In this episode of the "What's Your Problem?" podcast, I explore the empowering world of physical fitness and how it profoundly impacts our lives. Drawing inspiration from Twyla Tharp's insightful book "Keep It Moving: Lessons for the Rest of Your Life," I delve into the importance of treating your body as a lifelong pledge and responsibility.
As a listener, you'll gain invaluable insights on several key areas:
1. **The Significance of Physical Fitness:** I'll help you understand why maintaining physical activity as we age is crucial for mental sharpness, bone strength, muscle mass, and overall mobility.
2. **Empowerment Through Responsibility:** I discuss how seeing the care of our bodies as a personal job, a pledge that impacts not only ourselves but also those around us, can be transformative.
3. **Actionable Fitness Strategies:** I provide practical tips and strategies for integrating physical activity into daily life, such as 'marking your day' with small, manageable exercises.
4. **The Mind-Body Connection:** I explore how physical fitness enhances social, emotional, and intellectual well-being, contributing to a fulfilling life.
5. **Overcoming Mental Barriers:** I break down the mental conditioning that leads to inactivity and help you understand the long-term benefits of staying physically active.
6. **Investing in the Future:** I view physical activity as an investment in your future self, preparing for life's uncertainties and challenges with strength and resilience.
By the end of this episode, you will feel empowered and equipped with the knowledge and motivation to take control of your physical fitness. You'll understand its profound impact on your overall quality of life and feel inspired to make lasting, positive changes. This episode is a call to action for anyone looking to embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle and discover the profound benefits of physical well-being.
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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.
All right. 3, 2, 1. Let's get it. Welcome to what's your problem podcast. I'm your host marsh BICE. And today we're going to dive into. A book, man, that I just came across it. I have a bunch of books. Is those of you who are watching on the video? I have a bunch of books behind me. What I'll do a lot of times is I'll just pull a random book off the shelf. And I'll go to the table of contents, find a chapter that resonates with me. And then I will read out of that chapter. And this one happened to be one that, um, A ball. I don't know sometime back and is Twila Thorpe's book. Keep it moving. Now, why would I buy a book that says, keep it moving? Of course I would, because you know, those of you who have rocked out with me for a long time. You know, that I end every episode with keep it moving, keep it simple. Never saddle. Stay tough. And so obviously the title of the book really, really captured me. The name of the book is keep it moving lessons for the. The rest of your life. And there's a chapter that just jumped out at me, your body. Is your job ever since October 16th, 2022 are really made. Um, a lifestyle choice. To become more efficient as I'm getting older. I'm now 50. And I'm getting into the second half of my life. And I want to grow into the second half with tremendous momentum. I don't want to start. You know, the wheels wobbling and then all of a sudden everything comes off. So this chapter really, really struck a chord with me. And it's ironic as I'm sharing this with you at the beginning of the year. Um, but this is not a new year's message. I'm going to get in shape. Go back to episode 8 0 5, where our really spoke in depth about this. Don't start when you're ready. Who's ready. We'll never arrive. Start when you've had enough and whatever point that is, it could be. In July, I don't know, but when you've had enough of the life that you you're living. And you're sick and tired of being sick and tired. Then now. You've had enough. And then you got to do something about it. So I believe that this episode is a great companion to episode 8 0 5. And the title of the chapter, your body is your job. It's not about fitness. It's a call to a lifetime pledge of caring for your body. See, that's different. Like you have a pledge. To care for your body. And as we age. It's tempting to want to slow down. You paid your dues? Let me lay up a little bit. But as you age is precisely the time that you should actually increase. Your physical activity. There are things that you're not going to be able to do at age 60. That you can do when you're 20. But it doesn't mean that you don't do anything at all. And a lot of times it's kind of an either or situation. I'll talk to a lot of older men and you're like, man, I used to work out seven days a week. I'm like, why