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Some days are Dot Days

“I can’t believe how things are lining up for me...” you’ve probably said that once...but not today.

Things aren’t going very well for you today, huh?

It’s because you have no dots.

Things can’t connect for you if you have nothing to connect them to.

Today is a Dot Day...

& some of these days are to build the infrastructure of grit, resilience, commitment, & tenacity...so that when the results come you have the framework to sustain it.

Nothing’s for nothing...everything you do (or don’t do) counts...matters...weighs in.

Dot Days keep you in the game...

Because if you solely focus on where you’d like to be, it’ll always seem too far & you’ll quit.

Keep going....today is a Dot Day.

Those days when you don’t know how it’s all gonna turn out...if anyone notices, or you’ll get it out of the mud...

Tell yourself on those discouraging days, “Today is my Dot Day...I just gotta put my dot up...& one day, in the right way, it’ll all connect.”

Stay in The Sales Life 💪

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