Welcome to the "What's Your Problem?" Community!
Aug. 18, 2024

853. The See-Saw Effect.

853. The See-Saw Effect.

In Episode 853, "The See-Saw Effect," I dive into the myths of work-life balance inspired by Ari Rastegar's book The Gift of Failure.

Discover the transformative approach to daily life by segmenting your day into sessions and focusing 100% on the task at hand. 

Join me as we explore how prioritizing moments can lead to a more fulfilled, effective lifestyle, leaving behind the chase for elusive balance.

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


00:00:00.540 --> 00:00:00.810
All right.

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3, 2, 1.

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Let's get it.

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Welcome to another edition of what's your problem?

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The podcast.

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I'm your host Marsh Buice and today, man, I absolutely love.

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Random reading there are times that I read a book cover to cover, but the random reading is something that I do.

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Every morning or try to do for the most part, probably 90% of the time.

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Sometimes I get locked into a book.

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But the random reading part is where I just pick a book off the shelf and I read 15 minutes.

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So I like this morning.

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I was reading, uh, Ari.

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Rastagar his book, the gift of failure.

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And I've read the book cover to cover, but you know, you read books and then you come back to them years later.

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And you don't even remember the section that you're reading.

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That's what I love about the random reading part is because there's just stuff, man.

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You got away from, or maybe.

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You were at a time where maybe, because this was chapter eight.

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I was just trying to power through the book.

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And don't even re I, truthfully don't even remember it.

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And I think I've read the book twice.

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So, this is why you should go back and read some of your old books, but you don't have to read them cover to cover.

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Just go to a certain section, something I like to go to the table of contents.

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I find a chapter that resonates with where I'm at, you know, cause we're in seasons in life.

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And I'll read that one chapter and sometimes I can apply it right then and there.

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And sometimes it just, it has a residual effect, you know?

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And so it just kind of.

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It's like residue just kind of lays on my soul and, and I've had situations like that.

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I was like, oh, okay.

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I read it, but nothing really triggered.

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And then dude, like, Days later.

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Something crosses my path.

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And because I read that days earlier is like, This is the time that I needed it.

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And so this is, what's a wonderful thing about that.

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What I like about the random reading, in addition to picking up things that you've just forgotten about along the way.

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Also this trains your focus, but they're just micro sessions about the focusing.

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So when your random reading you don't have to spend hours doing it.

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Look you're busy, but if, if you'll train yourself to just set your timer 10 to 15 minutes, And just read whatever you can get done.

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Sometimes you can get a chapter and a half read.

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Sometimes it's just a little bit, sometimes dude, I've gone to chapters and it kind of gets bogged down with the big context and stuff.

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But because I've read the book before.

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There are sections that I've already underlined.

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I kind of just go to that.

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And then I read on from there, or kind of read around that.

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So there's different ways that you can actually do it, but I would urge you to practice this art of random reading.

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So when I'm working out of this, week's.

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A book.

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The gift of failure.

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Specifically chapter eight, titled there is no such thing as work-life balance.

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This really resonated with me, man, because sometimes dude, I feel like I'm just, I'm fighting with balance.

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You ever said that.

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I mean, we all sit there and say, man, I wish my life was more balanced in every morning, man.

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I'm walking.

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I'm like, dude, how can I be more efficient?

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But I don't view life as balanced.

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I view it more so as mixture.

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And I've talked about that in previous episodes.

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There are seasons that you're going to go through in life where some seasons need more attention than others.

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Like when I started in sales, It was an oil and water season.

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oil and water doesn't mix.

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And so there was a separation during that time where really had to put a hundred percent of my focus in getting my sales career off the ground.

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It was all commission job, and I left a sure paying job as a supervisor at the casino.

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And got into this and, you know, I had to make it work.

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I had no stove.

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I had no refrigerator.

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I was living in a rent house half the time.

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I would hear.

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We make you laugh.

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I was past due on everything.

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My credit was shot.

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My even my light bill was pass due when I would leave for work in the mornings, I would leave the porch light on.

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So that way.

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When I came home at night and I would drive around the corner.

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If the porch light was on, I realized that they didn't shut off my lights.

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That was kind of the thing for me.

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But there are many times, man, where.

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Me and my oldest son, we.

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We slept in the dark.

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I didn't pay the light bill.

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And so that's where I was.

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So when I got into sales and getting this thing off the ground, that was a season for me.

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You're going to have those kind of seasons, but those seasons, they don't last forever.

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And so you, you apply what you have to, you put a lot of energy toward that, but you can't sustain that for long-term.

