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Choose your look

Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at begin to change.”

Your success is determined by how you look at things & if you choose to look at things differently, things begin to change for you.


But sometimes it’s like we grab the wrong prescription glasses and we see the world through those lenses… but if they’re not right everything is distorted & blurry.

So when you’re struggling, you’re looking through blurry lenses, but think you’re looking in a clear direction…

Things may be uncertain… scary… & unsure-It may look like all is lost because you can’t see, yet you’re giving it clear direction.

You can’t always choose what’s happened or what’s happening around you, but you can choose how you look at them.

“What you see is what you get,“ is not only a figure of speech it’s a way of life.

So if you’re looking at everything through dead-end lenses then what you see if what you get…

but-even if they seem unfair or unjust, if you choose to look at things differently you’ll find your options… & when you have options things begin to change for you.

Stay in The Sales Life 💪