“I’m behind!”
How many times have you said those words?
Nothing productive comes from saying, “I’m behind,” bc those words put you in a panic, desperate mode...
When you feel defeated, you start acting erratic & take shortcuts...
🔥The lead is only temporary as long as you make it so.
Where’s your focus? Is it on where “they” are or where you want to be?
Here’s what’s interesting...
🔥The minute you take action you just lessened the lead.
Don’t just mimic someone’s regimen...find pockets of opportunities where you can work on your craft while others are resting.
Initially you won’t see a lead change, but if you add 2:1 effort consistently over time, the gap will end up being so large, no one will be able to catch you- even if they try, it’s too late because you’re contributing twice the effort.
Many over-correct vowing to work longer hours w/ little rest...
But they can’t sustain it & end up quitting.
🔥Work in chunks not slabs...chunks are sustainable; slabs are not.
You’re not behind, unless you make it so.
~Stay in The Sales Life 💪