As a Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink is a certified hulk of a man bad ass. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to tangle with him, but he said that now that he’s trained in jiu jitsu he gets in less altercations. 🔥”The more I know the less I fight.” 💪Think about the fights you’ve found yourself in Life. Often times you fought because you did not know, but once you’ve gone through the experiences & win or lose drawn from those experiences, you carried them forward, you’ve had to fight less & position more. 💪You find you’re able to walk into situations and instead of reacting wildly, you have a coolness about you that others seem drawn to. You’re able to asses and adjust in a more productive way. 🔥Today’s podcast dives into not only taking on initial fights, but also leveraging your situations moving forward. ⭐️ If you found value in this podcast please share with others. ⭐️⭐️PLEASE RATE & REVIEW the show as a way of showing your support. ⭐️⭐️⭐️I’m on IG, Twitter, Facebook, & LinkedIn @marshbuice
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Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Never settle. Stay tough.