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July 10, 2024

845. Choose Hard Or Hard Will Choose You.

Choose or be chosen. 

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


00:00:01.110 --> 00:00:02.069
When it's easy.

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Go hard.

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Now is not the time to let up.

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See when things get easy, That's when you need the press, the gas pedal even harder.

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Because this is your moment to capitalize.

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On your momentum.

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Because right now you're playing with house money.

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I see in the casino industry, house money refers to winnings.

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That exceed your initial investment.

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It's essentially free money.

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And so in the same way, When life feels easy for you.

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You're playing with house money.

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You've already put in the hard work.

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And now.

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You have momentum.

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And it is so important.

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So crucial.

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To resist the urge to relax.

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When things get easy.

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We have a new salesperson and he's a young man.

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And he was in the restaurant industry and he came to sell with us.

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And made the most money he ever made in his life last month.

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And this month.

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I'm having to constantly kick them in the butt.

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And say, get to work.

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mean just yesterday I was talking to him and he's like, yeah, man, the.

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Things are slow right now.

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And the, the leads that are coming in there.

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They're really nice.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

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This is only your second month in the business.

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You don't know.

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What's slow looks like let me make this guarantee.

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The store is going to get at least.

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Three phone calls of customers who were interested in a vehicle.

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I guarantee you, there will be three customers that walk on the lot today.

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I promise you.

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That there will be three customers who submit.

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A lead.

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Asking about a particular vehicle in stock.

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If three is all we get.

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You better get all three of them.

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That's how you have to look at things.

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'cause right now.

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He's not choosing hard.

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And all of that momentum that he built up.

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And cashed out.

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Now he's got nothing in the pipeline.

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And I'm and I'm calling him out, but we're all guilty of it.

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Because we forget how tough it was to get here.

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We forget the long hours, the frustration, the days when progress seemed impossible.

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The days when you had to push through, even when it seemed like everyone else was successful, except for you, don't forget those hard times.

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When things are easy now.

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Avoid slipping back into complacency.

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You gotta remember, you gotta be dyslexic.

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To whatever's going on in your life right now.

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So if it's hard right now, Simplify.

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Don't swing for the fences.

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Don't over-complicate things.

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Don't allow any sort of narrative in your mind.

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Consistently do just a few simple task.

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With no negative chatter.

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The only thing you should be talking about is production.

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Not destruction.

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But on the flip side of that.

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When it gets easy.

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You gotta go hard.

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This is the time to make significant progress.

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Take on more challenges, take on more risk.

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Reach new levels.

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It's not the time to sit back because now is the time that you're playing with house money, everything that has been stored up.

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You got that momentum going?

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It's free money.

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Go for it all.

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is how you develop more confidence.

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Let me tell you something about confidence.

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You can't save confidence for later.

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Must be spent.

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The more you use it and the more you spend it.

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The more confidence you'll get.

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In that crazy people think that when they get some confidence, they do a little bit less.

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But doing less is where you lose the confidence.

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It's counterintuitive to logic.

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Logic would tell you.

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You've got good things going, take it easy.

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Relax a little bit, protect yourself a little bit.

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You don't need to step out there.

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If you don't spend confidence.

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You're never going to earn any more.

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So you got to spend it, you got to take the risk and what better time to do it?

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When things feel easy when things are going easy for you.

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When you got a hot hand going capitalize on it.

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Don't cauterize it.

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Don't shrink.

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Go for more.

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The biggest deception we have in life.

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Is believing that all of your work.

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Is finally paying off.

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That's true.

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It is paying off.

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But see you forget there's a lag.

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The lead is your effort, the lag.

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Is the results in the lag.

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And all of the work.

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And everything, all the fortunes that you're experiencing right now.

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are not from what you're doing right now is from what you did weeks ago.

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You forgot about all that.

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You think that you're just so blessed?

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That things are just coming to you.

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It's because of all the work, all the strikeouts, all the embarrassments, all the frustrations.

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That happened.

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Weeks and weeks and weeks before you thought it was a waste of time.

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But see, it was storing that energy was storing that consistency was storing that grit, that resilience.

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That trying to figure things out, pushing on.

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All that was storing up.

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And now at cascades, but the biggest deception that you can have is thinking that it's going to continuously pay off.

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No, if you don't feed it more, the universe is finally going to say.

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You're paid in full.

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And before, you know, it.

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Literally before, you know, it.

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You've lost all of your momentum.

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And by the time you realize your momentum is lost.

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It's way too late.

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Never lose your momentum.

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Choose hard.

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Tackle the uncomfortable task today, the things that you want to put off, the things that seem so subtle.