don't you do something now? Three days, four days, just some sort of physical activity. Why is it like at age 35? You did it, but now today you feel like you don't need it is precisely why you do need it. Because your body. And your mobility. And your mental faculties. Began to kind of slow down a little bit. It's the, use it or lose it kind of principle. Tharp writes the care of your body is your job. And has been entrusted to you. And only you. The choice is yours. Imagine a world where each of us sees our body as each one of our responsibilities. It's privilege. It really is, man. There's nobody's going to ever make another one of you. It's not about avoiding the decay of your physical self. But it's about. Sharpening the sword using the wisdom that you've amassed all of these years. To continue to refine it. So you're more mentally sharp. Your bones are strengthened. And your muscles are getting stronger. As you age. And you maintain your mobility as well. The thing that scares me so much. That really puts things in perspective. Is to see someone burdened by years of neglect. And now they're dependent. On others for their basic mobility. Dude I've I've seen. Older men. That come into my store. And they can't even get in a chair. Right. They need help sitting on the toilet. It bro. That scares me, man. That is like, I don't want to be that kind of guy. Which is why I lay the brick every single day, which is why. That I've decided to make this a lifetime pledge. To fulfill my body. So that way I'm not a burden to someone else. That way it's not, as I age, I don't want my wife to have to help me in and out. And choose my tennis balls for a Walker. Dude as I get older, I have a pledge. Uh, a mission to be 110 years old, healthy, and whole no applesauce, no bib. No depends. Like. Yeah. I just, I just, Brad, just want to lay it in there, man. And just. Once I'm done. I'm done. Like I don't, I don't want to just become this. Old. POS man that just gets raggedy and raggedy. And then just finally just. Dies off. That's not the place you want to be. And your body is a pledge. It's a commitment. Not only to yourself. But also others around you as well. It is. C E you think it it's all about you? It's not, it's all about. Loved ones too. Because do you want to go to functions with your family? And they can't do certain activities because you can't do them. Are they going to lift you up or you can't even walk through a park? You can't play with your grandkids? No, but see, it's the it's, it's the pledge that you make today? Everything counts. And you think that you get away with it? When you do these things. And borrow from your future. When instead, what you should be doing is you should be looking at these things. Your physical activity, your fitness as a pledge, as an investment. For your future. Back to the book. Tharp writes fitness expands. Our social and emotional and intellectual wellbeing. It's how you pay. This is key. It's how you pay. And fulfill. Your obligations and craft your competitive edge. And elevate your self-esteem. You want a competitive edge as you age. Of course you do. Like you've, you've gone through so much shit in your younger days. Where you should have a competitive edge. But if you think that, oh, I want to do last every single day. You think that you just want to lay up every single day because you've been working these jobs for so long because you've been working this job for 25 years and now I've earned the right to sit down. You losing your edge, you've gone through all of these things in your past for a reason. Use it to your advantage as you age, you can apply that. Everything that you've gone through everything that you've learned. And you have the mental sharpness, you had the mobility, the agility, the strength. To say, let's go. And that way you can seize more opportunities. You're not like y'all go ahead. Y'all go on without me. I want y'all to have fun. Fuck that I'm going with you. It's why you got to treat it like an investment man, your physical activity. Is an investment. And so that way you're not stealing from your future, nor are you stealing from other people's lives as well, because see, when you don't take care of yourself, You're stealing from other people. Because then they have to maneuver. And adjust their schedules. And what they do. To lift your crusty ass. In and out. I don't want one of those mobility friendly vans. No, thanks. I want my lower body strength. To be strong. To be ready. To be mobile. And then I want that mental sharpness to. When you invest. It's like any other investment. You're stockpiling. For our unpredictable moments in the future. Like case in point. My buddy Lee Witt. Who I follow on. Instagram. Dude Christmas. I think it was Christmas day. He's playing the piano. Grandkids are sitting