Make it till you make it.
This is how you gain confidence in your desired results.
Make it till you make it is a simple 3-6 step process (I call them “beats”) that you hit throughout the day.
To maintain my consistency, my “make it” mornings are:
1. Wake up at the same time every day.
2. Write one page on my legal pad. (Clarifies my thoughts & makes me more decisive)
3. Workout (I’m at the gym at the same time every day)
4. Learn (read, audiobooks, Youtube, MasterClass, Life)
5. Share (content like this in whatever form works for you. Pictures. Vids. Words). Someone needs your unique perspective.
6. Plan. I know exactly what I’m going to eat today. This simple approach helps me bring exactness to other areas too.
Keep it simple to 3-5 tasks that you hit NMW. Make it a priority & you’ll make it a successful life.
Never settle. Keep selling.
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