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It seems so subtle if it's so subtle.

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To not do.

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It's also subtle to do.

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And this is the universe's way of saying.

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Don't procrastinate.

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Go for it.

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And I'm not talking about monumental things, man.

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Go back and listen to yesterday's episode, episode 8 44.

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About incremental risk.

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It's just doing a little bit more when your mind tries to pull you back.

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I love Mel Robbins rule, the five second rule.

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And the five second rule is by the time you count from five to one, you should be in motion.

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A lot of times when I find that hesitation of asking a customer to buy from me or asking them to look at this situation one more time or go for something a little bit more where they've already said Nope, not going any further.

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It's the five second rule.

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I don't get down to one.

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It's like ripping a bandaid.

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I go.

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Uh, throw it out there before my mind has time to negotiate.

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Don't get into negotiations with yourself.

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Choose hard, incremental, tough things, incremental, subtle things.

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Just go in this way, dude.

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you'll never have momentum leak.

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You'll never run out of confidence.

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Will your confidence take a hit sometimes?

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Will you stumble back sometimes?

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will some days look like that you're losing.

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Yes, but you're also mentally winning because there are things that are going on inside of your head.

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That you're trying to figure out what to do.

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When all the dots connect.

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You're more powerful.

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You're unstoppable.

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You're unstoppable.

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If you never stop.

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You just keep going.

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And you choose hard.

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It's voluntary.

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That's the thing.

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Everybody's looking for the path of easy.

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Just choose a little tough road today.

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Do what other people are unwilling to do?

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And you'll be what other people never will be.

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You got to go hard.

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Because here's the thing.

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Either you choose hard or hard will choose you.

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There's no two ways about it.

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There's no three ways about it.

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There you can't hide from hard.

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So if you choose hard incrementally.

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Hard can never choose you.

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It's like it's looking around.

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Duck, duck goose.

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And it's looking around, he's like, oh, this dude's already doing hard.

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I'm going to the next person.

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But if you relax and you let up.

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Harp we'll choose you.

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It may take awhile, but.

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But hard will.

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I will find you.

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Hiding in plain sight, taking extra time off.

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Laying up a little bit.

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And she'll expose you.

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And you'll have no momentum to fight back.

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So as we wrap up today, let me ask you this.

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What's a hard task or project that you've been delaying.

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What have you been putting off?

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For next week.

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Next month.

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Next year.

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Or when you have more money.

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See the future is not guaranteed.

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Now is just get started.

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You don't need the perfect plan.

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You don't need more research.

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You don't need any advice.

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Start with what you have.

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Start with free work toward what you need, earn what you want.

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That's pro level, that's the three things.

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Just start with whatever you have.

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Your plan is going to change many, many times.

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Anyway, your cadence, the way you deliver things, the way you think about things.

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This is all you got right now.

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You will think differently.

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Life will reveal more.

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Life will connect you with other people.

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Life will.

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Open up other possibilities and ranges, but you got to earn it.

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So choose hard today.

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What's that one thing that you're going to do today?

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Hit me up.

00:10:21.938 --> 00:10:23.078
Let me know what that is.

00:10:23.288 --> 00:10:25.749
Thanks for tuning in to what's your problem, the podcast.

00:10:25.749 --> 00:10:28.958
Be sure and share this show with one other person who needs to hear it.

00:10:29.889 --> 00:10:32.109
This is how you can help grow the show.

00:10:32.288 --> 00:10:35.438
Also leave a rating and review your stars.

00:10:35.489 --> 00:10:38.759
It's your ratings and review that bubble up to the top.

00:10:39.749 --> 00:10:43.009
And somebody who's in a circumstance like yours.

00:10:43.999 --> 00:10:44.958
Your words.

00:10:45.528 --> 00:10:46.249
Your rating.

00:10:47.089 --> 00:10:50.058
Caused them to stop check out this episode.

00:10:51.509 --> 00:10:54.479
And initiate the change they desperately needed in their life.

00:10:54.899 --> 00:10:57.928
And it's all from your words, not mine.

00:10:58.558 --> 00:10:59.639
All right, let's get out of here.

00:10:59.639 --> 00:11:02.129
Remember the greatest sale that you will ever make is the sale.

00:11:02.129 --> 00:11:04.019
You won't you because you're more than enough.

00:11:04.229 --> 00:11:05.068
Keep it simple.

00:11:05.188 --> 00:11:05.999
Keep it moving.

00:11:06.119 --> 00:11:06.899
Never settle.

00:11:06.899 --> 00:11:08.109
Stay tough peace.