I love this week's topic on episode #686 No one. And I mean NO ONE has ever escaped the feeling of Imposter Syndrome - especially when you're moving to a new level.
Instead of resisting the feeling, embrace it writes Adam Grant in the book "Think Again."
3 Ways to weaponize feeling like an imposter:
1. "Feeling like an imposter can motivate you to work harder." Begin before you're "ready" because you're never going to be ready. People are counting on you while others are counting you out. Show up for both of them. Use the feeling to beast mode your game.
2. "Imposter thoughts can motivate you to work smarter." Do you feel outmatched? Those around you seem to be more talented, knowledgeable, and successful than you? You have the advantage because if it were true, they have everything to lose & you have everything to gain.
3. "Feeling like an imposter can make you a better learner." The experts you're surrounded with are know-it-alls. Because you feel like an imposter, you're a know-at-all. You know you don't know everything, so you collaborate with others and soak up what they know.
Don't let Imposter Syndrome pull you down, leverage it to propel you up.
Listen to the full episode https://www.marshbuice.com/episodes/