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You gotta be careful with that because there are times where I've just let my family slip while I was just chasing this quest for success.

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And ironically, I realized that it's not worth it.

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When I got demoted.

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When you're chasing success.

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A lot of times you say, oh, I'm doing this for us when really it's all about you.

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So it's total bullshit what you're saying.

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And so when I got demoted, I realized that, and I was like, dude, It's not worth that.

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But I've been guilty of that and just pushing, pushing, pushing.

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And while I believe life is a mixture of things.

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Ari takes it a step further.

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He suggests that You have to think of your day.

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In sessions.

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And I really like this, this whole analogy and the sessions.

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You know, my wife's got a gym and it's right next door to recording studio.

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And they have sessions.

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They don't stay there for days at a time.

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They go in there for a couple of hours.

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And they work as session.

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And so what if you chopped your day up into sessions.

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It means.

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That you're a hundred percent.

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Where you are in the moment at that time.

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And the image that Ari gives in this chapter.

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Is to look at it as a Seesaw.

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And you know, what a Seesaw is.

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One side is up.

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The other side is down.

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It's never perfectly balanced.

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The upside.

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Is where you're fully present in the moment, whatever it is that you're doing.

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So if you're at work, be a hundred percent at work, if you're with your family, be a hundred percent see saw is up.

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If you're working out, be a hundred percent there.

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'cause I think, it goes back to the analogy of he who chases two rabbits gets none.

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And I think a lot of times in our day.

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What leads to more frustration is because we're trying to multitask.

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We're trying to do a whole bunch of different things.

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And We're an inch deep in our impact in the day.

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And we're not getting anything fully accomplished.

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It's like we're, we're, we're putting out a couple of little fires here and there.

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But our focus is so.

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That nothing's getting done.

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And you get frustrated at the end of the day, at the end of the week you like bro, I didn't get anything done.

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So the beauty about the Seesaw effect is.

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You look at it in sessions.

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You don't have to spend.

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All day on one project, but you do commit to a set amount of time.

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And you're going to find with the Seesaw effect that you can handle multiple task.

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By giving you your full attention during that time.

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And so when you're in the moment, You're going to be more impactful.

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This is how you're going to get more shit done.

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And you're going to prevent yourself from feeling spread too thin.

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This is what makes you frustrated?

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Because you're just like, oh my God, there's not enough time.

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There's plenty of time.

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Everybody's got the same amount of time.

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But if you look throughout your day as a session and you step into something, you're like, okay, how much time can I devote to this?

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Even if you have to sit like the random reading part that I'm talking about, you set your timer for 15 minutes.

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At the end of the 15 minutes, you'll walk away from it.

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It's like those bubble tests that used to take in grade school, when the teacher said, stop.

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Put your pencil down.

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That's what you did.

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And you walked away from it.

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This is the same sort of analogy here.

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Dude look, I'm guilty of being home and not present.

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There have been many times.

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Where, you know, I get my daughter for a week at a time and it that's precious.

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But I haven't always looked at it like that.

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There are times where she's had conversations with me and I'm in the middle of editing a podcast, or I'm in the middle of reading and writing.

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And she's talking to me.

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And I'm like, But I'm not giving her my full attention.

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I've done the same thing with my wife.

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And I realize in reading this dude, I don't want to be successful in alone.

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I want everybody.

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That I love to come along for the ride, but it's important.

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That they feel.

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And know that they're important to me.

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Hence the Seesaw effect.

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You're never going to be at inbox zero in your life.

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You're never going to get there.

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So with the Seesaw effect, whatever it is that you're doing.

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Whatever that the top part of the Seesaw.

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You be in the moment hundred percent.

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In the moment.

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And then you walk away from it.

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Your first priority in your see saw effect.

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Should be taken care of yourself.

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You come first, you gotta put yourself first because if you put yourself first.

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Everybody else gets the best representation of you.

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See if you're not prioritizing yourself.

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Everybody gets the sloppy leftovers.

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Everyone and everything suffers.

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The quality's not there.

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So, if you take care of you first, you wake up at a set time.

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You budget that time.

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To take care of you.

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And what I would challenge you.

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And the things that have worked well for me.

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Is writing at least one page every day.

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It's some random reading, 10 to 15 minutes.

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It's working out.

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It's sharing something.

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Everybody's a bad-ass, it's something everybody's an expert at something.

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Share something, man.

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What works for you?

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You don't have to preach to everybody.

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Just share with us something that works for you.

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If you're a mechanic, if you're a writer, if you're a cook.

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If you specialize in these 10 minute meals, man, share that, whatever it is and you'll feel better, man, because you're contributing to society.

