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Aug. 6, 2022

TSL Short: When's The Last Time You Wrote A Letter To Yourself?

"A Message To Garcia" is memorable. A message to yourself is legendary. 

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


This is the sales life. I'm your host marsh B. And I created the sales life because I believe the number one skill that you need in your life to embrace uncertainty, handle the adversity and never settle again is the ability to sell, but you don't have to be in sales to learn how to sell. I'll take the skills that I've learned in the sales profession, and I'll show you how I've applied these to every area of my life and how you can too. Enjoy today's TSL moment and see how you can apply it to your life today. For more on the sales life. Go to marshbuice.com that's M a R S H B U I C E. Stay. Another way that I give myself advice when I was at my lowest of lows , I began writing letters to myself. And I got the idea from Eric Greiten's book, " Resilience." Great book, the book is a compilation of letters from one Navy SEAL to another, Greitens would write letters to Walker the Navy seals are an elite bunch. The rarest of rare yet Walker couldn't seem to adjust to normal everyday life. And he was slowly killing himself. Greitens wrote letters to Walker using some stoic philosophy, methods of acceptance. Reappraisal an expression in an effort to help Walker get his life back together. So in the same manner, I wrote letters to marsh as if I were the other guy. And it was through the emotional distancing. I was able to offer encouragement, words of perspective and plant seeds of a better future. If only I kept fighting, see journaling in the first person didn't work for me because I was too close to the flames and I needed someone. Who understood what I was going through, but they literally weren't in the fight with me. So I channeled that style of the book and began writing letters to myself. Thanks for being a part of the sales life for more on the sales life. Go to marshbuice.com that's M a R S H B U I C E. Be sure and subscribe to not miss any future episodes. New episode every Sunday. Remember the greatest sale that you will ever make is the sale you own you because you're more than enough. Stay amazing. Stay in the sales life.