there in the corner and he's playing. And I'm like, bro. That's cool. Never heard him play before. But then like hours later. I come back to Instagram and he's got a neck brace. And he's laying in a hospital bed in intensive care. Am I, what the hell happened? And when I played the video. He was like, I went down a slope. I'm sure with the grandkids. And went off a cliff. Dude. He had no idea just hours earlier. He was playing the piano. And now. He's got a fractured neck broken ankle. But see, here's the difference? Had he not been. He's in. Phenomenal shape, phenomenal shape. Had he not been in, in top shape? I probably would have killed them. So, see, this is what I'm talking about. You're engaging in physical activity every single day. Is. It's an investment because you never know the future is uncertain. The past is written. The past is predictable. But you have no idea, five minutes from now, what could happen? 10 minutes from now, once I get off this video, what happens from there? Don't know. But at least that I know. I won't have a regret. That it didn't go work out this morning that I haven't been working out every single day. So that way, whatever comes. At least I did my part, at least I've invested. And so I'll be equipped more so. To be able to power through this. And come out the other side on top. What's your choice. Pay now play later. Play now. Dammit, you're going to pay later. It's your choice. Don't be mad. Don't just exist, man. Live with a purpose. And if you're unsure what your purpose is. Start with caring for your body. Don't know what I want to do in life. Don't know where I want to go in life. I don't know where my second half in. Life's going to be okay. Just take care of you right now, your purpose will align. Your purpose will drop him when it's ready to the fact that you're even starting to think about that. Is going to start sharpening those things up. But if you're not mentally clear, if you're not strengthening your body. If you just coming home, smashing beers and fried seafood platters, and you just fucking laying up. You won't be prepared. You have no idea what your purpose is going to be. You're going to be a paper bag in the wind. Until you just go out in a whimper. Because you didn't invest. You got to invest, man. You got to pay now. That way I can play. As I pay, it's not either our situation. It's not, you can lay the brick. In the mornings. And then that way you can enjoy your lifestyle as you progress. I'm about to go to work. And you know what I got up this morning, 5:00 AM got the workout in. An hour, like Goggin said an hour of suffering. It's beneficial. So I'll put myself through the ringer. But I've won the day, no matter how the day ends. Of one. This is what's going to equip you. To handle adversity. Embrace uncertainty. And never settle again. Tharp rights you're exercising is always connected to a purpose. And. Through the physical exercise. And through physical exertion. You're crafting your body, your mind to accomplish whatever comes your way. So let's shift gears a minute. How do you make this more actionable? I'm intense about this. Because. You're only going one direction. You're going to die. You're getting older. Start making some decisions and it's nothing that's huge and radical man. Just start making these shifts. It puts you some physical activity every day. And I want to give you some tips, how to not be overwhelmed about that. So, let me give you a few takeaways because this is a work in podcast. I don't want you to feel good. Oh, that was a lovely message. No. My punch in the gut. So, let me give you. Four of them. Number one, mark your day. I love this analogy. This is what Thorpe says, mark your day. And marking your day. As an analogy that she talks about when she lives in New York. So, and she teaches ballet. So when the dancers are waiting for the subway, They're actually marking their day. So what they're doing is, is they're working on their routine while they're waiting for the subway to come in. Obviously they can't go flying across the platform, but they can do small movements. So they're making the best use of your time. So marking your day is finding these small little areas. Okay. You don't, you're not ready to go to the gym yet. You haven't had enough to go to the gym yet. I should say. Okay, cool. But you can mark your day. You can put in some physical exertion. In many different ways. Number one, stop trying to find the closest parking space. So you don't have to walk as far, find the furthest parking spot. In the light. And you walk your fat ass inside. You take the walk. All right. Even if he got to do some lunges on the way in there. Plus. You're less likely to have somebody ding up your car. Some, so that's a way of marking your day park way out in the parking lot. Take