Today, you'll discover a fresh perspective on time. Instead of believing it is working against you, you'll discover that time is your ally, a protective force guiding you through life's highs and lows.
You'll learn how time's incremental nature influences your victories and setbacks, offering you invaluable opportunities to learn, adjust, and grow.
You'll also learn how small mistakes actually serve as protective barriers, helping you avoid making larger, potentially life-altering blunders.
Get ready to reflect on the beauty of progress and the development of a robust work ethic over time. If you've ever felt the pressure of time, are striving for success and growth, or want to turn the tide and make time work for you, this episode is a must-listen.
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All right, let's get it.Welcome to another episode of the Marsh B Podcast episode.What are we on?7 78.We were on triple sevens last week.7 78.Man.I'm your host, marsh B, and today we're gonna dive into a topic of time, but this is not a time management episode because here's a way I look at it, in this fast-paced world, man, it's, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and rushed.It just seems like time is the enemy, right?But what if you could shift your perspective and look at time differently?What if you saw time as an ally, as a layer of protection rather than I.Your adversary, your enemy is working against me today.In this episode, we're gonna be exploring this concept and the idea that time is actually on your side, and time is actually helping you learn and grow and ultimately achieve your goals.Even though sometimes, man, it just seems like it's slower than it should be.And we're gonna also discuss how life's victories and setbacks,how they come in increments.Thank God because they give you time,they give you the space, the margin to adjust and evolve and not come at you all at once and overwhelm you.We're gonna dive into the idea that mistakes, especially small ones,serve as protectors, and they're saving you from more significant,potentially catastrophic errors.There are some mistakes that I made that had, I made them on a higher level.Would've wiped me off the map.You and I wouldn't even be sitting here today talking about anything.I'll also show you how time creates a,a strong work ethic and how it sharpens and hones your skills and refines the message that you bring to the world.This is going to be a thought-provoking episode, especially for all those who feel pressured by time,like the time's ticking away.Everybody's hands raised on that one, and my aim is, is to help demonstrate that the time is, it's not working against you, instead,it's protecting you, it's nurturing your growth, and it's preparing you.For massive success.It lies ahead.Stay tuned to the end of the episode.Got a few questions of reflection that you can walk away from this episode.Write these questions down and answer 'em.When you have time, and that way you can continue to grow and shape and evolve and not, feel like that the world is shrinking in, but actually it's expanding.It's just you have to look at it a little bit different.So you ready?It's time to prime your mind.Let's dive into today's episode.Time is on your side.This is the Marsh Buice Podcast.Let's get it.Just because results don't always align with your expectations, doesn't mean that time is actually working against you.On the contrary, time is your ally.Wins and losses.Thank God, dude, they come at you incrementally., it gives you the space and the margin to adjust and learn rather than everything coming at you all at once.Dude, if it came at you all at once, You'd be mowed over.It'd either wipe you off the map and destroy you, or you have instant success, which you think that's what you want, but you'd be ill-equipped to be able to handle that level of success.So that would de destroy you.thank God it's not.It was instant, good or bad, it would totally wipe you off the map.Because time is incremental and the wins and losses are incremental use that see it for what it is, it's a way of adjusting, measuring, analyzing.So you'll be more equipped along the way.Think about bad moments that just blindside you.What do you do when something just comes at you all at once?You be like, wait a minute,and you pause, right?You're pausing.That's a layer of protection because your mind is trying to recalibrate and figure out.What just hit you so that that pause, that gift of time,is a protective mechanism that safeguards you and provides the opportunity to recoup an F I O to figure out your next step.So it's crucial to remember that time is not your enemy, it's your shield.Mistakes, especially the minor ones, are often due their blessing in disguise because they prevent you from committing errors that could have had devastating impacts.So if you glad that you made a mistake and it wasn't so bad, Then don't be all pissy because you made the extra effort and didn't go to the top of the charts.Everything wins and losses is incremental.Embrace it, enjoy it.Learn from it.Grow from it, and for God's sakes, keep going.Mistakes, especially the minor ones,are often a blessing in disguise.Because they prevent you from making errors on the bigger level.These lower consequence mistakes give you a chance to improve.Because if they were bigger and if you were in a bigger position and you made a mistake at that level, it would've destroyed.You destroy.So it's a protection.just imagine.If the position that you wanted right now position, whether it be professional or position in life, and you made a mistake at that level using the level of knowledge and wisdom that you have and training that you have now,you wouldn't be able to handle it.It'd be like from a crop duster plane mentality to a fighter jet.You couldn't handle the GForce blow you apart.You pass out.That's why time is there to protect you, man.So that way it won't destroy you.When you get to the higher level you're gonna get there so these lower consequences give you a chance to bounce back and come back at it.So embrace.The incrementalism of time.Be proud of what you're doing today, dude.You're laying the brick, you're going back at it every single day.That's good.And know that if you continue to do this and because time is working for you.Five years from now, you're not even gonna recognize who you once were.You're gonna be so far down the path.You're gonna be like, thank God it took me that long.When you're moving forward,it seems like it's forever.But when you start achieving massive success and look back, it's not that long.It doesn't seem that long.The days are long, but the years are short.You know, I started this episode7 78, and I look back at my podcast I was just talking to my daughter about this last night.And she's starting the paint, and she was like, well, you know, I just think I'm thinking about it too much.I said, yeah, you're trying to be perfect on painting number three, but when you're on painting number 500, you're gonna look at painting number three.What you thought three.And you thought it all the way through.You thought it was really good, but when you're on 500 and look back at three,you're gonna be like, wow, that was.Elementary, dear Watson, and it's the same thing for my podcast.And that's what I was explaining to her., episode three 50, I thought it was just a banger.I thought it was just really