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July 11, 2021

648. My daughter's drawings suck! How she keeps a creator's eye & carves into her craft.

648. My daughter's drawings suck! How she keeps a creator's eye & carves into her craft.

My daughter's drawings suck! Her words, not mine. Like any proud dad, I hang her drawings up in my office. When I came home from work the other night, she told me how embarrassed she was of the drawing hanging in my office. Then she ran to her room and grabbed her sketchbook to show me what she'd drawn since then.

She was right. Her drawings were remarkably better than before & they'll get even better if she maintains her creator's eye and keeps carving into her craft.

How about you? Are you stuck at stick figure level or are you relentlessly carving into your craft?

Many people get the degree, start the business, complete the training, or obtain the license thinking that they're finished just because they started. Life thinks otherwise.

Today I'm asking you to return back to your canvas, put on your beret, grab some colors, and start designing your life in 3 ways:

Grinding: But it's not grinding just to grind.
Forming: Through addition and subtraction.
Shaping: Until you see the results. 

Thanks for playing today's episode. 

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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough. 


You got the diploma, you got the license, you finished the training class and you thought you were done. Because you had that stick figure mentality. You got into it. You started the business, you started the blog, the podcast you started teaching. You started these things and you thought just because you started that you were finished, and you thought you were going to hit this instant success. You think that your work is just as good as the person that you're emulating. And so you hold your work out into the world and what you think is a masterpiece. Life looks at you and says, oh no, my friend, that's just a stick figure. My daughter. McKinsey's drawings Suck. . Versus what they were a year ago. And she told me that not me because like any proud dad, dude, I hang up those drawings. And one day we were on the phone. She FaceTimed me while I was at work. And in my office, when you walk through my office, you'll see behind me, um, are all kinds of drawings, uh, right here in the office. If you're watching this on video, you'll see the drawing. There's one of her drawings of a chameleon that she did for me. I think she did it this year. And. So, anyway, we're talking, she FaceTimed me, we're talking, she doesn't say anything. Um, about the picture that's behind me until I get home that night. And when I got home that night, she said, dad, I'm so embarrassed. I'm like, why baby? She said that drawing that's behind you in your office is terrible. And you know, I kind of looked at it. I'm a proud dad. I think it was a good job. And she ran to her room and she brought me her sketchbook and she started flipping the pages of the sketchbook. And she walks me through each one of the drawings and she pointed out also where she had trouble and what she did to correct it. I didn't see the trouble on the page. I didn't see any of that look fine to me, but as she kept flipping the pages, the shading and the attention to detail, she was right. Her drawings are way better than they were a year ago. And I would venture to say, man, that her drawings a year from now are going to be even better than that, but they won't get better just because she hung around. They'll only get better. If she maintains a creator's eye. And let me tell you what a creator's eye is. A creator's eye is where you always look at your craft and you're never satisfied. There's always something you could do a little bit different. And so if she maintains this creator's eye, like she's been doing that's the only way she's gotten better is because she looks at. And she says, you know what? I could make this eye a little bit better. I can make this tale a little bit better. You know what I, I don't, I don't like the way I did the nose. And with that creator's eye, what she does is Mackenzie keeps she'll erase, she'll revise, and sometimes do Childers. Totally wad it all up and start over again, going to a room some days, man. And there's wads of paper all over the bed. Because she can't get it. And she doesn't like it. So she wads it up and she starts over again. She's always carving into her craft. Are you? Every day are you carving into your craft? Or , are you stuck at stick figure level? Let me tell you what stick figure level is. Stick figure level, man is where you got the degree. You got the diploma, you got the license, you finished the training class and you thought you were done. You never going to be done. You're never going to arrive. Because there's always another mountain higher waiting for you to climb because you had that stick figure mentality. You got into it. You started the business, you started the blog, the podcast you started teaching. You started these things and you thought just because you started that you were finished, no, my friend you're just starting and you thought you were going to hit this instant success. You think that your work is just as good as the person that you're emulating. And so you hold your work out into the world and what you think is a masterpiece. Life looks at you and says, oh no, my friend, that's just a stick figure. Comedian, Howie Mendell recently said, watching Richard Pryor perform. Was an experience like no other. Because no matter what was going on in Richard Pryor's life, his personal life, he had this ability to step on stage and he would start with just this splash of paint. Across the canvas of his set. And he said you would stand in the back of the room and you would naturally think who would buy this. How did he get to where he is today? I can do that. But as the set continued, you didn't know where he was going, but what Pryor had the amazing ability to do. He would shade and he would color it and , he would insert more detail and it ended up becoming a beautiful masterpiece reading that man, I thought of all my episodes of the sales