Results aren’t free! What price did you pay to get where you are today? You paid a MASSIVE price & because you paid the price every day along the way :
1. You now value what you earned.
2. Your confidence is through the roof!
3. You’re unstoppable. Your momentum is steamrolling through wins.
COACHES! Stop giving your services away for free, thinking they’ll fall in love and stay with you. They won't!
The pain is in the payment & when they’ve invested, now they’ve got to see it through. Otherwise, they’ll have pissed the money away. 💵
Had I paid $39.95/mo for a coaching program or got it for free, I’d still be overweight & underwhelmed. My transformation cost me thousands & was worth every penny. Every time I wanted to sleep in, all I had to do was look at my Amex to be reminded to get my a** up & GO!
You are doing your customers a favor by charging them so little to change the REST OF THEIR LIVES!
This was an IG LIVE I did today today. Full vid in my bio.
#saleslife #podcast #iglive #coaching #onlinecoaching #salesskills