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Sept. 19, 2021

#661. 7 Ways To Raise Your Personal Stock. | The Sales Life with Marsh Buice

Where were you in 2009? At the height of the financial crises, a company's stock price valued at $60/share sunk to less than $1. In a panic, many people liquidated their stocks and PERMANENTLY locked in their losses. If they'd stayed in, they would've seen exponential gains when the market…

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Sept. 12, 2021

Don't FREAK OUT! 3 Legs To Your Success. | The Sales Life w/ Marsh Buice

There is not a soul on this earth that hasn't freaked out or panicked. Many of those moments we are not proud of. How you handle yourself next time is dependent on what you learned from the situations before. Think of success as a 3-legged stool with each leg weighted…

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Sept. 5, 2021

7 Ways I've Profited From My Creatives. | The Sales Life with Marsh Buice

There are some things in your life that you cannot put a dollar value on it. The Sales Life Podcast is that for me. Even though I've invested thousands of hours into creating nearly 700 episodes, monetarily, I've got little to show for it. But I have profited in so…

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Aug. 31, 2021

START NOW | You have everything you need to get started. | The Sales Life with Marsh Buice

Guitar gurus say, "Tone is in your fingers." I could buy the guitar and equipment that Eddie Van Halen had, but I'm still going to sound like me. On the flip side, Eddie Van Halen can buy a guitar at a garage sale and still sound like Eddie Van Halen.…

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Aug. 24, 2021

This Video Will CHANGE Your LIFE! | The Sales Life

Don't let your "effect" get in the way of your "affect." What is the difference between the two words? Affect is the action. Effect the result. Oftentimes you let the results of setbacks, regrets, and unfairness get in the way of the action that you can take that will change…

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Aug. 19, 2021

HOW To be DECISIVE and Take MASSIVE ACTION Today! | The Sales Life with Marsh Buice

Early in my management career, I was told, "You can't teach decision making." That never sat well with me because babies aren't born good decision-makers, but as we grew older, we stopped making decisions because we quickly realized there were consequences. To avoid being grounded, whipped, or have our cell…

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Aug. 18, 2021

Do You CARE Enough To Prepare for SUCCESS? | The Sales Life

The more you care, the more you prepare. Most people want success, but they don't show any care for it. If they truly cared for success, they'd prepare for t. When you care for something, you pay close attention to it, and because it is so important to you, you…

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Aug. 17, 2021

How to LIVE a life WITHOUT REGRETS | The Sales Life with Marsh Buice

You may be off-track, but you're on the right path. There are so many similarities between a lion and life. In his book, "The Lion Tracker's Guide To Life," Boyd Varty writes that a lion tracker will lose track of the lion 100% of the time! When she loses the…

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Aug. 16, 2021

How To Get UNSTUCK In Life | The Sales Life Podcast

Isn't there more to your life than doing only what you're "supposed to do?" You're supposed to get to work on time, pay bills, and be a full-time mom, but is that all? What if my life goes off the rails? Am I "supposed to" get it back on track?…

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Aug. 16, 2021

How To Be Incredibly Consistent | The Sales Life Podcast

Do you want more consistent results? Are you tired of starting over or just getting by? Approach your day the same way. Good or bad, we hold results too long. If it is good, we lose our sense of urgency. If it is bad, we lose our confidence. If you…

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Aug. 14, 2021

Sales is not just a profession, it is a life skill. | The Sales Life Promo

A common trait that all world-class entrepreneurs and athletes have is that despite the adversity, setbacks, and unyielding rejection, they NEVER SETTLED and kept selling. Selling effectively requires 10 core skills (10 C's): Communication, connection, creativity, curiosity, consistency, continuous learning, handling criticism, coaching, courage, and productive confrontation. Now I will…

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Aug. 14, 2021

Take The Risk or Lose The Chance!

How many chances have you taken and it not work out? But how many chances should you have taken that could’ve changed ever for you? Today I want you to look at “taking a chance” differently. “Chance” is a risk, but it’s also a probability. A probability is a statistical…

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Aug. 8, 2021

How To Know Yourself | Best Life Advice

Celebrity Trainer Dolvett Quince's method to generate massive weight loss in those he trained on the TV show, The Biggest Loser was to give them "glimpses of potential." Coaching them to a final result seemed too hard, so instead, he broke it down to ticks. Quince took them one tick…

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Aug. 5, 2021


What does it mean to "Sell the NO?" When you have to say NO, you give supporting reasons as to why it is a NO. One of my lenders taught me this. When I have to call him on a "gray area" deal, & he declines it, he'll give me…

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Aug. 2, 2021

This is the GREATEST THING You Can Do Every Day!

If everybody has the same amount of time in a day, then haven't you achieved more? Why aren't you in better shape? Why haven't you become an expert in your field or started that business? You'd probably say, "There's just not enough time," right? You don't need more time. You…

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July 29, 2021

How To Learn Anything Faster: 3 Tips To Increasing Your Learning Speed

The longer the time from finish to your next start, the longer it'll take you to master your craft. Learn anything faster by shortening your feedback loops. Shortened feedback loops boost your experience, creativity, and ability to handle damn near anything. Learn how to: 1. Embrace the no-rest-for-the-weary feedback loops.…

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July 28, 2021

The numbers aren’t working against you.

Numbers don’t work against you. Numbers are just being numbers. The emotions that you add to those numbers is what’s working against you. Want to change the numbers? Then change the #emotions.

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July 3, 2021

Are you running your pace or someone else's race?

Whose race are you running? At one time you were the one out in front. You looked good, felt good, and your career was thriving, but today you're sluggish and stuck in your career. You didn't lose your touch, you lost your pace. Unknowingly you slipped into someone else's race…

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June 23, 2021

Do you have an ATTACK mentality?

"This too shall pass" wasn't written for you to wait...it was meant for you to relentlessly be on the attack. Do you have an attack mentality? In his book, "Relentless Solution Focus," Dr. Jason Selk writes that successful people are always on the attack. They ATTACK one thing relentlessly &…

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May 20, 2021

Your story is not over, it's a new beginning. The Sales Life w/ Nina Sossamon-Pogue

Today on The Sales Life, it is my pleasure to bring on Nina Sossamon-Pogue. Nina is a Emmy award winner. Author. Speaker. And just an overall bad-ass, resilient individual. In episode 589 back in October of 2020. I read her book, This Is Not The End, and did an episode…

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May 10, 2021

21. Of course it's hard. What took you so long to realize this was gonna be hard_

When Jesse Itzler was first starting Marquis Jet, one of his salespeople turned to him and said, "This is hard. All of my customer's are pushing back on me." Itzler looked at the young salesperson and said, "Of course it's hard. What took you so long to realize it? Your…

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May 9, 2021

635. Creating “calculated confidence” by kicking the ball the same.

As a young man at football camp, a kicking coach gave Josh Altman some sage advice. No matter what’s on the line or the pressure you may feel, “always kick the ball the same.” Not only did Altman carry that forward as an athlete, he carried it forward in his…

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May 6, 2021

Find your "do-wells" in a world of "do-wrongs."

It only takes you a split second to talk all about the "do-wrongs" in your Sales Life, but do you recognize your "Do-wells?" Dr. Jason Selk author of the book "Relentless Solution Focus" (RSF) writes that a part of mental toughness is learning to force yourself to recognize your "do-wells."…

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May 5, 2021

Life won't get better until you make life better.

When did it happen? Do you remember what day it was....or what it even was? There was a time you were a boss, beast, and certified bad-ass...but today your life is just bad. It all seems wrong, doesn't it? "All" being the operative word. In his book, "Relentless Solution Focus,"…

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