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TSL #222: Be unmeasurable

You know, you can measure a man up pretty quickly if you know the point where he'll quit...

where when it gets hard, he quits & turns back.

But what about the man who just keeps showing back up? Who keeps driving? Who keeps pulling himself back up?

🔥How do you measure the “unmeasurable?”

You know, if you think about it, when someone says, “I didn't know you had it in you!” That’s because when you walked into the hard...when you walked into the heaviness...

they tried to measure you up...

They pulled out the tape and they thought to themselves, “THIS is the point where he's going to quit...give up & turn back.”

And when you kept going...

...and made something out of nothing

🔥that's the point where you became unmeasurable

Be unmeasurable every day...

Where you're willing to keep coming back,

go another round,

& lay another brick.

Where you're willing to hang in there another minute, another hour, another damn day.

To push beyond yesterday's “far.”

To stretch beyond yesterday's “hard.”

To make yesterday's “finish line” today’s starting line.

Unbothered of the obstacles...

Unmindful of how close or how far away you are from the goal...

Just unmeasurable...

~Stay in The Sales Life 💪