the stairs. Every chance you get stopped looking for the elevator, take the stairs. Every chance you get these small little things, they die, they think they don't matter. They do. Remember everything counts. Investment. Or decay, everything counts. You're investing. Take the stairs, do wall pushups, do air squats in a vacant hallway. Nobody's around. Bang you have five air squats out. Don't worry about, well, it's not enough to really make a difference. No, you're just building consistency right now. You're increasing your mobility right now. Number two. Earn your laziness. I love this one. Earn your laziness, meaning. I get it out of the way. First thing in the day. So that way. You've earned your right to watch a little Netflix delay up on the couch a little bit. You've earned it because you got it in. Number three, stay prepared. You got to treat your body like a second career. Thorpe says you got to treat it like a farmer farmer shows up for two reasons every single day. To assess the day. And to adapt to whatever changes there are. It's what a farmer does. Same thing that you gotta do. You gotta show up every single day and whatever it is today. Shut the hell up. Adapt go to work. I deal with a lot of farmers when they're coming in buying new trucks. And when I talk to them, sometimes they talk about. How they've put in all this hard work. And some major storm comes through and wipes out years of hard work. You know what they're doing today? Showed up. Buy more equipment adapting going back at it. So why spend your emotional mental currency talking about something that's already happened? Take a farmers' approach. It's a second career of your physical activity. Cool. Lay it in there. Show up, adapt. Keep going. Nothing's for nothing nothing's wasted. It's all going to benefit you. Uh, number four. Just make progress, man. Move the needle every single day. It's not about perfection. Each step each rep. You're investing in your future self. And case in point. My wife and I were talking at the beginning of this week. And I was talking about, you know, after a year of really doing this. My lower body's weak, man. I have a very weak, lower body. And she's like, yeah, you walk old. Now my, what do you mean? She's like, you're stiff. And people ask me all the time, like, is Marshall K. I was like, really. And when she said that I'm like, yeah, People ask me the same thing. Like when I see him at work, they're like, bro, you okay? You hurt? I'm like, no, I feel fine. But see my whole lower body is super, super stiff. And very, very weak for years. All I did was run. I didn't do any strength training. I've really banged my body, beat my body down. And so. I don't have. The. The structured below. The strong legs that I need as I, as I'm aging. So as I'm telling you this. I'm doing it too. And so in talking to my wife, she says, I'm going to start getting up in the mornings. Cause she she's. The trainer, she has her own. Jim. And she was like, I'm going to start working. You out. Lower. Her body. And upper body. But lower body, specifically, lower body. And you know, where she started. With nothing. With nothing. No. Wait. Just mobility. And then like the bar, you know, I see all these guys that have these multiple. Plates on. They're asked to the ground squad. I can't do that. And so I was choosing the exercises that I would look good. I was. Training, but I was also worried about what other people were saying. And I was. I was decaying. And so she was like, Marsh, we're here to train. We're not here to impress. And so here I am. With a 20 pound dumbbell. Doing mobility exercise. Exercises today. today. I did side lunges. She's got like 20. 20. pound dumbbell at anything. It is. We did air. That to increase the watch come true. I'm going to have a bronc man. I'm gonna good. My lower body. And so out saying it's not infection. It's. Perfection is about the problem. And so it's just been like, But feel better, mama. And it's funny. Um, I'm tower batter. I don't. So I'm not as easy thing. My groin and what have anything to do with. A mental approach. Happiness with mama. My old man. This is me about you're having was because, but as this flexibility, Myself through. Yes, I'm doing through. I feel backside of it. That's what it's all about. I'm pledge eight. My wife's younger than me as I get older. Then I can keep it as my daughter gets. Let's go. Things. So that's the thing. I want you to be thinking about. Get older. Sure. Sure. Age is in the wisdom. You're going to apply to be more productive role. And so take everything, take every pulled from the peg count, ply that into physical. All right. Thing though. What's your profit and share this episode? Is it. Oh, and also, so that loved the audience. Want to see the metal. All right. So keep it moving. Never settle CS.