Evan Carmichael said, “Reading doesn't have to be your top priority, but learning should be..."
So maybe reading's not your bag, but just because you don't like to read doesn't mean that you shouldn't learn.
You've just got to find the way that works better for you.
I get it...
Reading may feel like a chore.
You may fall asleep after 5 minutes of reading or you just can't seem to stay focused.
That's cool...don't beat yourself up because you don't read or that you're slow reader.
Beat yourself up because you don't learn.
🔥Not liking to read is not a reason to not learn.
You've got to figure out other ways that you can learn.
I love to read, but after 10 years of voraciously reading I've gotten burned out-so much so that I read very little.
But it doesn't mean that I don't learn.
I learn through podcasts & I've subscribed to YouTube premium where I can listen to YouTube (w/out the screen being on.)
I think ways of learning are seasonal...
There are seasons I like to read & other seasons I prefer audiobooks, podcasts, & YouTube more.
I may stop one, but I never stop learning.
Find what works better for you to keep progressing.
Your 5th grade teacher wasn't right.
🔥Reading's not the only way to go, but learning's the place to be.
Make learning a top priority & it doesn't have to be in a book.
Have an amazing day.~Stay in The Sales Life 💪