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Be a student of “When”

Schools teach you “how” but they don’t reach you “when.” And once you learn a “how” you go on to another “how.”

& you end up living a life of how but not fulfilling a life of “when.”

“When’s” the right time? You’re delaying because you’re waiting for the timing to be just right.

But once it “feels” right you’re too late. Because we (as humans) move in sync with the herd (aka others) when it feels right for you it feels right for 100 others too.

🚨 You have to believe it to see it, because if you wait to see it to believe it, you’re too late.

In his book “The Innovation Stack “ Jim McKelvey set out to become a “Student of When.”

In school he’d learned the technique (how) but he didn’t learn the timing (when).

Because you can’t teach “when.”

But you can learn to spot patterns of opportunities.

1. “Right feels early.” If it’s early, you’re probably right, so go. Remember once it “feels” right you’re too late.

2. The unknown is unknown & it’s going to arrive sooner than you think. You’re hesitating busting a move because you’re preparing for all of the contingency plans (when /this contracts. “When that happens then I’ll do this.) What you’re preparing for is only in the scope of what you already know & you’re venturing into the unknown so it’s impossible to know . “Right feels early.”

3. Constantly adjust the plan.

🔥4. “Horizon of Possibility.” Things are happening beyond what you can see to help your cause. (Aka faith)

This is where McKelvey’s Innovation Stack came into play. It’s easy today to see how Square helps small businesses succeed, but while the mobile phone was still innovating & while McKelvey would have to overturn deeply-held traditions of the Ivory Towers of MasterCard & Visa, McKelvey worked on a dozen other things in the meantime.

How often have you delayed while waiting for others? (Remember “Right feels early.”)

Change & Innovation are happening faster than what you can see and feel & by the time you adjust to the pace, you’re too slow.

Right feels early. There is no perfect time. If you feel the hee-be-jeebies because it feels too soon, it’s probably the right.

Leap & grow your wings.

I talk more on this on today’s episode of The Sales Life Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sales-life-with-marsh-buice/id1292788623#episodeGuid=f358e1ab-8a98-4b35-9dfb-e53ccc999a5f (or you can find it on Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Stitcher, etc)