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In his book, Rick Ross wrote that put in the work and become so good at something.
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That nobody can take it away from you.
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'cause money, fame and prestige.
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They come and go.
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But your skillset and your know how.
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will last forever.
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You keep adding to it.
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Every day.
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See, everybody wants to become a millionaire.
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Everybody wants to be in an elite position.
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And their careers.
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Money fame and prestige.
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. But if you haven't learned what it takes to make a million.
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Then how will you ever learn what it takes?
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To keep making.
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Many millions.
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This makes me think back to when I was playing college ball, I had a full ride scholarship.
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And that is one thing, man.
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The coach used to tell me all the time he said, marsh, look, your athleticism is not going to be here forever.
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In these next five years.
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Put in the work.
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Get your degree.
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And learn the skills that it takes to be successful in business.
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Leverage where you are right now.
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As an athlete.
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And being compensated through a full ride scholarship.
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Don't just play the position of an offensive lineman.
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That's not going to be there forever.
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Learn the skills, not only as an athlete.
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But also.
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Take advantage.
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Of the full ride that you have and get your education.
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And in other words, stop taking bullshit ass classes.
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And take the classes because we're paying for it.
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Take the classes that you need.
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To be successful for the rest of your life.
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I wish I would've listened to him.
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'cause I didn't do that.
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I learned a lot of skills.
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I never got my degree as a matter of fact, 18 hours from finishing my college degree.
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Never did it.
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And in hindsight, I'm like, why.
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Did not listen to them.
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So you've got to ask yourself today, man, what are the lives?
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So you got to ask yourself today, what are the lifetime skills that you're developing right now?
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And these are skills that.
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These are skills and know-how.
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That you can develop.
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And take anywhere in your life.
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This is why I say that people that kind of flounder, they don't really know what they want to do in life.
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Get into sales because sales teaches you the five core skills that I teach in life.
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Communication, curiosity, creativity.
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Continuous learning and action and productive confrontation.
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These are skills that you have to be successful in sales.
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And you can take these into every other area of your life.
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No matter what position.
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Profession that you're in.
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But regardless of that, even if you're not in sales, whatever it is that you're doing right now, you have to ask yourself, what are some of the lifetime skills.
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That I could be developing right now.
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Or if you are developing them.
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Are you making them stronger or did you just get to a level of competency?
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And say I'm good.
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I got to check.
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I can put a little money in the bank.
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I'm paid my capital one credit card.
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I got a nice car.
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Is that it?
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Because money, fame and prestige material things status.
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Man dude those come and go?
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Anything can happen.
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And if you don't have the skills.
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And the know-how.
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That when something happens, life takes a shift on U S H I F T.
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When life shifts on you.
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If you don't have.
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Skillset and know how.
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That is outside of the position that you're in.
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Dude you going to be a one trick pony and what happens?
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You know, you hear all this talk about AI and AI is going to take all these positions and all that.
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If I'm continuously growing my skillset and know how.
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I'm not threatened.
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By any AI.
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or any person for that matter?
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Any industry taking my profession?
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Taking my position.
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I'm not worried about that.
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Because I'm not just doing the job.
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I'm learning skillset and know-how above and beyond.
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That's what I want you to be thinking about right now.
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Because getting to a place, money, fame, or prestige.
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That's one thing.
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And so many times, man, we set these goals and we like, oh, if I could only get to there.
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Well, what happens when you get there?
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What happens then?
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So if you were just.
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Airdropped in and had millions in the bank.
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If you were airdropped in.
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And, you know, had the elite position.
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You're in a very vulnerable situation.
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Because you haven't develop the skills and the know-how not only does to get in that position.
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Because you were just poop.
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The genie in the bottle you got there now, what.
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How will you be able to keep it?
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Not only sustain it?
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Establish a beachhead.
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How will you be able to be there?
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And then grow it from there.
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That's why, where you are right now.
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And where you want to be.
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The way to get there, man, and beyond.
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Is to develop the skills and know-how.
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Not just to do the job.
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What are the lifetime skills that I can apply and leverage into every area of my life.
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In some things, man, you may not.
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Some things you don't even know if you're going to need those skills a decade from now.
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You may have to pull those resources, those shelf experiences I call.
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Don't know really why I did.
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I did it 10 years ago and you put those on your shelf, but then a decade later, You pull them off your shelf.
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You like, I went through a similar situation.
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Here's what we did.
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And see.
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10 years back, you were thrust in to a position or situation, and you had to figure things out, you paid for your education, then you learn the skills and know-how, so you're not threatened by any situation that happens later on.
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Because you've been there.
