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All right.
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3, 2, 1.
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Let's get it.
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Welcome back to the show today.
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I want to talk about something that's been on my mind.
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Should be on your mind too.
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And that's the future.
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Specifically how we can position ourselves.
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For what's next.
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And let me just tell you this upfront.
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The next is now.
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NOW you cannot afford.
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To sit still.
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In the book tribe of mentors, Tim Ferriss has.
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Entrepreneurs Steve case.
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What advice would you give to young people?
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Entering the real world.
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And Case said something that really stuck with me.
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Lean into the future.
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And position yourself for what's happening next.
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Not just what's happening now.
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I think about that.
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The future.
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Is it some far off thing that you wait for?
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It's something you got to lean into something you got to prepare for.
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Wayne Gretzky was one of the greatest hockey players of all time.
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'cause he didn't skate to where the puck was.
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He skated.
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To where the puck was going to go.
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And that's what made him great.
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It's the same in life in business, you don't just play to your position.
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You got to play to the opportunity.
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I tell people this all the time.
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Because here's the hard truth.
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A lot of people that I talk to are stuck.
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And when I interview them.
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They want something new.
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They want a new position.
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They want a new life.
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But the sad thing is they have a position themselves for it.
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They're not qualified.
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For that next step.
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Because they've been sitting in the now for years.
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Maybe even decades.
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And they didn't lean into next.
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That's what's tough, man.
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Now is an obligation.
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Is an option.
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And many times.
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We only take care of the obligation.
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And we don't lean into the opportunity.
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The options.
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Of next.
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You must lean into next.
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I just love just though that phrase right there.
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Lean into next.
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It's about taking care of business in the present.
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While also preparing, learning and positioning yourself.
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For what's to come.
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And I don't care, dude, what field that you're in?
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The horizon.
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Is changing.
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You have time.
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But you don't have a second to lose.
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Now as all you got.
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But next is on the way.
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So for those of you who are just now entering the workforce, You probably hear the question all the time.
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You left school.
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And people from everywhere.
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Every old person asked you.
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What's next.
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Let me flip that question around and ask you something different.
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What makes you curious?
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What excites you?
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What seems a little bit out there, even if it scares you a little bit.
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Take care of the now.
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But start leaning into next.
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You old folks.
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I'm talking to you too, man.
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You may have been in the field for 20, 25 years.
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But let me tell you.
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Don't hang your hat on what you've been doing.
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Because it's changing.
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And you're going to make yourself obsolete.
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Simply because you didn't lean into next.
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Next is on the way.
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And you know, this, the landscape is shifting.
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Under your feet.
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Are you working toward that change?
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or are you just going to wait on it?
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Are you going to be forced to change?
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Or will you run at and embrace?
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The change.
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Like it or not.
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Next is coming.
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And it's coming with or without you.
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Next does not need your permission.
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So, where are you going to do?
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This is one reason why I love doing the podcast.
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The podcast.
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Forces me to think about next.
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It piques my curiosity.
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It hones my creativity.
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And I get this chance.
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Every day.
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And I get to shape my thinking.
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By what I read and what I write.
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I just do it half hour every day.
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And when I'm done.
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I push off into the now.
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But at the same time, I'm positioning myself.
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By leaning into next.
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See how you can have the dualities in life.
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It's not either, or it's both.
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And it's so many times, man, you don't look at that as I can.
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I can have next.
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I could position myself for next.
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I can work.
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I can prepare for it.
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While also taking care of the business.
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Of now.
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So, let me ask you again.
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What's next for you?
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When's the last time you asked yourself that.
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somebody probably asked you when you were leaving school.
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Uh, gabillion years ago.
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Or maybe they have asked you when you got fired, you got laid off.
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And they say what's next.
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Don't wait to be asked.
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Ask yourself.
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That question.
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Star playing with next.
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And let me tell you what's beautiful about this.
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Right now.
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Next is very low stakes.
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Very low consequences.
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You can play with it.
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You can experiment with it.
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And even if you fail, man, no, one's going to come after you for doing it.
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Because it's next.
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It's not even here yet.
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So you get to play with this.
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And even if you fail, the only thing that costs you was a little bit of time.
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But when you fail.
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It's still a win.
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'cause see.
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You embraced the uncertainty.
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You wrestled with the newness.
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You suspended, what you already know, you're willing to look foolish and you wrestle with the adversity.
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And you push past the complacency.
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So many people.
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Or just living in the now.
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Working in the now.
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And it's.
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Weakening you.
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Mentally, physically.
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And you're just getting dulled down.
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And I'm telling you.
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You either change.
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Or change is going to be forced upon you.
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Why don't you be the one to call the shot on that?
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So embrace it.
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It's nothing but a positive benefit.
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All you do is grow.
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And you rinse and repeat that every day.
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You'll be RFA.
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You'll be ready for anything.
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Thanks for sharing today's episode.
00:06:58.249 --> 00:07:00.978
If I can help you go to MarshBuice.Com that's my name?
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M a R S H B U I C E in the bottom.
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00:07:05.238 --> 00:07:05.899
Is a mic.
00:07:06.608 --> 00:07:07.959
Where you can leave me a message.
00:07:08.468 --> 00:07:09.459
Ask me a question.
00:07:09.879 --> 00:07:11.288
Let me know what you're struggling with.
00:07:12.218 --> 00:07:13.059
I'm no hair.
00:07:13.358 --> 00:07:14.408
But I'm all ears.
00:07:14.439 --> 00:07:15.608
Be glad to help you out.
00:07:15.689 --> 00:07:18.809
Please share this episode with someone else to help get the word out.
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And remember as always keep it simple, keep it moving.
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Never settle.