Welcome to the "What's Your Problem?" Community!

Season 4

Aug. 4, 2022

TSL Short: Success is NOT a 1:1 ratio.

Try 30 times. Get .00005 results back. For now :) Momentum will work for or against you. Thanks for listening. New episodes are every Sunday! Selling is the #1 life skill. Learn how to apply it to every area of your life. www...
Aug. 3, 2022

TSL Short: Inconsistency is not your problem. Consistency is.

Gotta add some spice to your life. Put some inconsistency in your days. Selling is the #1 life skill to handle adversity, embrace uncertainty, and never settle again. Learn how at www.marshbuice.com
Aug. 1, 2022

TSL Short: "Even after 27 years, this defeat still hurts."

While on "The Intentional Encourager's Podcast," host Brian Sexton asked me about a defeat of mine he'd witnessed nearly 30 years ago. Thanks for listening. For more of The Sales Life go to www.marshbuice.com
July 31, 2022

709. Why is it so much easier to give advice to others & not to yourself?

You're the only one who has been with you for every breath and blinking moment. So who knows you better than you? From stars to scars, you know everything about yourself, so why not take the advice that you so brilliantly giv...
July 30, 2022

Do you have the right inner circle ⭕️ ?

Is your inner circle pulling you down or pushing you forward? Thanks for listening. New episode every Sunday! Selling is the #1 LIFE skill to embrace uncertainty, handle adversity, and never settle again. Learn how at www.mar...
July 29, 2022

Get to your dreams. Now ZERO it out.

Working hard to "get there" isn't enough. New episodes are every Sunday! Selling is the #1 life skill. Learn how at www.marshbuice.com
July 28, 2022

706. A million dollars today or a penny doubled for 30 days? | The power of momentum

Which would you take? A million dollars today or a penny doubled every day for 30 days? Most would take the million and run, but you'd leave money on the table. This is the power of momentum in your life. Every day, a penny's...
July 24, 2022

705. Anchors. Which ones to hold onto & which ones are holding onto you?

There are anchors in your life, and there are anchors in your life. Find the anchors to hold onto throughout your storms and discover the ones that keep you from realizing your full potential. Thanks for being a part of The S...
July 21, 2022

704. Don't Wait For Problems, Create Them. | Learn the art of chipping out of your divots.

Jack Nicklaus became the greatest golfer in the world because he practiced chipping out of the divots. Instead of waiting for the worst situations to arise, he created them and repeatedly practiced them so that when the probl...
July 17, 2022

703. "You don't have to BE the best to DO your best." | Evolve & never grow complacent.

What does it mean to "do your best?" The phrase reminds me of my parents offering words of encouragement when I played Peewee league ball. If we win, does it mean I "did my best?" If we lost, does it mean I didn't "do my best...
July 14, 2022

TSL Moments: "You started off on fire, but ended up in a fizzle."

Today's episode is for my "Piss & Vinegar" People & it comes from episode 619. If you're one of those, who started a new initiative on fire only to realize you couldn't keep up the pace and ended up quitting, this episode is ...
July 10, 2022

701. Get more done in less time. | 6 Ways To Embrace "Radical Incrementalism."

I recently learned of a new term called "radical incrementalism," and I love it! 1. Radical = Extreme. 2. Incrementalism = Gradual. This episode is for you if you've ever blown your whole day off or keep procrastinating about...
July 7, 2022

TSL Moments: Your Hardships Are A Privilege.

TSL Moments are my fondest memories from earlier episodes. This one was inspired when Andrew called me to tell me that he was starting his own business. We'd worked together many years ago, and he'd hit rock bottom and felt l...
July 3, 2022

699. Lead Better & Live Longer. | Three Ways To Regulate Your Emotions.

Emotional regulation is not only the key to personal and professional success, but it's also the key to living longer too. You've probably lost your cool more time than you'd like to admit and many of these moments can cause ...
June 30, 2022

698. "New game. New strategy." How to thrive in a recession.

Change is constant. Oftentimes it goes unnoticed until it's right in your face. This is one of those moments for you. The question is, will it make you or break you. Today's episode is inspired by Seth Godin when he marked th...
June 26, 2022

697. You Have Not Because You Ask Not. | How to get better at asking.

"You have not because you ask not." If you want more out of life, then you're going to ask for it. In this episode, you'll learn: 1. How to treat asking like a muscle. 2. Increase your confidence by becoming familiar with re...
June 5, 2022

696. Whatever you do, don't prove them right. | How to handle losing a sale or a promotion.

Getting passed over for a promotion or losing an account stains the soul. In these moments, you must remember not to act so negatively that it justifies their decision by saying, "That's why we didn't choose you." You may hav...
May 29, 2022

695. When Good Habits Turn Bad.

You know all about good habits, and you've felt the effects of bad habits, but rarely do you ever notice when a good habit turns bad until it's too late. That's because habits gradually build up or erode, and if left unchecke...
May 19, 2022

693. The Mission Is More Important Than The Target.

When you try to control everything, you end up hitting nothing. Some things are outside of your control. Try to steer a baseball after you throw it by leaning left and right-impossible, yet that’s what you do in your own life...
May 14, 2022

692. Get Off Zero. Why "Smart Bitches Buy Bitcoin." w/ author Branden LaNette

TSL let's gooo! Back on episode 665 I urged you to “Be an observer, not a predictor.” Change is happening so fast, it’s easier to hug up to the comfort of what you’ve always known and done than to step out into uncertainty, b...
April 30, 2022

691. Feed Big Mo! | Feed Momentum Even When You're Short On Time.

Welcome to ep 691 of The Sales Life; when it comes to momentum, “It’s easier to keep it going than get it going.” Big Mo is always hungry, and you must feed it every day-on today’s episode, I’ll show you why it’s important t...
April 24, 2022

690. Is "How You Do One Thing Is How You Do ALL Things," Accurate 🤷‍♂️

It's a pretty even divide between those who agree & disagree with the phrase, "How you do one thing is how you do all things." Is it true? Would you fold your clothes with the same intensity as giving a speech? Probably not, ...
April 17, 2022

689. The Only Way To Play Is B.C.A: Bold. Confident. & Aggressive.

If you're not in a slump right now, you're heading toward one. The slumps can jack you up. You may be 0-5 for the week, but imagine being a professional athlete and going 0 for 27 in front of the world. This episode will not ...
April 11, 2022

688. Sales Jamming with international author "Mr. Adversity," Patrick Tinney.

Today my friend and international author stopped by The Sales Life for a little sales jam. Three books in one episode. In this episode, you will learn: 3:48: Why do I call him Mr. Adversity. 9:45: Why being in an underdog pos...