One of my favorite podcasts & people to follow is Heather Monahan. She’s got such great energy & has no problem sharing her scars along with her scars. As a single parent, Monahan found herself on a course for reinvention after suddenly being fired from an executive position.
They actually did her a favor 😉.
Monahan is a rock star in her own right & today she owns her life & is more successful than ever.
Today we are riffing from Chapter 7 of Monahan’s book “Confidence Creator.” How often do you say “I’m sorry,” for things you have nothing to be sorry for?
Her challenge is now a your challenge in your SalesLife. Stop apologizing for things you don’t need to apologize for.
Connect & say Hi 👋 to Heather Monahan on IG @heathermonahan. Grab a copy of her book here & subscribe to her amazing podcast.
Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.