Empty hands are due to a full mind. Good or bad. Right or wrong. In your control or out of your control, empty your mind out. Play empty-minded, not absent-minded. In today's episode, you'll learn the cadence that I use when I am feeling less than and overwhelmed. This clip…
Are you tired or depleted? A big difference that you’ve gotta ask yourself & only you know. Tired yet pushing develops new capacities. But when you’re depleted, the capacity is there, but the ability to fill it is not. Sometimes you need an hour or a day…other times you need…
You’ve got to start off being the only thing in order to be a sure thing. You want people to believe in you …take a chance on you…invest in you… But you’ve got to be the one to invest in yourself first. People are watching you… They want to see…
Don’t force it, yet you have nothing to lose.” That’s a powerful, contrarian statement. It takes faith & maturity to not force it & just let things take shape..because forcing it only makes things worse. Yet when you have nothing to lose, you’re empowered to persistently push past your fears…
College isn't for everyone. If you're not going for a specialized degree, you may want to think twice about spending massive $$$$ to try to figure it out. Get into sales instead. Even if you don't make a career out of it, you can transfer these 5 skills into every…
Stress is needed in your life. Without it, you'd never grow to have more, do more, & be more. You get into trouble when you layer stress on top of stress to the point where you can no longer shoulder the burdens. Today I'll show you how to put stress…
When you’re in your 20’s you can afford to say f*ck it! & try something new and totally different. But when you’re in your 30’s & 40’s you can’t afford to just throw your hands up & say “F*ck it. Life has passed me by.” Now that you’re older &…
Stress is meant for strength not for you to shrink. Much of your unproductive stress is because you’re layering situations on top of situations creating burdens that have weighed you down. You need to create space in your life by looking for the good in every situation. When I say…
You’ve been told your whole life “what to think” but rarely do you learn HOW to think. Case in point, have you ever been in an unfamiliar situation and had no idea WHAT to do? How to think takes the foundation of what to think & makes it your own.…
Is it not working? Or not working yet? I’ve quit so many times simply because it was not working… But maybe my yet hadn’t arrived…& the failures weRe connections for future wins. See, it had to get to certain points to figure something out to connect me to success later…but…
Sarah Blakely didn’t tell anyone of her billion-dollar idea for Spanx for a year. She knew if she did, others would crush her idea with their opinions. Instead, she kept it to herself and went to work - at night…unseen…offline. Think about forging your commitment for 365 days. No one…
When you find yourself in a crisis, the worst thing you can do is make no decision at all. It's detrimental to your leadership and to the future of your team. On a recent episode of The Sales Life, Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, found his leadership tested to the…
Airbnb started out in a crisis. In a recession and no money to pay rent, CEO Brian Chesky and friends came up with the best-worst idea ever: Rent a room or fully furnished home to strangers for cash. In 10 years, Airbnb had a $40 billion valuation and was set…
Brian Chesky had the worst-best idea for a business ever. Imagine that you can rent your room or a whole furnished house to strangers and make money. You know it as Airbnb today, but 10 years ago, it sounded ludicrous. Chesky and his team poured everything they had into keeping…
Resilience is not just about getting back up. It's what you do when you get back up. I just got off of a great discussion with Coach Jason Fry on Twitter spaces and he asked me what was one takeaway from the podcast we'd just listened to.
One day you're hot and the next 10 days you're NOT. Up. Down. Up. Down. If you're waiting for #motivation to kick in, then you're forever going to be overweight, underpaid, underwhelmed with your life. I've got a way for you to change your life even when you ain't feeling…
Even Michael Jordan had a coach. No matter how successful you are, you'll always need a good #coach. Coaching is not an expense, it is an investment. Here's what good coaching can do for you. _____________________________________ Thanks for watching. For more head to www.marshbuice.com. There you can check out nearly…
Even when you can't get to it all, you can get to it more than before. #Momentum is always hungry. No matter how little time you have, feed Big Mo anyway. Thanks for watching. Check out over 600 episodes of The Sales Life wherever you listen to #podcasts.
Life is full of starts and stops. One stop ain't the problem, it's the stopsssssssss that kill us. How do you get started again after you've given back all of your progress.
I get it. Reading a book makes you go back to those dreaded days in high school when you powered through a book for a test. Even when you read it, you still failed the test because you have no idea what you read. Reading will take you to places…
You wouldn't want to win all of the time. I know it sounds crazy, but think about it. If you won every time, what would you be grateful for? If you always finished first, what would challenge you to push higher? Diversity creates strength. I hope you lose today because…
Where were you back in 2009? I know where I was. That was the height of the financial crisis. I was in the 11th year of my 24 years of selling cars, and this was an unprecedented time. I would come to work, literally hold my breath to pull on…
Where were you in 2009? At the height of the financial crises, a company's stock price valued at $60/share sunk to less than $1. In a panic, many people liquidated their stocks and PERMANENTLY locked in their losses. If they'd stayed in, they would've seen exponential gains when the market…