w it or just quit. (Hat Tip to…
April 23, 2018

#171 What’s your signature?

Ok so I was at Buffalo Wild Wings (yes I cheated) ..so while I’m standing there waiting on my food, I see a glass case full of professional athletes’ autographs. Both kids & adults were staring into the case...some wish it w…
April 20, 2018

#170 “Was that ok?”

After conducting over 35,000 interviews, Oprah Winfrey said that when its over, a majority of the people interviewed asked the same question...”Was that ok?” If these big named, huge notoriety, shot-callers need validation..…
April 19, 2018

#169 2 Superpowers you need in Sales

In this week’s “I gots to have episode” here are 2 damn right Superpowers you need to add into your sales game. These two are subtle, yet powerful. Let me know your thoughts @ thesaleslife1@gmail.com ✌️ Send in a voice messa…
April 18, 2018

#168 The Ladder w no rungs

Finishing up activist & CNN personality Van Jones’ book he tells of a story when he was a child asking why didn’t his dad give the poor some money...that way they won’t be poor anymore. His dad retaliated saying that you cou…
April 17, 2018

#167 Get “L-ity”

Actor George Clooney- was once People Magazines Sexiest Man wasn’t always that way. In high school he was stricken w Bell’s Palsy which partially paralyses one side of your face. He goes on to say that as tough as it was to …
April 16, 2018

#166 Mo Sales Tips: Didn't say..Climaxes..1 Legged Spouse

Lets keep working on your sales game today. Today we're touching on asking more...why the final moments are sooo critical..& the one legged spouse. 👉👉Thank you for supporting the show by listening, sharing, & subscribing. ✌️…
April 13, 2018

#165 MENtoUr

I feel like men need to hear this..know this..be this. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/marshbuice/message
April 12, 2018

#164 Mo Sales Tips: Effort, Knives, & Edges

Continuing on working on your sales game...3 techniques to work on...#1 Average goal = Average Effort #2 Why your sales career should be like an episode on The Food Network #3 Find your edges. 👉👉thanks so much for tuning in.…
April 11, 2018

#163 “I’m not the worst of what I’ve done”

Recently I came across a new series on Netflix called “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction” hosted by David Letterman....& it features high profile guest- (hence the title)- now the audience had no clue who they’re about to …
April 9, 2018

#162 The Minimalist Leader

You see The Minimalist Movement all around- from tiny houses to living out of just one back...doing more-being free with less & while that may all fine & good in living it’s not F&G as a Leader. When Dr Jill Bolte Taylor was…
April 7, 2018

#161 I assume you already know

There’s a quote that I like from Brene Brown that says, “If you go through life needing confirmation that you DON’T belong, you’ll always find it...instead assume that you do belong & act accordingly.” Today’s podcast is a s…
April 5, 2018

#160 Sales Tips: Losses, #s, & Kinfolk

Let’s hit a few sales tips today. Tip 1: you set a new goal & you’re already behind...”spread the loss” Tip 2: Success is all arithmetic. Tip 3: Your customers aren’t related. Stop taking your frustrations from previous cust…
April 5, 2018

#159 It’s not a problem...it’s a process

Sometimes we look at events in Life as a problem to be solved when instead we should look at it as a process to be learned. If you don’t know by now we don’t have all of the answers to events that occur in our lives..some th…
April 3, 2018

#158 Patience & Persistence: 2 Key Ingredients in Sales

To make things happen, both Patience & Persistence are needed in your career. Today we’re talking about working the delicate balance of 2 key ingredients needed to bring your “A” Game in sales. 👉👉Thanks so much for listening…
April 2, 2018

#157 I’m not a bargain

In speaking to a wealthy investor, he told me something that really resonated w me. He said, “Marsh, everybody’s looking for a bargain, but what I’m searching for is the best value.” This statement landed w me bc I’m not a b…
March 30, 2018

#156 You lookin’ for a reason or an excuse?

We’re quick to ask the “who dunnits” how they did it? We’re quick to ask the path, hacks, secrets, & mindsets...but why are we asking the question? Are we asking the question to reeeeally know the answer, or are we asking to…