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Dec. 31, 2023

806. Don't Start When You're "Ready." Start When You've HAD ENOUGH.

In today's episode of "What's Your Problem?" is not another New Year's Resolution message. 

As a matter of fact, I don't even want you to make a New Year's resolution because you'll likely quit anyway. 

Start when you've had enough, not when you feel ready, because "ready" is a BS narrative we feed to ourselves anyway. 

**Key Takeaways from This Episode:**

1. **Understanding the "Day of Enough":** Learn how to identify your personal turning point for change. I share my own experience and encourage you to reflect on what your "Day of Enough" looks like.

2. **Debunking the 'Ready' Myth:** Discover why waiting for the perfect moment is a trap and how to overcome the "When/Then" mentality that holds so many of us back.

3. **Commitment through NMWs (No Matter What):** I guide you through the process of defining your non-negotiable actions and how to stick to them, regardless of life's challenges.

4. **Simplicity in Transformation:** Find out why keeping your transformation journey simple is crucial and how to determine the least you can do consistently to ensure sustained change.

5. **From Process to Results:** Explore the journey from setting daily actions to establishing routines and rituals, leading to real, tangible results.

6. **Leveraging Success for Future Goals:** Learn how to use your past successes as a foundation for future growth, turning achievements into stepping stones.

7. **Every day is Day 1:** Understand the importance of treating every day as a standalone chance for progress and growth.

8. **The Power of Your Environment:** It's not the people; it's the triggers. Uncover how your surroundings impact your habits and learn strategies to create an environment that supports your productive habits.

In this episode, I provide insights and actionable steps you can implement immediately. It's designed for anyone tired of the traditional New Year's resolution cycle and ready for a genuine, lasting change. Tune in for an empowering session that could mark the beginning of your own transformation journey.

