The ball is going to go wherever it wants to once you throw it, yet you lean left and right hoping you can bend it in the direction that you want it to go. (Don't laugh, you've done it.)
This is what you do when it comes to hitting a dream target in life. Set a target, but work a mission. Your mission is to focus on your form and process. Get that right and the target will take care of itself.
In ep. 693 of The Sales Life Podcast (Selling skills for the profession of life) I talk about my own struggles in weight loss. It wasn't until I "let go" of the target and set a time frame of "until" did I hit my target and nearly doubled it.
Selling is the #1 Life skill that will keep you ready for anything and never settle again in life. Learn how to develop the 5 skills within so you'll never again be without.