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Sept. 3, 2024

856. Life is multiple choice. Success is fill-in-the-blank.

856. Life is multiple choice. Success is fill-in-the-blank.

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


00:00:00.689 --> 00:00:03.060
I believe that life is multiple choice.

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But success is fill in the blank.

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Life is full of choices.

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And you're free to choose any option that you want.

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You want to active lifestyle?

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Are lazy.

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You wanto a party?

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Or be purposeful.

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You want to be educated.

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Or stay ignorant.

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You want toxic friends.

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or goal oriented ones.

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You want to stay at minimum wage?

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Or seek maximum opportunities.

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You want one nightstands?

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or a longterm relationship.

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Life says, here you go.

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Here's all the choices and you're free to make any of the choices that you want.

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But what life does not tell you?

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Is the choices are free.

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But the consequences are not.

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It's kind of like eating fat-free candy.

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The label says is fat-free.

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The consequences.

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Say otherwise.

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So you think that you're going to get away with it?

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Because the label says is fat-free sure make the choice, eat the whole bag.

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But the sugar and the insulin spikes.

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Lead to obesity.

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And premature death.

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That's what the multiple choice of life is for you.

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Make the choice it's free.

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But there will be consequences.

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Life is multiple choice.

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Success is fill in the blank.

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So when you choose to make the right decision, life says, all right.

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Go ahead.

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But you got to figure it out for yourself.

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Life will give you a direction based on your choices.

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But you got to fill in the blanks along the way.

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And that's the hard part.

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This is why most people live a multiple choice lifestyle.

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They choose the easy choices.

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And they just deal with it.

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They just exist.

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They wish they had more.

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And the choices.

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to Live your potential are right there.

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Life says, "Bro I'm giving you choices every single day." Yet we choose the bubble.

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On the scan Tron that says, I don't want any discomfort.

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I want it easy.

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And so we make the choice of easy.

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Instead of making a decision.

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That I'm going to choose the harder one.

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It's going to be uncomfortable.

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I don't know how this is going to play out.

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But I'm going to figure it out.

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Let me tell you something, man, life is not going to show you the answers upfront.

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But she will reveal them.

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As you go along the way.

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And when I say reveal them along the way I'm saying you're going to make.

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The harder choice you're going to push off.

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And the answers are not going to be sitting there in plain sight.

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Sometimes you got to dig.

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Sometimes you got to scratch.

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Sometimes you gotta put pieces together.

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Sometimes you got to look all around sometimes.

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Man, you gotta, you gotta look in places that you've never even thought to look.

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And success will leave clues.

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And you start piecing those things together.

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And as you do just in the Nick of time, just when you think you're going under, just when you think you can't go another day.

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Life says.

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Here's an answer.

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And you pick up that answer and you're like, oh my God.

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I was going under.

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And you lay it down.

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And you keep going.

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Looking for more answers.

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And a strange thing is happening during that time.

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You're distancing yourself from your old ways.

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And you're learning to analyze and adjust your building commitment to yourself.

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You're increasing your resilience.

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You're stretching that, figure it out.

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And you're building confidence in yourself, but more importantly, you're learning how to trust yourself.

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And when you can learn how to trust yourself, Life recognizes that and says.

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I'll trust you with more.

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So, let me ask you this man, where are you right now?

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It starts with multiple choice.

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But maybe you've been staying in multiple choice.

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Maybe you have the, "should a" lifestyle.

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I should choose this other choice.

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Maybe Monday, maybe next month.

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We're getting close to the end of the year.

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Maybe next year.

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And so you remain in the multiple choice.

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There's all these choices for you.

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They're all available.

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No one or no thing.

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Can stand in your way.

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Unless you allow it to stand in your way.

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You have choices.

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That's your life.

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Multiple choice.

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You want success.

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You got to make the choice.

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Follow up with action consistently.

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Don't stop.

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And fill in the blanks along the way.

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If you don't stop.

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Growing and going.

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Life won't stop giving you the answers.

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Just in the Nick of time.

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I'm living proof of that.

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Thanks for sharing this episode, get the word out.

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Remember, keep it simple.

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Keep it moving.

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Never settle.

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Stay tough peace.