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


Don't start when you're ready. Start when you've had enough. And I promise you, man, this is not another one of those. New year's resolutions messages. As a matter of fact, dude, I don't even want you to make. A new year's resolution. And this highlights and I bring you this message. All, thanks to a article that I read in the Washington post from Susan Shapiro. And she wrote that holidays and birthdays. Are the worst times. To begin transformation. Because those days around public celebrations are fraught. Where the emotional. And unrealistic expectations. So instead of another permission-based message. I want to provoke you. To take control of your day. And I say day, That's key. Because if I say provoke you to change your life. Dude the word life. Seems so heavy. So long. So daunting. And at times very dark. It's so overwhelming. That you end up reverting back until your old nature. So instead. We're going to talk about today.'cause today. Is the only day that you're promised anyway. All right. So let's get it. So these are eight of them. They were going to go through. And I'm telling you, man, even, you know, you're going to listen to this. And it may provoke you to start. But when you've had enough, that is the day that you're going to start. So, which leads me to the first point. Don't start when you're ready. You start when you've had enough. And I don't want you to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. I don't want you to be sick and tired. I don't want outside circumstances. To force you to change. I want you to be the one to decide. That I've had enough. And I don't know what that day is for you. It could be six months from now. It could be the end of this episode. But whatever that day is that he's a very special day for you. That only you can decide. See January one. Is an arbitrary. Herd mentality is what everybody does. It's the day everybody picks. But I want you to pick. A day of enough. And that's a very special day for you. Because. The day of enough. Is the day. That you're completely honest with yourself. This is the day. That you come to terms. With your destructive way of living. That day for me. Was October 16th, 2022. That was my day of enough. And see. Life gets. It's very sneaky, man. Tendencies bad habits. Very elusive. But October 16th, 2022 was my day of enough. That was the day. That I came to terms. Uh, the fact that I was living a lie. And you are massive lies when like back in the day lie, like I had some big ones. But a lie is a lie and I was living that lie. Because what had happened was. I started drinking every day. Again. I was eating wrong. And. I told myself a lie. And let me tell you what that lie was. See every day I was consistently. Bang it out. Three to five mile runs every single day and occasionally eight to 10 mile runs. So, because I could tell everybody, oh, I run five miles a day. See that was the bullshit narrative. I was, I was, I was telling myself and others. And I was hiding behind black shirts, but when the shirt came off and you can go to my Instagram, And see it pinned to my profile. You'll see the big titties in the gut I had. I was just hiding behind black shirts. And I was a whole lot less. I used to be. Uh, about 285 pounds back in the days. So I was less, I was about 2 25. But see, I'd crept the weight back up. And I'd go home from. Uh, spelt. Two 15, but I was 2 25 and it, it seemed like 10 pounds. Oh, Marsha. It's not a lot. But it was very, very destructive. I was on my way. To destruction. Because little by little man, I was starting to add back in. Some of the old bullshit things I was doing. So see, I would drink. Every day. I bang out the three to five mile run. And then I would give all my results back. I would eat poorly. I would drink some beer. With the fellows. And I wake up in a deficit man. I had to start all over. And to make things worse. I'll. I'll tell you how, how crazy this is to make things worse. And I only saw this in hindsight. Was I was getting on my podcast, but what's your problem podcast. And I was telling my narrative was true. But it was based from. The old ways, the old days, the things I used to do. But I was no longer doing that day. I was talking about back in the days. The second point. You never going to be ready. Ready. Is a bullshit narrative. That we feed ourselves and others. It is. See. You treat life. Like a jigsaw puzzle. It's like a bunch of puzzle pieces. And you, you, you, you vow that when things perfectly fall into place, Then you're going to be ready. This is what I call that. When then clause, when my daughter goes to pre-K. When things settle out at work. When I clean out the garage and clear out an area for a little home gym, then I got about home gym, then. I'm going to be ready. So that when then bullshit thing, we always say. And I could tell you exactly. The month that you're going to change. It's the month of never wary. Never. You're never going to get around to it. Because perfect. Never arrives. So perfect. Never arrives. Shit, bro. You might as well start anyway. Third point. Find your in MWS. These are what I call my, no matter what, pick a time, a duration. And the number or a specific day. Our specific days. That you're going to bang out change. Pick that time. Duration. And number. That you will do no matter what. And it has to be a time that does not get in the way. Of the common derailments. Of family or work. And let me give you a hint. Sorry to tell you this. But that in MW time. It's going to be early, early. In the morning. But aren't you worth it? This is where you got to know thyself to. You got to find your pinch points. Your pinch points. Are your occurrences that have interfered all the other times that you vow the change. So you got to take a preemptive approach. Understanding these pinch points. And approach it by picking the slots. That you will keep no matter what. And they keep you on track. To know thyself, you know that you're not going to work out after work. You know, this you've know that you're not going to eat baked chicken nine days a