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Aug. 14, 2024

852. What's Your Earned Secret?

852. What's Your Earned Secret?

If it were obivious, it wouldn't be a secret. 

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


00:00:00.510 --> 00:00:00.780
All right.

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3, 2, 1.

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Let's get it today I want to share with you a concept that I stumbled upon Suneel Gupta's book.

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It's a great book.

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And he talks about earned secrets.

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I love this concept.

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Earned secrets are insights.

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That go beyond what you can simply Google.

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In the book Gupta writes about the venture capitalist, Ben Horowitz.

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And Horowitz was asked, how does he find good ideas?

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And Harowitz said.

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I looked for earned secrets.

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one example that he gave was when he became an early investor in Airbnb.

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Great concept today, but think about how it all started.

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He said the reason why he invested in Airbnb.

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Was not just because of the idea.

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It was how the founders.

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Arrived at the idea.

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See the founders at Airbnb.

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Stumbled across the whole idea.

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They didn't set out to start a business.

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They set out to cover their rent.

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see their landlord went up on the rent.

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And they didn't have enough money even cover the rent.

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So instead of bitching and complaining.

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They notice there was a convention here in town and all of the hotels.

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We're rented out or max capacity.

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So they said, what if we just buy a couple of air mattresses and put them on our floor?

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And we rent these out because people are still wanting to come into the city.

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too See this convention.

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And over 500 people responded.

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To the ad that they put in there.

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This insight.

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Born out of necessity.

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Was their earned secret.

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They discovered a billion dollar business, but.

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with a B.

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A billion dollar business.

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By simply trying to solve their own problem.

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He was just trying to cover the rent.

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Gupta emphasizes how you arrive at the idea.

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Is just as important, if not more important.

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Then the idea itself.

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What I love about an earned secret.

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It's so unique.

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Is so yours.

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And it's your skin in the game.

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That's what life requires skin in the game.

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'cause you got.

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You got to flex your, figure it out.

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It's not something you can really find the answers online.

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The only way you get the answers.

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Is by discovering those answers.

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This is where you got to wrestle with it.

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You got to stumble and Bumble along the way, trippin fallen, frustrated yet you keep going back at it.

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And instead of blaming and complaining.

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You just keep rolling up.

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Your sleeves.

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You create your own breakthroughs.

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And you become more curious as you go along the way you become more creative and resourceful.

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And you're making progress, even though the conditions aren't perfect for you.

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Earned secrets.

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Let me tell you something, man, a secret isn't a secret.

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If everyone knows it.

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If it's blatantly obvious.

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It's not a secret.

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earned secrets.

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Often lie in plain sight.

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And they're only going to be discovered by someone.

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Who is curious and creative enough.

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To take what to think to what you Google, what to think.

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How to think.

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That's how you make it your own.

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This is where you go on a daily discovery.

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It's so important.

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That, whatever it is that you're chasing.

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That's your heart and your emotions.

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Are in there because let me tell you something.

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It's not pay dirt.

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It's not instant.

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The game that you're playing is eventually and ultimately, and so people.

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I don't know.

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I think if someone like questioned you like, man, this sounds crazy.

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Why are you doing this?

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I think you're on your path to discovering your earned secret.

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It's because the masses are calling you crazy.

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The masses want to know, well, how much money you making off this?

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Nothing is actually costing me money.

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And they're like, what?

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That's crazy yet, you know, in your heart and your emotions that you're on the right path.

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You can't even explain it.

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You can only do it.

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It's an earned secret.

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That's the path.

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To an earned secret.

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Case and point when I started this podcast in 2017.

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The free app that I was using.

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The only gave me five minutes of recording time.

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So I had to figure out.

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How to deliver a message.

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From soup to nuts and only five minutes.

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Now I could've strung those along and had.

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Many episodes tied together.

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But I said no only got five minutes, which was good for me because at the time I wanted to start a podcast, but I didn't have a lot of time to devote to it.

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I didn't have hours.

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Only had minutes.

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So this worked out really strangely.

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Uh, you only got five minutes.

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And so it was the act of writing.

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Then I discovered that two sheets that I write on a legal pad.

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Equal five minutes of recording time.

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So I had to learn how to get my message, my thoughts in line.

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And get it under two pages.

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That's how I came up with the write one page per day, it's two and a half minutes.

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And two pages was five.

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And it was doing that.

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That I was able to deliver a message.

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For one year, every single day, trying to get back to that.

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Sometimes man, I think I'm too much in thought.

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But I do, man, I have this yearn I'm telling you like this thing, the biggest source of frustration is I want to come out with a daily podcast again.

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I just got to figure out how to do it again.

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Sometimes you get too complex.

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Drilling back.

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In 2017, that five minute bandwidth that I had in to legal pages dude, that was an earned secret.

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And not only did it help me get a podcast out, but it helped me think clear, more concise.

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And it saved my life.

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It turned my whole life around.

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The idea of the podcast was already out there.

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Everybody was already doing it.

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But I wanted to do it.

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The way I wanted to do it.

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And I discovered an earned secret or on along the way.

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In the same way my wife wanted to start a gym.

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We didn't have half million dollars to start a big box gym.

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And my initial thought was I don't have a half million dollars to invest in a big box gym.

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And through our conversations.

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And collaborating.

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We discovered we had a LLC that was just parked we'd started years ago.

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And it was just parked it.