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You got the t-shirt for it.
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You survived it and now you can teach it to others too.
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This is what separates you from the pack, man?
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If you got to let's let's think about this.
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If you got to where you wanted to be in life.
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Money fame or prestige.
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Number one, you wouldn't even know if you were there.
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Whatever there is.
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You wouldn't even know what to look for.
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You wouldn't even know what questions to even ask.
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You wouldn't even know who to surround yourself with, who can help you grow this pie?
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You think your home is that you hang out with now?
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And y'all talk about dreams and fantasies and wishes.
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You think they're the ones I was going to be right there with the CEO position of you.
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You think they're not going to fuck you over?
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Of course they will.
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They see millions laying around the opportunity to just pinch off a little bit.
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And draft off of you.
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Without having to develop the skillset and know how they're not growing with you.
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They're just taking from you.
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That's what happens.
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So be thankful for the position.
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That you're in right now.
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And be thankful that you haven't arrived yet.
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I hope you never get there for that matter.
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But be glad that you haven't climbed.
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The reason being is.
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Is because you haven't pushed yourself to learn the skillset and know how.
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To not only get there.
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But also keep getting there, keep earning, keep growing it, keep developing it.
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Because you can only coast in one direction.
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Life has changing situations are changing.
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Environments are changing.
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Economies are changing or you.
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So that's one thing it's getting there.
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And then moving up from there.
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No one what to look for, knowing what questions to ask.
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Also developing a skillset.
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To handle your stress.
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Stress at elite levels, dude, that'll consume you.
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I laugh at young managers, man, who they get in the trenches with me, they thought.
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As a top salesperson, they thought they had all the skills.
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They needed to do my job, but then when they get side by side with me and they get in the trenches.
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They get into a war fight.
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They looked at me and like, oh shit, I don't know what to do.
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I'm like, yeah.
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I do because I've been there.
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I keep developing.
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I keep growing.
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This keeps me.
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Able to pivot in life.
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Doesn't matter what happens in life.
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I've got skills and know-how.
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If, if cars just went away tomorrow, I could take those skills and go a different direction.
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Same thing with the podcast, man, the skills and the know-how that I've learned into develop.
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By doing this.
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For seven years.
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I'm good.
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I just, I keep adding to it every episode.
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I add more skills, more knowledge, more know how.
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What's so important and here's the other thing.
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Is if you were Insta dropped in the money, fame or prestige.
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A, like I said, you wouldn't know what to look for.
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You wouldn't know what questions to ask.
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You wouldn't know how to handle the stress, but also you're going to fall from the penthouse.
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To the outhouse.
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And not stop anywhere in between skills, knowledge, and know how.
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Keep you from falling as for, this is why you see millionaires, who lose it all.
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And bounce right back.
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And then our billions.
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It's because they develop the skills and the knowledge and the know-how.
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To not only get to making millions, but when they lost it, They knew how to get it back.
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They knew how to grow it back again.
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And then some, they didn't stop after that.
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And that's the unique advantage that you have with these situations?
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Is when you have to start over, you're not starting from scratch.
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You're starting with experience.
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Now you apply that experience, pull in more skills.
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Uh, just.
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Apply the lessons that you've learned.
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Now, you know, more to look for who to surround yourself with better question to ask.
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And then you keep going from there.
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This is so important, man.
00:11:06.860 --> 00:11:10.070
When you develop your skills, knowledge, and know-how continuously.
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They're going to do three things for you.
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Number one, they're going to position you.
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For the present.
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For where you are right now, they're going to prepare you for the future, but you must keep adding to it.
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Even, even if you don't have to.
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Everything's voluntary man.
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You just pull in more, pulling more, pull it more.
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And then number three, it's going to catch you if you're ever fall.
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So that way, if I fall.
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Instead of from the 12th floor to the basement.
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I may fall from the 12th floor to the 10th.
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But I can sure shit.
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Get back up to the 12th, floor and all the way to the penthouse.
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With what I've learned in that dip.
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So today, man.
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Do your job.
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But more importantly.
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Learn the skills, knowledge, and know-how.
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To not only be in the position.
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Put yourself in position.
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For even more.
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Don't be the type of person.
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Who just goes to work.
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To pay the rent.
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Be the type of person develop the skills, knowledge, and know-how.
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And surround yourself with the right people.
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Who can help you buy the whole damn building?
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That's what's important.
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Because it's not enough to get there.
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It's developing the skills, knowledge, and know-how to never stay there.
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All right, let's get outta here.
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Keep it simple.
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Keep it moving.
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Never settle.
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State tough peace.