Today we’re working on our “Tries” try more, differently, & openly- hell if it doesn’t work the first 10x - tweak & try again. Today’s episode are two fundamentals “Think tight, but play loose” & “Actions speak louder than w…
CEO, CFO, COO, CAO or whatever you wanna put between the C & the O it, tag it, label it what you want but know are the Chief of “Brand You” and you better watch your “shareholders” & put them in check. 👉👉T…
Ever see or know of somebody who “used to be?” other words they used to be a manager or district manager...or used to own hear they “used to be (this)” and you just don’t see it so you turn and ask someone “…
It was a long, tiresome day...on my home I had to make a quick stop to the grocery store. It was close to closing so I hurriedly paced the aisles and when it was my turn to check out the teenager snapped my mindset with just…
Let’s get back in the mental gym w a couple of sales nuggets. The two we’ll cover this episode are 1) Taking ownership by eliminating the weak phrase “My manager says...” & why it’s death to your negotiations...& 2) Having a…
Marcus Luttrell- the guy who wrote the book that went on to become a movie (has a great podcast Team Never Quit) ...he has a Heavy Box Mentality...he had to have it as a Navy SEAL & he had to have it recovering from his inju…
The sacrifices you worked two jobs- made a way out of no scraped and scrapped to make it gave him a saw in him what he didn’t even see in taught him everything you …
Today’s podcast addresses a place we’ve all found ourselves in..The Dip...if you’re not already in one best believe there’s a Dip coming and regardless where you are you need to decide to stick w it or just quit. (Hat Tip to…
Ok so I was at Buffalo Wild Wings (yes I cheated) while I’m standing there waiting on my food, I see a glass case full of professional athletes’ autographs. Both kids & adults were staring into the case...some wish it w…
After conducting over 35,000 interviews, Oprah Winfrey said that when its over, a majority of the people interviewed asked the same question...”Was that ok?” If these big named, huge notoriety, shot-callers need validation..…
In this week’s “I gots to have episode” here are 2 damn right Superpowers you need to add into your sales game. These two are subtle, yet powerful. Let me know your thoughts @ ✌️ Send in a voice messa…
Finishing up activist & CNN personality Van Jones’ book he tells of a story when he was a child asking why didn’t his dad give the poor some money...that way they won’t be poor anymore. His dad retaliated saying that you cou…
Actor George Clooney- was once People Magazines Sexiest Man wasn’t always that way. In high school he was stricken w Bell’s Palsy which partially paralyses one side of your face. He goes on to say that as tough as it was to …
Lets keep working on your sales game today. Today we're touching on asking more...why the final moments are sooo critical..& the one legged spouse. 👉👉Thank you for supporting the show by listening, sharing, & subscribing. ✌️…
Continuing on working on your sales game...3 techniques to work on...#1 Average goal = Average Effort #2 Why your sales career should be like an episode on The Food Network #3 Find your edges. 👉👉thanks so much for tuning in.…
Recently I came across a new series on Netflix called “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction” hosted by David Letterman....& it features high profile guest- (hence the title)- now the audience had no clue who they’re about to …
You see The Minimalist Movement all around- from tiny houses to living out of just one back...doing more-being free with less & while that may all fine & good in living it’s not F&G as a Leader. When Dr Jill Bolte Taylor was…
There’s a quote that I like from Brene Brown that says, “If you go through life needing confirmation that you DON’T belong, you’ll always find it...instead assume that you do belong & act accordingly.” Today’s podcast is a s…
Let’s hit a few sales tips today. Tip 1: you set a new goal & you’re already behind...”spread the loss” Tip 2: Success is all arithmetic. Tip 3: Your customers aren’t related. Stop taking your frustrations from previous cust…
Sometimes we look at events in Life as a problem to be solved when instead we should look at it as a process to be learned. If you don’t know by now we don’t have all of the answers to events that occur in our lives..some th…
To make things happen, both Patience & Persistence are needed in your career. Today we’re talking about working the delicate balance of 2 key ingredients needed to bring your “A” Game in sales. 👉👉Thanks so much for listening…
In speaking to a wealthy investor, he told me something that really resonated w me. He said, “Marsh, everybody’s looking for a bargain, but what I’m searching for is the best value.” This statement landed w me bc I’m not a b…
We’re quick to ask the “who dunnits” how they did it? We’re quick to ask the path, hacks, secrets, & mindsets...but why are we asking the question? Are we asking the question to reeeeally know the answer, or are we asking to…