We often find ourselves complaining, "I don't have five hours before work, I have to get the kids up, I work two jobs, you don't understand."
We get caught up in this narrative instead of getting creative and asking, "How much time can I realistically allocate to align with my future goals?"
Life, at its core, is simple—not easy, but simple. This is something I emphasize constantly. It all boils down to a process, a series of three to five steps.
Chip and Dan Heath talked about this: creating habits that support the change you want to see in your life. Firstly, the habit must move you closer to your goal; it needs to advance the mission. Secondly, it has to be something you can easily adopt. This mindset shift from excuses to action is what can truly transform your life.
Ep. 815 “What’s Your Problem?” #Podcast