good.And now I listen to it Today I am like, F what are you trying to say?I don't understand.But see, I had to put number three 50 in.In order to get to 800.That's how it works.That's how time works.So I find deep satisfaction, even though it's frustrating at times, that I'm continuously improving, knowing that there's only a, a handful of older episodes that I even like, but the protection of that time gives me a chance to cultivate and also provides a safety net for me to cultivate that in.It's my incubator.Time is your incubator.So while I'm cultivating the message,I'm also developing a strong work ethic.See, I have a full-time job.I have a family.I have my health to consider.Those are all priority.And so how do I fit all this in to work ethic?How to have a work ethic.If success would've came to me instantly,I would've settled for mediocrity because I would've been putting out shallow pieces of work that I could just churn out and five minutes,that's how I started these episodes.They only gave me five minutes to record an episode.That was all the, the bandwidth that, the Anchor app, which is now Spotify, that's all they allotted.So I had to get the message out in five minutes and I was committed to doing it every single day.And it develops a work ethic,but the content's not very deep.Had it been an instant success, I would've continued on that and said, well, it's working and put out five minute episodes and not have to give much thought to what I'm putting in for the next episode.It'd be just some shallow work.You get what I'm saying?So it's that absence of immediate success.The resilience that's built through time, that is hone my skills that has made my message sharper,cleaner, and more impactful.Now also just talked about this on the previous episode, 7 77.Check it out.The challenges of time forced me to confront my frustrations.Confrontation is one of the five Cs that it takes to be successful in life, communication, curiosity,creativity, continuous learning and action, and productive confrontation.So when I'm frustrated, I gotta confront that because I got another episode to come out with.Sometimes it seems like it's for nothing.But see, it's confronting those frustrations where I start negotiating with myself.Well, you know, I just,I don't have enough time.There's never enough time.And understand this man, there's never gonna be enough time for you,especially when you view it through the lens of an unstructured regimen.The time crunch and the lack of time that you have is a blessing because that's what drives the efficiency.That's what teaches me and will teach you to do more with less.It's Parkinson's law, the time you have.This is what you'll fill it with.That's what Parkinson's law basically is.If you have five days to complete a task,you're gonna use up all five days and you're not going to use them to your benefit.You're just gonna sit on it and be like, oh, I have time.I have time, I have time.Then the last hour or so at the deadline is when you're gonna whip something up.So that lack of time is not enough time.That time crunch doesn't give you the space to let up.So you gotta figure things out and maximize your efficiencies.So that way.You could make a big impact because I have the lack of time I have to prepare.It's all about the preparation, being able to adapt as reps and learning through additions and subtractions, keeping in what needs to be kept in and eliminating what doesn't, just doesn't fit in this.That's the way you, you hone to refine what it is that you're doing in life and bring maximum value and impact.So don't get bogged down.Because the pace is slower for you right now.Time's not working against you, man.It's arming you with tools for efficiency and resilience.It's creating a buffer between the effort and the desired results, helping you refine your skills to handle the success whenever it finally comes.I'd love to have four hours every day in my perfect world to just relax and read and write, share a little bit.I'd love to have four hours,but I don't have that luxury.It's a challenge.And that challenge is a blessing because it teaches me to achieve more with less.I 100% believe my thoughts and my messages are worth millions.I don't see that right now.That's all right.Time is on my side, until then,I'll leverage the protection of time to grow and improve in the intervals that I have and prepare myself to receive and sustain ultimate success when it comes.All right.Let me leave you with a, a few questions.And then answer 'em.But write 'em down, man.Write the answers down.It's important because this is what unspool your thoughts.Don't sit there and just think that you have all the answers in your mind.You're gonna find that what you think and how you write could be totally different.Just try to fill a page up with these three questions if you can just make that the challenge.How can you shift your perspective to see time as an ally rather than an adversary, an enemy?And how will this change the way that you approach your day-to-day task and long-term goals?Knowing that time is actually a protection mechanism and think how liberating that is, man.When you, when you realize that time is protecting you, think about how you're gonna approach your day-to-day task.Think about how you approach the level of success that you want to.Understanding that the time it takes to achieve success isn't in microwave form.It's probably in marathon form.Iron Man form was an Iron Man.The swimming, the biking, the running.It could be that, man, it could be that, but it's all there to protect you.Second question, what are some small mistakes that you've made recently that, looking back on it,you're thankful that you made them?At that level and those lower level mistakes, they actually protect you from making larger errors while learning invaluable lessons.How can you better appreciate these stepping stones in the future so when they come up, it's not the world's conspiring against you.Zoom out and you say,this is protecting me.Why?What's the lesson here?And the last question I wanna leave you with,in what ways has time fostered a stronger work ethic so you can refine your skills in the meantime?Time is not mean.Mean time is along the way.So while you move forward, how can I use that time better as a tool for growth and preparation, doing more with less.Stop throwing your hands up.Tell you something, man, 99.9% of society says, I just don't have time for anything.I don't have time for it.But the truly impactful and successful ones you notice, they don't even talk about time and the lack thereof.They understand that everybody's got24 hours, but they have a process and they have an appreciation of time.The protection of time and realize that time is a protection and they implement a process to do a few things.Every single day process has gotten me to where I'm at today.I'm in the best shape of my life.I'm able to manage my health, my family, my full-time career, and a top 3% podcast in the world.I'm able to put all that together and put out more content every day.I'm able to do all that cuz of process.Is time a crunch?Yeah.But it's there and I'm gonna squeeze every bit of the juice that's available while I'm here, and I hope you do too.So let's get outta here.Thanks so much for being a part of the Marsh Buice Podcast.Remember, keep it simple, keep it moving.Never settle.Keep selling.See you next time.