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So doing these things, these are the lead dominoes, writing.

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It's unschooling your thoughts, reading, getting something new in there.

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If it's an unfamiliar subject, maybe you're kind of dabbling in AI.

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You can dabble in it.

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10, 15 minutes.

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Just feed it.

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You may trigger some sort of spark and run with it from there.

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If not.

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Tomorrow's a new book.

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And then working out, man, bust a sweat every single day.

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This is going to work out some of that tension.

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You're going to start looking and feeling better.

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And you, if you've do this in the mornings, You've already won the day.

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No matter how hell is your day goes, you're good to go.

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So with the Seesaw effect, Uh, wake up at a set time.

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I write.

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A read.

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try to record.

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Uh, workout.

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Then I go to work.

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Dude, I'm there.

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10, 12 hours.

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When I'm at work, I'm a hundred percent there at work.

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And then when I get off.

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If nobody's home, I may can squeeze in a little extra session.

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Of working out, making it a little bit of reading done.

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I make an edit the podcast.

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And then when my family comes home, I'm there for them.

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This is a practice.

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This isn't something a set it and forget it.

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It simplifies the life's not easy.

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But you can't simplify it with the Seesaw effect.

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It is something that I'm going to have to consciously do.

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Case in point the other night, I was watching the mayor Kingstown new season.

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So I'm watching that.

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And my wife comes in.

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She starts talking.

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And instantly, I love the image of it.

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I saw the Seesaw, a pause the movie because I've been guilty, man, of trying to watch this.

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Watch this movie and have a conversation.

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He who chases two rabbits gets none.

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So I'm sitting there trying to listen to both.

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And what do I end up doing?

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I'm not giving her my full attention.

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And I didn't catch what's in the movie.

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With the Seesaw effect, man.

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I stopped and we had a great conversation.

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And what's great about streaming TV.

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You can always come back to it.

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Hell, I'll watch it in the shower.

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I put my iPad on the shower door.

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And I can take shower and watch the movie at the same time.

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Uh, so what's good about it.

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And I can always come back to that.

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So it prioritizes things.

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My health.

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My wellness.

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My spiritual life, my family, my work.

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The podcast, all of these things.

00:13:06.668 --> 00:13:08.769
And that image of the Seesaw it's what's going to help.

00:13:09.038 --> 00:13:10.058
Keep you focused.

00:13:10.749 --> 00:13:11.859
On what's important.

00:13:12.548 --> 00:13:13.658
And when you're in the moment.

00:13:14.139 --> 00:13:14.948
You're consistent.

00:13:15.339 --> 00:13:17.469
You're clear, you're building up the momentum.

00:13:18.099 --> 00:13:20.558
And you're not pulled in a thousand different directions.

00:13:21.249 --> 00:13:22.989
You just silo it off.

00:13:23.168 --> 00:13:24.068
It's a session.

00:13:24.188 --> 00:13:24.938
Get it done.

00:13:25.509 --> 00:13:26.558
And then go to the next thing.

00:13:26.558 --> 00:13:27.429
So that way.

00:13:28.328 --> 00:13:29.649
It's being fully present.

00:13:30.158 --> 00:13:31.839
For the things that matter most.

00:13:32.739 --> 00:13:37.269
So that's what I'm working on this week to be more focused, to be more present.

00:13:37.808 --> 00:13:38.499
It's tough.

00:13:39.429 --> 00:13:40.239
But it's doable.

00:13:41.259 --> 00:13:42.548
And it's damn sure worth it.

00:13:43.269 --> 00:13:44.288
All right, let's get out of here.

00:13:44.318 --> 00:13:45.729
Thanks for sharing today's episode.

00:13:45.729 --> 00:13:47.528
Please share this with someone who needs it.

00:13:47.859 --> 00:13:50.019
This will help grow and power the show.

00:13:50.229 --> 00:13:53.198
Also, if you have not done so leave a rating and review.

00:13:53.619 --> 00:13:54.429
Let me know.

00:13:54.969 --> 00:13:59.739
And let others know what this episode or other episodes.

00:14:00.308 --> 00:14:01.328
Of what your problem.

00:14:01.568 --> 00:14:02.349
Have meant to you.

00:14:02.769 --> 00:14:03.129
All right.

00:14:03.129 --> 00:14:03.729
Let's get out of here.

00:14:03.759 --> 00:14:04.419
Keep it simple.

00:14:04.419 --> 00:14:05.078
Keep it moving.

00:14:05.078 --> 00:14:05.708
Never settle.

00:14:05.708 --> 00:14:06.818
Stay tough piece.