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TSL Vlog #209: Practice doesn’t make perfect

I don’t believe in the saying, “Practice makes perfect,” because the idea of perfect means finished & in the Sales Life we’re never finished.

I do believe, “Practice makes persistence & persistence produces results.”

To use the analogy of the weight room, think of practice as learning a new exercise. When you practice, you learn the form, mechanics, & overall motion... but if I never add weight, I’ll only have the form, but no results.

Think of persistence as “loading the bar.” Persistence is practice w/ an attitude...it’s adding the strain & developing the tenacity.

If you loaded the bar w/ a goal of banging out 8 reps, but are only able to knock 5 reps out, w/ persistence you keep coming back to it until you reach your goal.

Then you add more weight & incorporate more exercises to achieve a wider range of massive results.
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