Your struggles ain’t all for you.
Nobody likes to struggle...& life is the only one qualified to teach you struggles...But struggling is a valuable asset in your life.
It hurts to learn but the lessons end up being priceless.
Struggles are for you to Show & Share.Because I believe 1/2 of your struggles are for you & the other 1/2 for others...
1/2 of your struggles are to show you that you’re capable of handling more. This may be the hardest it’s been, but it won’t be the hardest it’ll ever be. (See your 10 yr old self)Many of your struggles leave you with no help nor options other than you have to keep fighting to figure it out.
& the other 1/2 of your struggles are for you to share...because inevitably you’ll end up crossing paths with someone, somewhere who will be struggling...How could you relate if you didn’t first struggle yourself? You know what the end of the rope feels can relate when all looks lost... you know exactly how it feels to only have enough strength for one more round...& what looked like the worst day then, turned out to be the best for you now...
You can share your struggles so they can keep fighting.When it feels you’re the only one, someone steps in- just at the right moment to say, “I struggled too...& made it...& you will too.”
But you can’t share until you first show...yourself.
Keep fighting...Stay in The Sales Life 💪
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