week. So stop saying these things. Find your, no matter what. Which brings me to my fourth point. Keep it simple. Let me tell you something, dude, complexity, sabotages. You have to keep things simple. Every derailment of mine has been because I made things too complex either. I started simple and got too complex. Or I started complex and I could not sustain. So you got to bust it down to simple and you've always got to keep it simple. This is why people say I got to go back to the basics. That's all basics mean. Going back to the basics means I just got to keep things simple. Don't add the complexity to it. Keep things super, super simple. You don't have three hours to do your thing. Transformation is a lifestyle, not a goal. It's an all day, every day kind of thing. So three things to keep in mind, determine your in MWS. Keep it simple. And ask yourself, what's the least I can do. Well, that's mind blowing. Everybody looks at things when they, when they go to change. They look at what's the most they can do. What's the least you can do. See, you got to kinda mind. Fuck yourself. And you got to say, what's the least I can give. I see when I started the podcast. I had to, if I would've said all, I got to have all these guests on and I had these three hour episodes. I would've never started. Back in 2017. Ironically, it was October of 2017, I guess the month of October is my days of change. If I would've, if I would've said that, Then I would have never got started. So I said, what's the least you can do. How much time you got five minutes. Can you do it every day? Yes. And so I did that and I vowed for 365 days for one year. I'm going to do one episode every single day for five minutes. That was the mindfuck I gave, because it did not take me five minutes to greet an episode. It was more like 30 to 45 minutes. But I knew the barrier to entry was the complexity was the long time slides. And bro, let me tell you something. I get away from this one reason why you saw a couple of weeks where I wasn't coming out with a weekly episode is because I got too complex. I would love to do an episode every single day. One day a week is all I really have. So I commit to that. And I had to have a. I had to have a gut check recently. Dude, I get away from these things. Because I was making things too complex. I was making things way too hard. And when you get complex, you get super frustrated and it's like everything. Derails, not only just whatever it is that you were trying to do, it's everything else. And then you start emotionally eating and then you snap off at people and you're not productive at work. All those D E all of the above. I did all that. And I had to be like, Let's get back to simplicity. Let's get back to the basics. What's the least I can do. You gotta remember man consistency over intensity, your intensity. Through consistency. We'll naturally rise because you're competing with yourself anyway. So you got to build your averages in. You gotta be, you gotta be average in order to be great. Fifth point. Let me give you a winning formula. I love this formula. ANd these are the little arrows process arrow routine arrow, ritual, arrow results. All right. So process three to five things, work a process. You got to put a process in three to five things that you can do every single day. I have six things I have to do every single day. That's wake up at a set time. It's right. It's workout. It's read. It's share it's design my day. And my future. That's the sixth stage. And so I don't negotiate. I don't have anything to think about who, what am I going to do today? No. This is what I just worked the process. See, this is where you just got to check the box. So with the process, it strips out. These are your non-negotiables. These are things that you don't negotiate with yourself. You just, when the decision you check the box, it's a mile marker. You check the box, you go to the next one. You win the mark. And then you go on to the next thing. That way I just, my mission every single day is to get all six checked. 95% of the time I do that. Check the box. So that's your process, your process. Becomes a routine. That is what you do. Day in and day out a routine is what you do. It's a system that you follow day in and day out. A routine followed every single day over a period of time. Becomes a ritual. That's the difference between a routine and a ritual or routine is what you do. Or ritual. Well, that's a routine on steroids. It's why you do what you do. It adds purpose. And defines the clarity and get you in alignment. With your future higher self. And this. Process routine ritual. Is what creates. Results. Exponential results. I don't have to explain this one to you. But see you're proven results. Our dreams. That become reality. It's a new way of life. That's why I call it a lifestyle, not a goal. And let me tell you something, which brings me to my six point. About results. Results. Become borrowed results. This is what's gonna make you unstoppable in life. Now that you've proven to yourself, you've gotten past that. MK. And that quitting and broken commitments and lies to yourself. And you've proven the results. You doubt it in the days that you didn't want to go. You did it. Those are your character building days, the days that you rocked off of four hours of sleep, because you've committed to doing it. When you have those proven experiences. Now. You can borrow those results. And apply those. It's like a down payment. Toward other areas of your life that need improvement to. This is why you see people that lose weight and all of a sudden start doing well in life. Both personally and professionally. It wasn't the weight loss per se. That just became the metaphor. It was the fact that they took control of their life. They earned their results. And now they have a new lease on life. A new perspective. They're like, fuck, hold on a minute. What else can I do? And this is what makes you. Just. A beast. This is what makes you go after other things. This is what makes you say, wait a minute. I'm worth way more than this. This is what makes you quit this bullshit ass job