Welcome to the "What's Your Problem?" Community!
May 15, 2020

500. It’s not your fault...but it is your responsibility.

500. It’s not your fault...but it is your responsibility.

“When’s the last time you took responsibility OVER everything in your life?” ~Mark Metry author of “Screw Being Shy.”

Most equate responsibility with fault.

Some things weren’t your fault- they were out of your control...but it is your responsibility on who you become over those events.

Response-able. Your ability to decide & act.

SHOW NOTES! https://marshbuice.wordpress.com/2020/05/15/500

TSL Action Item:

1. What will you take responsibility over that has been a fault in your life?

2. Make a 30,60,90 day responsibility contract. Specifically what are you heading for? (Renew it if need be)

Special thanks to Mark Metry for today’s episode.

Email me @ thesaleslife1@gmail.com

If you ❤️ today’s episode share it with someone who needs this message or copy the link and share it on your socials. This will help spread the message of TSL. This episode was recorded on Facebook Live. Connect with me and say 👋 @marshbuice on Facebook Get show snippets on IG, LinkedIn, & TicTok 💪One last thing 🙏 at least thumb a quick rating & if you have a few minutes in the drive thru leave a review telling others what you think of the show. You’re the only way the show can grow & need your help. I’m @ thesaleslife1@gmail.com

Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/marshbuice/message

Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.