Maintain your consistency with managing your weight using a 1-3-1-2 method.
"1" Sunday: Smash mother-in-law's cooking.
"3" Monday-Wednesday: Clean foods.
"1" Thursday: Heading into the weekend go have drinks 🍻
"2" Friday & Saturday: Clean
Rinse and repeat. Use it how you want to, but putting some strategic "On/Off's" into your week will keep you more consistent and you'll be less likely to crash and burn.
This is a short from episode 695 of The Sales Life Podcast. The #1 Life skill to be ready for anything and never settle is the ability to sell AND the good news is, that you don't have to be in sales to learn how to sell. Subscribe to The Sales Life & I'll show you how I took the 20+ years by profession and apply them to my everyday life.