Astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson stepped to the podium to give a speech and noticed the young man who was introducing him’s tie.
“Why are you wearing that tie?” he asked.
“Because I’m going to Harvard,” he answered.
“You’re not wearing the tie because you’re going to Harvard; you’re wearing the tie so that other people know you’re going to Harvard. Maybe they’ll see & treat you differently.”
“Give me your tie,” Degrasse Tyson commanded.
“Go change the world. Go make an impact- radically shift or shake something up and when you do....come see me & I’ll give your tie back.”
“Where you go to school is irrelevant, it’s what you do with your life that’s important.”
👔 The tie won’t get you “there” nor will the absence of a tie hold you back.
Your ties are permissions, titles, if/then contracts we make with ourselves- thinking once “this” happens then I can make an impact.
You don’t need a tie to make an impact or do something now. Now is your platform. Use it to get to where you want to be.
Stop waiting on someone to knight you with a “tie.” Just go do. No explaining or permission is needed.
There are customers who need your expertise. There are teams that need your leadership. There are companies that need your presence & there is a world that needs your voice.
Companies, clients, blogs, videos, microphones, classrooms, & stadiums are all waiting.
Go make an impact and when you do...
Call me. I’ll have your tie for you 😉
Stay in #thesaleslife