The CEO of Dick’s Sporting Goods said, “Professionally I’ve made a lot of mistakes...but I have few regrets...
...a mistake is something you can learn from & get better...a regret is something you can’t get back.”
As you sell today & make a life for yourself, when you come to the crossroads of: a) a Regret or b) a Mistake always choose “b”
Because you can learn from a mistake.
When your mind is yanking at you to pull back saying, “No, No, No! You may lose any hope for a sale!” -not asking for something that could change everything for you like setting an appointment, asking for the number, last name, address, or for their business...
🔥I’d rather risk hearing a “No” than live with the regret of possibly hearing a “Yes.”
At the end of a bad month you don’t replay all of the replay the regrets because you know there are things you should’ve done & said...but didn’t.
Even if you say it with the wrong tone...even if it doesn’t come across polished...even if you positioned it wrong...
You can learn, live, & grow from a mistake...
Or you can die professionally with a regret.
Stay in The Sales Life 💪