Others not circumstances are taking you down. You’re taking you down through your tendencies. ...............................🚨
Your TSL Never Settle Action Steps:
1. What are 1 or 2 tendencies that are taking you down. (Be honest with yourself. What you shrug off is probably what’s hindering you.)
2. What have you been doing?
3. What SPECIFICALLY will you do differently.
📧 me & tell me @thesaleslife1@gmail.com
Today's show notes are right here! https://marshbuice.wordpress.com/2020/05/04/tendencies-take-you-down/
If you ❤️ today’s episode share it with someone who needs this message or copy the link and share it on your socials. This will help spread the awareness of TSL. This episode was recorded on Facebook Live. Connect with me and say 👋 @marshbuice on Facebook, IG, LinkedIn, & Twitter. 💪One last thing 👍a quick rating & if you have a few minutes in the drive thru leave a review telling others what you think of the show. You’re the only way the show can grow & need your help. I’m @ thesaleslife1@gmail.com find value in today’s episode or leave a message in the anchor message app below. It goes straight to me. 👇👇👇👇 Never settle keep selling your way through life matter what.
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/marshbuice/message
Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.