My shirt is a reminder that everything I want in life is on the other side of FEAR.
Fear never goes away...I just make sure I keep it empty & not -ful
My divorce, bankruptcy, & bottom out moments were because I backed away from fear.
Fear can’t be negotiated nor reasoned with..only attacked.
Fear lures you into doing what everyone else is’s fearful to be the one to cut against the grain of the masses. To be contrarian singles you out for others to see you fail...but they’ll be the same ones to ask you for advice when you make it.
Fear is subtle...thin layers of procrastination & dread are subtly placed into your life until you’re locked up in fear.
Whatever you fear...making phone calls, sending emails, applying for a job, asking someone for their number, jogging outdoors, or even taking your shirt off by the pool...feel the fear & do it anyway.
Everything is literally on the line.
Stay in The Sales Life 💪
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