Think about how drained you are when you put off confronting something, whether it be a co-worker, low-performing employee, child, spouse, or even the IRS.
Close the loop! When you start confronting yourself and others, EVERYTHING will change for you.
There are three benefits to closing the loop by confronting what needs to be confronted.
Not in sales? Think again!
Selling is getting someone to accept your product, service, or idea. You are the product. You are the service & you’re selling your ideas 💡 for a bigger, better Life. That makes you a salesperson.
Learn the #1 Life skill to handle adversity, embrace uncertainty, and never settle again. Learn how to sell your way through life, no matter what.
Listen to The Sales Life Podcast today. Ranked as one of the Top 3% podcasts in the 🌎.
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