and go do the thing that you want to do. Oh, he's got it all started. With weight loss and use that as a metaphor, but whatever it is, that your bag that you keep wanting to get to, but you keep quitting. Boom, boom, boom. It's going to be your, your thing. Number seven. I love this one every day is day one. This is true in sales. This is true in life. Every day. Stands on its own. Yesterday ended last night. And let me tell you what's key about every treating every day is day. One thing about this the other day. If you keep everything as a day, one. Every day is a day one. Number one, you won't rest on your laurels.'cause yesterday ended last night. You won't sit back. And pull over a lot of times we just pull over and we coast on the results from yesterday. Yesterday ended. You're only as good as the day that you have today, yesterday in the last night. So every day stands on its own. So, whatever you do today, Has to stand on its own. Bad or good. Right. Carter rise. It it's over. So. Treating every day as a day one. You don't rest on your laurels. The second benefit. Of always keeping a day, one mentality. Is there is no condemnation. When you miss. Because every day is a day one. I've seen many, a man. String together. Massive wins. Hundreds of days. They committed, they did it and they posted it and they miss that one day. And it's crazy to think. That that one day. They get in the shitter. And they think so low of themselves, they totally missed out on the fact. That they strung together 500 days of whatever. And they miss that one day and they say, I knew I couldn't do it. This is the benefit of day one. No condemnation. And everyday stands on its own. So there's no wagon to fall off of. And there's no deficit. How liberating. That is just a mentality, man. Yes. You want to string these days together. But it's not stringing the days together just to string the, they used together. That's just, you have 500 day ones. That's it, but every day is day one. So that way, if you do miss no scratch that when you do miss. You're right back at it. Let me tell you this October 16th, 2022. I worked out every single day. For one year. Never missed a day. There were days. I had three hours of sleep, never missed a day. October 22nd. Of 2023. I missed the day. October 23rd. Uh, beat myself up. And I had to put a put in the perspective of like, wait a minute. You're in the best shape you've ever been in your life. You look incredible. And you're going to just. Unplug all of that. You got there. You got the results. You're living the results. And you're going to just kick the can down the road. Because you simply can't. Brag and boast. That's all it is. You can't brag to others that have never missed a day of working out in 14 years. Good for you. It's not for me. I just got to be consistent. With day ones. Number what a, what are we on? Number eight. This is key man. You got to change your environment. It's not the people, man. It's the trigger. Good or bad. Environments trigger behavior. So you got to surround yourself with triggers that support productive habits. And stay away from environments. That trigger. Destructive. Tendencies. And, and don't fall. For the, just once. Mentality. Because just once. Oh, just this one's reverting back to your old ways. Just once. Isn't a moment. It's a mindset and it's a very. Dangerous slippery slope. That you'll go down. Don't fall for it. We're the biggest liar to ourselves. You don't need other people to lie to you. We lie to our own selves. It's fucking three pounds on top. This negative narrative. This, um, you know, I was listening to Chris Williamson, uh, yesterday. He was. A year, end episode, like everybody's coming out with, and, you know, he was saying that although he has done phenomenally well with his podcast, he was celebrating. 1.5 million subscribers. He said, That old dude that old Chris Williamson. That used to run night clubs and party hard is still in there. And he said, I have to fight that guy every single day. Your old ways are never going to go away. Your old ticks are never going to go away. They're always going to be pulling at you. I was just talking on a previous episode. That I went to a Christmas party. Bro. And the urge to drink was like, Ooh, it was, I don't know what it was that day. Very emotional. And I was very mad. I am myself because I was like, why am I feeling like this? I got through the night. I didn't drink, but I can't tell you, man. The Compellent. If that is a word, but I was compelled to two. To, uh, to want to drink. Didn't do it. And I just had the wind that evening. Didn't wake up in a deficit, but if you do, if it happens. It's all right. That was day one. Today. Is day one. Let's go. All right. Let me leave you with a bonus for we've part ways. And I'll leave you with a few takeaways here in a minute. But. The bonus is you got to make it. You may want to consider. And I would strongly urge you may. You may want to consider. When you've had enough. To make it painfully expensive because you have to pay to pay attention. Price. Very expensive price. Creeds the pain. And you need some pain in your life. So for me. My transformation, October 22nd, 2022. Was triggered. Buy a $10,000 investment. That I paid to a coach. I'm gonna tell you something, had it been $29 and 95 cents a month. I would've quit. If it was free, I would have quit. The $10,000 investment. Dude the minute I swipe the Amex. I wanted to throw up. But that was my day of transformation. And because I swiped the Amex for 10 grand. I was determined to get a million dollars where the results and that I did. I've never been in better shape. