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Aug. 18, 2022

TSL Short: If you're gonna make a comeback...

If you're gonna make a comeback, don't come back to where you were before. 

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New episode every Sunday!

For more of The Sales Life go to marshbuice.com

Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


This is the sales life. I'm your host marsh B. And I created the sales life because I believe the number one skill that you need in your life to embrace uncertainty, handle the adversity and never settle again is the ability to sell, but you don't have to be in sales to learn how to sell. I'll take the skills that I've learned in the sales profession, and I'll show you how I've applied these to every area of my life and how you can too. Enjoy today's TSL moment and see how you can apply it to your life today. For more on the sales life. Go to marshbuice.com that's M a R S H B U I C E. Stay. If you're gonna make a comeback. Don't come back to where you were before. Come back a better person. I mean, think about the traditional comeback story. You had it, you lost it, you got it back. But is that what you really wanna come back to? Do you wanna come back to toxic people that you don't even like being around, working at a job with a title that it's not all cracked up to? Are working tirelessly to pay for things that you can't afford. Maybe life just did you a favor and unburdened you of everything that's been weighing you down. You're not done. You're free. You literally have a new lease on life. No more excuses, no more lies and damn sure. No more regrets. Enjoy your new life. Thanks for being a part of the sales life for more on the sales life. Go to marshbuice.com that's M a R S H B U I C E. Be sure and subscribe to not miss any future episodes. New episode every Sunday. Remember the greatest sale that you will ever make is the sale you own you because you're more than enough. Stay amazing. Stay in the sales life.