line. We're on 648, but if I go back and listen to episodes one through 500, I hate every one of them, but what's crazy is, and there are many of these I could vividly remember. I listened to them over and over and over again. I recorded I rerecorded and when I published them, I said, man, this is good. I thought it was good. And I go back and listen to it today. And I'm like, oh, this is garbage. I'm surprised people even still listen, but see, I'm always carving into my craft. And like I told Mackenzie, You had to do all the bad drawings in the past to get to a better drawing today. Like for me, with The Sales Life I had to do 647 bad episodes to get to number 6 48. But it's not just doing them just to do it's carving into my craft. It's having that creator's mind. And let me tell you what carving into your craft and that creator's mind. Here's a, here's a test for you. If you don't at times, just want to quit your craft. Like literally, dude, like you just want to throw your hands up and you say, I'm done. I quit and you do it. You walk away from it, but then you have that pull , something pulls you back and whether it be a few hours from now or whether it be the next day, you walk back in and you say, Now where were we? It's carving into your craft. You can't let it go. You think you're done? You say that's it when deep down that's it for now, I'll be back. It's something, man that you just relentless about coming back at it because you know, there's more in there, you know, you have not tapped the vein yet. And so you come back. And you create and you create and you create that's what having that creator's mind is. That's what is going to take you from the sticks figure level to masterpiece where millions are impacted by your work, but it doesn't get there. Just because you hung around, it gets there because of three things you got to grind, you gotta form. And then it's got to have shape and there's up there on my wall behind me. There's a little circular plaque that says rise and grind. And many people use that as their mantra, but you don't grind just the grind. You start with that creator's mind you grind, but you don't grind just to grind because if you grind just the grind, you're going to end up with dust... Let me tell you what grinding is. Grinding is removing the excess. What doesn't belong and it's pushing yourself super, super hard, because you're pushing beyond this governor that you have, these self-imposed limitations. See, what's hard for you is only hard because this is as far as you've ever gotten, but you can't handle more. until you can't handle more. So in the grind is where you get to a full capacity. And then you keep loading the bar and you put even more than that on there where you, I, everything's shaking... You feel like you're going to crack. You feel like mentally, you're going to crack physicallyyou're going to crack. Yet you end up surviving and guess what? You come back the next day. And what was once the ceiling now is the floor. And you're able to handle more now because you just put the grind on to increase your capacity. I had this the other day, man, you know, business in sales business goes down and have him ebb and flows, man. It goes up and down and with the chip shortage, we haven't been as busy as we normally are. And so what happens, selling is a perishable skill. Use it or lose it. And so if I don't have that much business, then what happens is these walls start coming in a little bit. Right? And so you get to a new set point. That's actually less than what it was before. So as business then starts to increase. If you don't purposefully push that thing out, then you're going to bang on , the closed in wall and think that's all you can do. So the other night we were done as business. I still had a couple of more deals that they were going to parlay until the next day. Cause I hadn't even reached out to the customer too busy. I stayed. And did those deals it wasn't super late.The store was done. I told them, lock me in and I did it because yes, I could start the next day, but I did it because I had to move. I had to grind. I had to move that point back out. So that way I could increase the volume, the capacity. Again, I purposefully did that. Loaded the bar, pushed my mental faculties a little bit harder and further where it was screaming at me to go home. Everybody else's home. Why don't you go. You're a senior guy. No, stay finish. That's that grind. And then I increase the capacity. And as you grind like clay on a Potter's wheel, you're removing the excess. And now what you're starting to do is you're starting to form it. You're forming your craft with that creator's eye. You're saying, oh, I like this detail. Let me try this. And then it falls apart. And then start forming it again, add some more, take off a little bit less, try this. Creator's mind magic. And you're shading and you're detailing. And you're constantly looking at that and you're forming it to shape the results that you want to see. If it doesn't take shape, even though you get finished air quotes finished and the shape, doesn't equal the results. What life is telling you is you're not done. It's not a stick figure, but it's not a masterpiece either. So you got to grind some more. You got to form it some more and you keep shaping shape, shape, shape, and you see the result in your mind. See the results. Aren't just what I normally are. Your results are uncommon. It's the above and beyond. It's what you can't literally touch right now. I don't even know what that, for me, it's the sales life global all over the world. So every episode, man, it's a grind. It's a forming. It's a shaping until I see the results. You'll see it when you believe it, keep that creator's mind. Thanks so much for pushing play. If I can help you DM me, I'm on all the socials. Be glad to help you out. You are the only way that we can grow the sales life podcast. You can't do it without. And so your share your review, your rating, every one of them count so with that remember the greatest sale that you will ever make is the sale on you because you're more than enough. Never settle, keep selling your way through life, no matter what, stay in the sales life.