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally or financially. Then I am right now. But it doesn't say it that way. It's a constant fight. And you know, that kind of investment may be a drastic approach for you. That's okay. But you must invest in yourself. And invest in something incredibly expensive. So what I would recommend to do. Would pay for something six months or 12 months at a time, this big block, if you do it monthly, it's easy to cancel. If you've committed to it for six months and prepaid this for six months to a year. Ooh. This creates that much needed stretch that you need. It's going to stretch you. Out of your old days and old ways. And let me tell you something, your stretch is not paying for a gym membership for a year. You can still quit. Your stretch would be to pay for a trainer. For a year. That calls you out on your shit. And actually. Literally calls you and says, don't be a bitch. You ain't about to miss. You got five minutes to get up here. That's the kind of person you need in your camp. You come first. Period. This year. Fuck the year. This moment, this day. Invest in yourself. All right. Let me leave you with a few actionable takeaways. Because I want this to be a work in podcast and done any actionable takeaways in, um, in a few episodes. Number one. Identify. Your day of enough. I don't know when that's going to be. When you've had enough, you've had enough. And that is going to be your line in the sand day. Where you push off and once you draw that line, you don't go back. Number two. You're never going to be ready. You're never going to be ready. So recognize the wind then clauses that you keep bullshitting yourself. You're not going to be writing. It's the imperfect days. That make the perfect human. Take the imperfection. And fucking bang them out. And make it perfect. Where you say, bro, I had all this adversity. I had all this resistance, had all these things coming at me. You had, I got it done. Number three, define your in MWS. What are your, no matter what. These are things that no matter what I'm going to do, these three to five things. I'm going to do that. No matter what. Number four, keep it simple. Keep it simple complexity. We'll sabotage you. Keep things simple. Number five, create the process. This goes back to you're in MWS, but let me tell you something about a process, your process. Is, it could have some variation within the process. Okay. So in other words, my six step process that I work every single day. What I do every single day is the same, the way that I do it. Has some flexibility in there. So that way it doesn't get all stale and crusty and you just robotically dialing it in. No, it's got some flexibility, but I do not deviate from that process itself. Number, whatever we own six. Leverage your successes. You gotta earn your wins. When you earn your wins proven results, then you can borrow from those results. And use those as a down payment toward other areas that you need to be working on also. Number seven every day is a day one this way you don't lay up and double up tomorrow. Every day stands on its own. True and sales true in life. So you don't rest on your laurels and there is no wagon, no deficit. All right. Every day you get out of this condemnation. You just knuckle up. Let's go. Creature environment. Stay away from, I can't stress this enough, stay away from areas that will trigger you into your old ways. This means people. This means. Places. Restaurants. Bars. Hometown. Stay away from it. Dude there's even, I was, I was telling one of my coaching clients the other day. There's even a books. I stay away from. From authors because reading them triggers. The old ways I used to live. Because I used to read certain authors. Wild down in a Magnum of Pinot Grigio. Those big ass bottles down that while reading. Shit. I don't remember much because by the end of the bottle, I was drunk. Uh, which led to other things too. But so I stay away from those from certain books because they trigger those. Those yesteryears. It's crazy. I love the author. Can't go back to them. Because. I know it's a trigger. No that itself. Alright, I appreciate you tuning into what your problem podcast be sure and share this episode with someone else. Thank you for making us the top 3% podcast in the world. We've got some new listeners. Uh, had a friend of mine., reach out to me and let me know that he shared that what's your problem podcast to his aunt who lives in New Zealand. And, uh, so now she's listening. So Sean, appreciate the love on that. And I appreciate you, uh, you, you sharing that as well. And there's so many great people that have rocked with me for so many years. Joe. Uh, mark. Uh, Josh. You know, the, the, the list Patrick, the list goes on and on and on, and you reach out to me, Kenny. Um, you reach out to me and, and, and, uh, uh, Tom. I just keep all these names, keep coming up. So thank you for those who have rocked with me for a very long time. I go back to some of my old episodes of my E. Woo. I sure appreciate the people. The loyal people who stay with me. Because some of my messages went off on the feeder road. And some of them, man, I go back and listen to like, bro, what were you really talking about that day? But, Hey, here we are, man. And this is episode a 8 0 6. I think, man. So we are banging on, we're close to a thousand, so looking forward to getting their own on that as well. So if you want to check this out on a YouTube, I will post a video there. And also we'll be on all your favorite podcasts as well. Also side note, um, as much as I can, can't really commit to it all, all the way. Uh, but I do have the, uh, first thoughts that is the, uh, the raw version of future episodes that are coming up. I love to write every single day. So these are my. Uh, unedited thoughts that I post those. So you may want to check that out its own Spotify. You can also what's on all, all the, um, Platforms, but you can watch the video on Spotify. Some of those will be re posted. As a original episodes and some of them. May go back two months from now and look at them and tweak some things and, uh, Embry. Shoot it again. Uh, but I like to, I love the creative energy that a podcast creates, but I would rather segment the first thought to put it off to the side because it's really kind of the unedited, the raw version of that. And, um, so if you wanna check that. out, you can check that out too. All right. Happy new year to you. Happy new you to you. Whenever you're listening to this make every day a day one, keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough piece.