You wouldn't want to win all of the time. I know it sounds crazy, but think about it. If you won every time, what would you be grateful for? If you always finished first, what would challenge you to push higher? Diversity cr...
Where were you in 2009? At the height of the financial crises, a company's stock price valued at $60/share sunk to less than $1. In a panic, many people liquidated their stocks and PERMANENTLY locked in their losses. If they'...
There is not a soul on this earth that hasn't freaked out or panicked. Many of those moments we are not proud of. How you handle yourself next time is dependent on what you learned from the situations before. Think of success...
There are some things in your life that you cannot put a dollar value on it. The Sales Life Podcast is that for me. Even though I've invested thousands of hours into creating nearly 700 episodes, monetarily, I've got little t...
Guitar gurus say, "Tone is in your fingers." I could buy the guitar and equipment that Eddie Van Halen had, but I'm still going to sound like me. On the flip side, Eddie Van Halen can buy a guitar at a garage sale and still s...
Early in my management career, I was told, "You can't teach decision making." That never sat well with me because babies aren't born good decision-makers , but as we grew older, we stopped making decisions because we quickly ...
Isn't there more to your life than doing only what you're "supposed to do?" You're supposed to get to work on time, pay bills, and be a full-time mom, but is that all? What if my life goes off the rails? Am I "supposed to" ge...
Celebrity Trainer Dolvett Quince's method to generate massive weight loss in those he trained on the TV show, The Biggest Loser was to give them "glimpses of potential." Coaching them to a final result seemed too hard, so ins...
What if I told you that saying no to your customers would add trust, reduce your stress, increase your confidence, and help solidify future business? A large reason people don't like salespeople is that they don't follow thro...
One of the joyous/depressing moments as a creative is 1) Releasing an episode π& 2) You have 6 days to create a new one. π«But In this episode, I'll explain how shorter feedback loops are key in mastering your craft. Takeaways...
You don't have to be David Goggins-like to be disciplined. Discipline means "improvement." That's it! So no more excuses of, "I'm not disciplined enough." Here's a quick rule for you when you're struggling with a choice: "If ...
It's impossible to live a burden-free life, but it is possible to have fewer burdened moments. Think about how many burdens we impose in our own lives by pre-judging how moments are going to negatively turn out? Instead of wa...
You probably don't have to think back very long or hard of a time when you were supposed to get off early, yet stayed until close, only to NOT make a sale :( Or the times when you came in on your day off only to get a text ho...
My daughter's drawings suck! Her words, not mine. Like any proud dad, I hang her drawings up in my office. When I came home from work the other night, she told me how embarrassed she was of the drawing hanging in my office. T...
Chris Bosh is no stranger to criticism. Being a 2x NBA champion, 11x All-star, and having your jersey permanently retired comes packed full of criticism. So how does Bosh deal with criticism? He budgets for it. "Criticism is...
How much of your life is run on the auto-pilot of assumptions? After coming back from vacation, I ran right into my assumptions. I've been selling for 23 years and violated an elementary fundamental. This made me ask the ques...
Will you celebrate or remain committed? After you've put in 45 minutes at the gym or worked out every day this week, will you celebrate by overindulging in good food and rounds of drinks or will you remain committed to the ul...
When I say I β€οΈ Tim Grover's new book W1NNING, I mean LOVE because it smashes everything that you've imagined winning to be. Winning can be both your friend in the moment and a cold-hearted enemy for months/years thereafter. ...
It took me nearly 4 years and 600+ episodes to finally discover who I am as it relates to The Sales Life Podcast. Don't get me wrong, I had an idea, but it wasn't crystal clear...until now. "Who are you?" & "Who are you NOT?"...
Bishop TD Jakes released a new book titled, "Don't drop the mic." The people who brought about change were the ones who-despite the pressures, didn't drop the mic. What is your mic? Is it a wrench; classroom, blog, listing, s...
My friend Catherine Brown sent out an email with the title, "One day or day one?" Had the first sentence not asked me if I read the title carefully, I would've missed it and is indicative to how we live our lives. We live our...
I've never thought of myself as an over-thinker until I read Jon Acuff's book Soundtracks. When I go for a long run, I like to put on a classic rock playlist. These are songs that I grew up with like Van Halen, Guns and Roses...
"I'm not quite ready," says everyone. "Ready" is bullshit. It's a form of self-sabotage and procrastination. While you're waiting to be "ready" others are lapping you. While you're waiting to be "ready" what you're really doi...
"It is what it is." I hate that phrase, because the statement makes it seem like that you're giving up...unless you're Michael J. Fox. The 80's phenom actor has been battling with Parkinson's for over 30 years. How does Fox d...