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There never seems to be enough time in the day to get things done.
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I mean.
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Your day may not be optimal.
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But you can see it as an opportunity.
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And dude I'm with you.
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There never seems to be enough time.
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For me to get everything done.
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The lack of time.
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Has been my greatest source of frustration.
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So much so that I've gone through seasons where I just slept very little to get it all done.
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Only to realize.
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I couldn't sustain it.
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I'm exhausted.
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I'm nodding off at work.
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I'm not sharp and making mistakes.
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I come home.
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I crash.
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Not there with the family.
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Because I'm too tired.
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Instead of doing just a little bit every day.
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Doing what I can in the time that I have.
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I've been guilty of just starting off on fire.
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Trying to get it all done.
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But I can't sustain it.
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And I end up.
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Folding to fatigue.
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With, a progressive mindset.
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You've got to look at everything.
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As a lifestyle.
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That you can do for a lifetime.
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, how can I look at my days is forever days.
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Meaning that I can just get things done.
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A little bit at a time, some days are longer and more efficient.
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And more impactful.
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Are there days or just little blips.
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But at least I punched at it.
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And this way.
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I can maintain my commitment.
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I could be consistent.
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I can build momentum.
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And I can go on forever.
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And dude, I'm not talking to you.
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I'm talking to me.
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Instead of wishing for optimal.
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Just seize the opportunity.
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To get shit done.
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Do what you can in the time that you have.
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The number of hours in a day.
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Is the same, how it unfolds for me.
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And you.
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It's always going to be different.
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But I can guarantee you this.
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There are going to be opportunities, pockets of time.
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That you can punch and making progress.
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Even if it's 15 minutes.
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It's 15 minutes more.
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That contribute.
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To your overall wellbeing.
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And I think seizing these opportunities.
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Five minutes here.
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Three minutes there.
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15 minutes.
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Another time.
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And some days, dude.
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You get two hours.
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Seizing these opportunities.
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Is going to strengthen your decision muscle.
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Given the limited amount of time that you had, you could have very easily looked at the scarcity of time.
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And said.
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I can't get it all done.
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So I'm not going to do anything.
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When instead you could have just seized those few minutes, precious few minutes that you'll never get back.
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And done something that contributed to your health.
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Your relationships.
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Your career.
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And your finances.
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But when you shift your focus to seizing opportunities.
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doing what you can in the time that you have.
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that contribute to your overall wellbeing.
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You're going to find.
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Over time.
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That you'll have the ability.
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To make decisions.
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And more accurately.
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That lead to progressive success.
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This is how you move the needle.
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You know, it goes back to the old adage of where they say you want something done?
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Give it to a busy person.
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The people that think they're busy.
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Lift up their heads and tell you how busy they are.
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Versus someone else who's busy.
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And you hand them the task.
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In their minds?
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They say, I don't know how I'm going to get it done.
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But they take it on because it's a challenge.
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And they say, let me figure it out.
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And they do.
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And they get more done.
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In their day.
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And their month and their life.
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than you did.
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Because you were looking for optimal.
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And they saw it as an opportunity.
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Let me put your mind at ease with a progressive mindset.
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You're never going to be at inbox zero.
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Getting it "all" done.
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Doesn't exist.
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'cause tomorrow.
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There's a new set of "all." There's a new, here's a new list.
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So don't worry about getting it all done.
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You're not going to.
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And don't worry about getting it all.
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I rarely have perfect days.
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But I can always have progressive days.
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And that comes with the decision.
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To move the needle.
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Doing what I can.
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In the time that I have.
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That leads to the greatest impact.
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Some days I don't have an hour and a half.
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To drive to the gym.
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Workout drive back home.
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I don't have that time.
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Some days I don't have time.
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To read multiple chapters of a book.
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Some days I don't have time.
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To start on a fresh piece to write on.
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But on the days that I don't have optimal time.
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It's still an opportunity.
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To work out.
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I have resistance bands.
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That I take with me everywhere and a jump rope.
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I can bang out 15 to 30 minutes right there in my driveway.
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And save an hour time.
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I can open up my Kindle.
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And knock out.
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10 minutes of reading.
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And then pepper in throughout the day.
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Another minute here.
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Another few passages there while standing in line at the grocery store.
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There are all these kinds of different opportunities that I could seize to feed my mind instead of scrolling on social media.
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And then the days that I just don't have the time to really pull though on those cognitive resources.
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And write a fresh piece.
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If I have an idea, I can whip out my voice memo app.
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And record that idea, capture it, capture the emotions in it.
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And then when I do have more time, I can unpack those thoughts later.
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or I have a trunk full of legal pads in my office I can always go back to some of my old writings.
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and rewrite them.
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And many times they come out better.
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Because I'm in a different season of life.
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'cause maybe I laid that track down.
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Two years ago, and I think differently, my environment is different.
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My situations are different.
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I'm more experienced.
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Now I look at the world.
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And now I could take the concept of what I wrote.
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Two years ago.
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And make it fresh, make it brand new.
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This is what this recording is today.
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I recorded this.
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July 22nd.
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Of 2023.
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I never published it.
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And I listened to it this morning and I'm like, You know, I can make this better.
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It's Saturday morning.
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So I said, let's make it better.
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There are gaps all throughout your day.
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The time that you want is not going to be linear.
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It's not going to be this block of time.
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They're going to be more so in gaps.
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But you can fill those gaps doing something productive.
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For your health.
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For your wealth.
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For your relationships.
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For your career.
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They're all kind of gaps.
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I just gave you a couple of examples.
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But you won't be able to seize those gaps.
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Because you want your time.
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To be free in blocks when in reality.
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They're just going to be little gaps.
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In minutes, not hours.
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But see you won't be able to spot those gaps.
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If all you're doing is looking for perfect.
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the optimal time.
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Do what you can in the time that you have it's progress over perfection.
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see doing nothing.
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Leads to nothing.
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Doing something.
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Leads to success.
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It goes back to the old saying a little bit goes a long way.
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When you just make a little bit of progress here and there in the gaps.
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That progress compounds.
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And if I'm going to do something.
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I'm going to do something that moves the needle forward.
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I mean, it's even written.
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Too much is given much is required.
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You want more?
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But you don't even use what you've already been given.
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And life is saying.
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Dude, I gave you two hours.
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Not sequentially, but I gave you two hours chopped up all throughout the day.
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But instead of contributing to your overall wellbeing and making progress.
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You chose to squander it.
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With gossip.
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Scrolling social media.
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And Netflix.
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And so life has no choice she says, I can't give you more.
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Because you didn't utilize what you already had.
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So nuckle up man.
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Just go to work.
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Do what you can.
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In the time that you have.
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Your lack is leverage.
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And you're going to find that you're going to be more efficient.
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More consistent.
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And more impactful.
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And if you do what you can in the time that you have.
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life notices that.
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Over time.
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She'll say.
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Oh, you know how to use it.
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So let me grant you more.
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Let me know how your progress is doing.
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Thanks for sharing this episode.
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Remember, keep it simple.
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Keep it moving.
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Never settle.
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Stay tough.
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