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Don't half ass what you do.
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What you say.
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And what you be.
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Don't half ass it.
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And we've heard that term before.
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I don't half ass it.
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Those four words, don't half ass it.
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are the words that changed actor, Matthew McConaughey, life . Forever.
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Growing up, his dad was the Supreme ruler.
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Big guy.
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And not a guy that you really play with.
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Had in his spirit.
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I'm not going to college.
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I don't want to work traditional labor.
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I want to go to film school.
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So he drew up the courage.
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To tell his dad.
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I'm not going to college.
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I'm not going to work.
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Manual labor.
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I'm going to go to film school.
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His dad looked at him and told him.
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Those four words that changed his life forever.
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Don't half ass it.
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So let's talk about.
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What not half assing it.
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Really means for you.
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And the benefits.
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Of not half assing something and you probably be surprised how much you actually do.
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Half-ass things.
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And so we're going to put a spotlight on this.
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So that way you can be like, yeah, we're going to go full throttle.
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And I'm telling you, man, if you don't half ass something, you're going to see a difference in 90 days.
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And in a year.
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It's going to become a way of life.
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You're not even going to be recognizable as long as you don't half ass it so, let me give you a few benefits.
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Of not half assing it today.
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Number one.
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Not half assing it.
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Creates commitment.
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And courage.
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You get a three for one and not half-ass it.
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Number one, the commitment.
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When you don't half ass it when you decide to do something that decisiveness.
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You do it.
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You go full throttle and you go all the way and you see it all the way through.
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At the end of whatever the specified time is, you're going to discover for yourself.
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Because you put in the sweat equity.
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I want to continue on and do this.
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or you going to get to the end of it and say, this isn't what I was thinking.
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And you cut ties with it and you move on.
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But you got to keep that commitment.
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But not half passing it.
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And because you kept your commitment.
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This is what's going to cultivate your creativity.
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Because you've committed.
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And you're not going to half ass it and you're going to see it all the way through.
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You got to figure things out.
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On your own.
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You don't have all the resources yet.
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You get resourceful.
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And because you kept your commitment.
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And your creative.
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This is what makes you more courageous?
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Courageous has just small acts.
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You know what courage is?
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It's trusting in yourself.
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That's all courage is.
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And that you trust.
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In your abilities.
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And your recovery.
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It's not that you're going to stick the landing every time.
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It's not that it's going to be a perfect 10 every time, but you're courageous enough.
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To trust that whatever the result is.
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I'm going to be all right.
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I'm a figure it out.
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I'm going to recommit.
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That's the first benefit of not half assing it.
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The second benefit of not half assing it.
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The second benefit of not half passing it.
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It's conviction.
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Not confusion.
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McConaughey said that.
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If I would have not been convicted.
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And told my dad.
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That I wanted to go to film school and I said it boldly.
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Had I minced my words had I been kinda like stuttering.
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Oh, well, I was kind of thinking.
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He said my dad would have squashed me.
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And this brings about a great point about not half passing.
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You're so convicted.
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That the words that you say.
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Have no confusion.
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I tell my salespeople this all the time.
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Say it in as few words as possible.
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And say it with conviction.
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And don't pull your punch.
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Don't pad the rejection.
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With confusing speech.
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And that's what people do.
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They have asked their speech by saying, well, I mean, I could be wrong or, you know, I was kind of thinking, but if you don't think it's a good idea, I do.
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I totally understand you pulled your punch.
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Here's what I believe.
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Here's what I think here's the path forward.
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And stare at them.
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Whatever the decision is.
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You figure it out from there, right?
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Commitment creativity, courage.
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Boom, boom, boom.
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It's because you don't have ass speech.
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And dude.
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I tell my salespeople this, but let me tell you something both in your personal and professional life.
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Say it boldly with conviction.
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Not confusion.
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And the third benefit of not half assing something.
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Own it don't rent it.
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Let me tell you where we rent it.
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By half assing it.
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Is when you ask for permission.
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Instead of taking responsibility.
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So when you have the commitment.
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The creativity.
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The courage and the conviction.
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You own it.
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You take a responsibility.
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What you're saying to the world?
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Is whatever the result is.
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I'm gonna figure it out from there.
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And I own both ends of it.
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I'm not going to blame anybody.
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I'm not going to sit there and have a pity party.
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I'm going to figure things out.
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Whatever the result is, I'll recycle the usable parts of the results.
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And the rest of it.
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I'm a build something new.
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See, that's owning.
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Most people rent.
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They're asking for permission.
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When you're asking for permission.
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You're renting.
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Somebody authority don't rent it, own it.
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Take responsibility, the good and the bad.
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And roll with it.
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This is a total game changer for you.
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Because see when you don't half-ass your day.
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You don't have a half-ass life.
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All right, let's get outta here.
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Keep it simple.
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Keep it moving.
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Never settle.
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Stay tough.
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Please share this with someone else.
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Who's half asking it right now.
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Share this with someone else, they need to full ass their life.
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Take it full on.
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All right.
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