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We never know until we live. Every time we think we “figured it out” or want to know the answers, we don’t realize that maybe we weren’t mature enough to handle that situation- that adversity allows us to become able to handle bigger issues later in life - because we already lived something similar. It all equals experience. For those of you that have always been “mature for your age”, still have a lot of living to do. Another over the top, incredibly useful podcast! Thanks, Marsh
Over the top good
It’s the adversity that makes us become stronger and get better. When things are easy, we take them for granted. When times are tough, we look to God and others (outside of ourselves), that’s when we realize that we were trying to do it - A. Alone, and B. In a mindset that needs to change. Great podcast
Blast from the past
5 years ago I met Marsh at work, one of our finance managers with really cool socks and I will say he has done nothing but benefit everything and everyone’s path that he’s crossed. The man I wanna spend the rest of my life with is B-Rabbit one of Marshes star pupils, B-Rabbits words to this day show that Marsh’s words are lasting and the effect is like when your coach cheers you on when you just messed up. Through and through Marsh is genuine and just a positive force in such a difficult world we are in. And these aren’t only my words these are the words of a crazy amount of people. Just showing some support for old co-worker’s and appreciation for being the person you are. We are cheering you on more than you can know! Myself and B-Rabbit
Really Real
Marsh keeps it real and is super good people.
Dead on
Awesome as always
Life is Sales
Marsh is a Jedi Master in life and in sales. His show blurs the line between the two.
Buice Shoots it Straight
If you don't push play and listen to this podcast, you will be missing out on one of the best for 2022. Marsh gives you practical and actionable information to keep you on track both personally and professionally. I look forward to Marsh keeping it real every week.
Long time fan, first time reviewer... :)
I first connected with Marsh more than a few years ago and was blown away by the power of his positivity and started looking forward to his posts daily. I have shared his podcast with many of my own sales team as a great source of technique, wisdom and motivation. I am always looking for great brain and should food and consider The Sales Life a daily must!
Solo Episodes Packed with Value
Marsh is able to entertain, education & equip listeners every episode. No filler. Tons of value. Marsh is a professional who leverages years of experience to help us get better.
The Sales Life Podcast = Personal Growth
I’d argue that Marsh Buice has one of the best personal development podcasts in the world. His message is authentic, relevant, & personable—probably so because Marsh walks his talk everyday, and deals with issues that affect everyone. You will not be disappointed.
Marsh always has a way of saying exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it. He also has great principals and nuggets sprinkled throughout every episode. Highly suggest!
Insightful, daring and innovative.
Marsh brings real-world skills to all of his podcast messages. Providing insightful messages that connect the sales life with your every day life. Listen today!
Thumbs up
Always applies in life. Seems like a daily fit to what is going on in life
Great show
Marsh has legit content. I like listening to him to get motivation and ideas to motivate my sales teams. Keep up the great work!
Not just sales but LIFE
Marsh’s podcast is great for any salesperson. His experience and analogies can teach just about anyone looking to improve in their vocation. His podcast also teaches life lessons that can apply to many vocations or just situations that you may be dealing with. I strongly encourage anyone to add this to their list of podcasts and give Marsh a listen!
Marsh is the one
If you need a new podcast. Some guidance or just some good ole motivation please go check out my good friend Marsh Buice hes bringing you the best advice in the buisness absolutely free of charge!
The grind details
Marsh shares the details of his grind and offers great ideas for you to seize your best.
The Sales Life with Marsh Buice
The Sales Life podcast shares priciples that help me in everyday life. I am in automobile sales, however the priciples shared apply to all professions and walks of life. I have been introduced to great authors and stories of inspiration. I will be finding and reading more about David Goggins. Thank you for taking time to record such valuable information in a podcast.
Must Hear
Full of encouragement and practical advice for life, any life, because we are all living a sales life in some way. Don’t miss it.
Unfiltered facts of life that give you a check up from the neck up!
Marsh lays it all out in bite sized and concisely thought out messages daily to get you engaged and back on track anytime you might be slipping in any area of your life or business! I can’t rate the advice and strategies high enough!
Five stars aren’t high enough of a rating when it comes to this podcast, the sales life. Listening to Marsh’s shows has made me examine and correct myself. It’s taught me to look at other people’s perspectives and not just my own. I’ve learned that I must first take care of me so that I am better equipped to take care of my children and also perform my best at work. Although I am not in sales, I take the little nuggets he throws out and I use it as it applies to my life. Love it.
Good stuff
Small snippets of useable information you can use in sales, or life in general. Marsh has given me lessons over the years that I’ll never forget!!
High-imact Positivity
Short, sweet and concentrated positivity - Marsh is doing a great podcast for sales, business and life in general. Perfect pick-me-up if you're feeling less than effective and a great way to keep the momentum going when things are clicking.