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Is The Path You're On Worth It? | The Sales Life

When pursuing a goal, you are on 1 of 2 paths.

1. You love what you do.
2. It leads to what you want to do.

Rarely do you ever find #1 right off the bat (& can make a living at it), so that lands you in spot number 2, "on the path to what you want to do."

The problem is that this road is uncertain in outcomes and the time it'll take to accomplish this goal. (Which is 2x as long and expensive- MINIMUM).

Don't turn back or find something easier. Realize that you are building an infrastructure of skills, knowledge, and expertise needed to withstand the levels of success that you want to achieve. At that level, you will have to learn how to navigate through adversity and uncertainty and overcome big mistakes along the way. Not building it would be like having a 10-foot ladder with only two rungs on it. The top and the bottom rung, but nothing in between, so when you fall, you're going to break some things along the way.

It's worth it. Keep going.

Be ready for anything and achieve everything by developing a selling mindset. Sales is a profession. Selling is a life skill. Learn how to have, do, and be more by signing up for coaching at The Sales Life today. marshbuice.com