“To be or not to be...” was the question by Shakespeare.
“Should I or shouldn’t I,” is the question asked by YOU.
Whether in Sales or in Life, we all get to the crossroads of “The Big Ask,”
Asking for something and getting a No in return.
This is where your mind launches a full out war with you....& normally wins.
Your mind is trying to shield you from further rejection by telling you that you shouldn’t ask because the answer is probably a No.
Everything you want in life is on the other side of ask.
& if you don’t ask?
You eat the leftovers Life scrapes onto your plate.
If you’re tired of eating leftovers, ask...and eat big.
You can’t lose what you don’t have.
You don’t have anything right now so you might as well ask.
The answer may be yes...
& even if it’s a No...
They may say No to your initial ask, but it may open up to other options & opportunities. “No we can’t do that...but we can do this______”
But you’ve gotta ask.
The fact that you took the risk, you proved to yourself you can go further and still live to fight another day.
But you’ve gotta ask.
Your asking expands your comfort zone, level of tolerance, & increases your confidence.
But you’ve gotta ask.
“Done” is better than “should.” No more negotiating with yourself...just disengage emotionally and fling the ask out there.
What’s the worst that could happen? But what could be the best?
But you’ve gotta ask.
Stay in The Sales Life 💪