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Wasn't doing anything.

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And we were able to leverage that LLC.

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And get a small business loan.

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Very small.

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Enough to buy 80% of the gym equipment, the rest of it, we paid for it ourselves.

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She found.

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A spot.

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That was 1500 square feet prime location.

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Rent was super reasonable.

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Even if there were no members, we could still fit the bill.

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That's how we set everything up.

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And now she's got the only all women's gym.

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In Southwest Louisiana.

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It's an earned secret.

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So she could have just Googled.

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How to open a gym.

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How to be a personal trainer goes way beyond that.

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That's superficial.

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You can't get an earned secret that way.

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That's everybody knows that.

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How do you go beyond that?

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How do you make the gym yourself?

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She started off just wanting to open a gym.

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Then it became an all women's gym.

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Because she was tired of the creepers at the gym.

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She was going to.

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Looking at her bangin body while she worked out.

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And she didn't have time for that.

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She went there to work.

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So she said, if I'm going through that, then there are women.

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Who are in great shape who are tired of being gawked at, but then there are also women who aren't.

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Comfortable in their own skin.

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They, they don't like the way they feel and look.

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And they don't go to the gym because of ridicule.

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Because they don't look like.

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Those who are super fit.

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She created a Haven.

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A home.

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Man dude, sometimes they just, I go there and they're just hanging out.

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They've already finished their workout.

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And they don't want to leave.

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It's the energy.

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Is that her and secret man.

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Earned secrets.

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Are priceless.

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Because they're your own.

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And it may start with a basic idea.

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But as you evolve.

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You make it your own.

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It's what.

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Into how it's, what to think.

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And then you transform it in.

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How to think.

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And then how to do it.

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It's remarkable.

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So, let me ask you this.

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What do you want to know?

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Or do more of.

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Chase that idea.

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Run with it, literally run with it.

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Wade into the waters of uncertainty.

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Embrace the adversity.

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And then you'll push the complacency is you're not settling.

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You're not satisfied.

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You're like, there's something more.

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I want to do more of this.

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I want to chase more of that.

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Don't talk about what you don't have use exactly what you have.

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Do what you can in the time that you have.

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But for God's sakes, don't sit there.

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Another second.

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Wishing you have more money, more time.

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You got enough to get started.

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God has given you the talent.

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You got to develop your skill.

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And develop your consistency.

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It takes two rocks to create a sport.

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It does.

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You can't get a spark without another rock.

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So it's that friction of those two rocks at your effort and your ideas.

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You're clacking those things together.

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It creates the spark and you keep doing that.

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Until the spar becomes a fire.

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But a fire can't keep going without substance and the substance that you need.

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At your consistency that you're developing your skills at your communication.

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The five CS.

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I talk about the communication you're communicating with yourself and others.

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You're collaborating.

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You're curious, you're asking more questions and not living in statements.

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You're not satisfied.

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You're creative when you lack resources.

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You use what you got and you become resourceful.

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You're a continuous learner.

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This is part of that curiosity and creativity.

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And then you confront, man.

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You just keep going back out.

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There are days you want to quit.

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Sometimes, man, I think that if you don't want to quit, then you're not pushing hard enough.

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Yeah, many times I've wanted to just quit the podcast.

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Numerous times.

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Not because I hate it.

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Just because I just get frustrated sometimes with it.

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But then I come back to it again.

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And it brings me energy in life and I get to deliver another message to the world.

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From sitting right here in my office, man, before I go to work.

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Uh, fascinating as that.

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And even if someone else has the idea.

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They may have the idea.

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But the execution.

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In the way you do things and how you deliver that idea and make it your own shit.

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Nobody can touch that.

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I mean case in point.

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I mean, think about podcast.

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Millions of podcast the way I deliver the message.

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My message.

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That unique.

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Someone can take what I write down and deliver it.

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But they can't sustain it.

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They can copy my message and deliver it in the way they want to.

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But to sustain it.

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To do it for going on 900 episodes.

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It takes heart.

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It takes emotion it takes a thirst.

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It takes an earned secret.

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Many many earned secrets.

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So even if you don't know what you're doing, dude just start.

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You got to Bumble, you got to stumble.

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You just got to go along the way.

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It's just, what is it that you want to chase?

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What is it that you want to do more of?

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What is it that you want to know?

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More of focus on that, do more of that.

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It's fertile, fertile, fertile ground.

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For discovering.

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Your earned secret.

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All right, let's get outta here.

00:13:22.139 --> 00:13:23.580
Thanks for sharing today's episode.

00:13:23.580 --> 00:13:31.110
Share this with one person today or more, but share this with at least one person today who needs to hear this message.

00:13:31.769 --> 00:13:33.179
What did it mean to you?

00:13:33.419 --> 00:13:37.470
If you would share this on your socials, also leave a rating and review.

00:13:37.470 --> 00:13:39.059
This will help get the show out.

00:13:39.299 --> 00:13:41.100
And help grow the show.

00:13:41.208 --> 00:13:42.469
All right, let's do this.

00:13:42.469 --> 00:13:45.589
Remember the greatest sale that you will ever make is the sale you own.

00:13:45.589 --> 00:13:46.759
You keep it simple.

00:13:46.759 --> 00:13:47.389
Keep it moving.

00:13:47.419 --> 00:13:47.990
Never settle.

00:13:47.990 --> 00:13:49.049
Stay tough peace.